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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. Interesting. I haven't heard that. I've only heard where she said they told her she failed the question she was asked if she knew what happened to Lisa? I am like you I've trie not to get so involved like I did with Caylee but I am finding that I am. I AGREE!!!! But, if it helps any Nancy is not on due to DWTS. Jane Valez-Mitchell is hosting Nancy's show right now. Good possibility. The Dad is just SO passive he drives me nuts - he seldom speaks and never changes his expression. Mom changing her story/timeline, etc doesn't look good for Baby Lisa at ALL!?!?!?
  2. Need a DJ? Need professional entertainment on a budget? If so I've got your guy! YEARS of experience with happy references you can talk to. REASONABLY Priced. Not only can he play music of your choosing he can also sing to the Special person or any requested songs!! More than just someone spinning CD's - a proven entertainer!! Perfect for home or company Holiday parties, birthday, anniversary, retirement parties, weddings and/or receptions just to name a few of previous gigs. You will NOT be disappointed!!
  3. I caught bits and pieces of it but from what is being reported it "appears" law enforcement might be onto something. They have said they removed "evidential" items from the home. This includes a huge piece of carpet that was removed. They also have taken in x-ray equipment to scan underneath the floors, inside the walls, pipes, etc looking for somewhere Lisa could be buried. The neighbor who was drinking all evening with the mother on the porch has not said if she saw the baby during the 4 hours or so she was at the home. Anyone get anything else from the show???
  4. It is bad enough that they WORK THE SYSTEM but this is just sickening!!!!!
  5. Cooked a pork roast in the crock pot all day then chopped it up to make BBQ sandwiches. Home-cut french fries (for me) and sweet potato fries (for DH). Baked beans with sauteed onions in bacon & fixings. I am stuffed!!
  6. BUT.......IF a teacher and most definitely the Principle gave me a spanking at school.....Lord have Mercy on my back side by time my Daddy got finished with me!!!!!
  7. I have some really good yet at times heated discussions about sports. But, I always say "it sure would be a BORING world if we all cheered for the same NASCAR driver, football team, etc." Same applies here as well.
  8. True. The news reports stated they do hear all kinds of excuses in that area because of being close to the hospital. But, in seeing the couple on TV they would have appeared to be legit. All he had to do was escort them to the hospital and THEN if the driver was not being honest given him the ticket. The poor lady had blood clots in her lungs causing the pain. Those minutes they were retained could have led to this story having a VERY sad ending!! There has been a HUGE outcry and the police have released the audio tape of the stop.
  9. The answer to one of the questions we've been asking in this thread: Where was Lisa when the mother and her brother were buying the wine? On Nancy Grace just now it was reported she was at the store prior to the husband going to work and he was at home with Lisa. Of course if the report earlier today that the husband had worked a double shift it wouldn't have been possible for him to be with the baby. SO....maybe no answer after all???
  10. On CNN Prime News they just reported two women with a baby that looked like Lisa was seen in a restaurant in Manhattan, Kansas. What made it suspicious is that they left without eating. But, from prior cases similar to these we know there will be dozens of "sightings" of her.
  11. Reckon this is the same "unknown source" that also hired Bill Stanton to investigate where Lisa is and has posted the $100,000 reward??? Neither Bill Stanton nor the high profile attorney came cheap either!!! I can't really say I blame them for getting an attorney to protect their rights. It is obvious they (or at least the Mother) are considered the prime suspect and the officials continue to ask the same questions over and over in an attempt to get them to slip up. But, to go with one so high profile??? But, then again, he has proven himself to be a good attorney in similar situations.
  12. I have read this on here before but I don't think so. Mother's have thought they could fabricate a story and get away with murder forever. You might be right but I don't think the Anthony case had any bearing on Lisa missing. Initially she stated she checked on Lisa at 10:30 but today when she admitted she was drunk that night it was reported she also changed her story to say she put her to bed at 6:40 and that is the last time she saw her.
  13. S-O-R-R-Y!!!!! Guess I shoulda kept my two cents outta the thread since I was the one who first posted I didn't watch anymore. Sadly, YEP.
  14. In all the interviews with the parents, analysis by attorneys, investigators, Nancy Grace, etc, etc I have yet to hear ANY any discussion or explanation as to where the baby and/or sons were when she and her brother were at the store buying wine. I haven't heard that. IF she was on the front porch with the neighbor you would think she would have heard someone climbing in the window??? I thought she was asleep and now drunk when the baby went missing???? I also heard it reported that both Lisa's parents and the neighbors have large dogs in the back yards yet no one heard a dog bark at
  15. YEP the story is changing and once that starts the lies/cover-up/deception will begin to unfold. She may not remember what happened because of being drunk. But, she remembers enough to change the story from the last time she saw Lisa being 10:30PM to now it was 6:30PM. Not only was Lisa in the home but also her two half-brothers, ages 6 & 8. The parents are refusing to let the investigators interview the two boys saying they don't want them traumatized any further. Could it be the parents are working on the boys and their memory of that night? I know that may sound cynical, BUT???? Of cour
  16. I quit watching it mid last season although I had always enjoyed it up until then. The storyline wasn't as good when they started messing with the cast.
  17. YUMMMMMMM Great price on a great lunch/dinner!!
  18. This happened to a friend of mine. The doctors actually told her they thought the change in her hormones when she became pregnant caused the cancer. Needless to say her daughter is an only child. She never had anymore trouble after her daughter was born and they removed the cancerous lump. I saw her interview this AM and she said of all the doctors she has seen for fertility issues this doctor was the first to insist she have a mammogram prior to the treatment. Otherwise it would not have been found so early. It is very sad for her and her husband. It is also sad so many couples are like
  19. I just watched the video on yahoo before coming to p.com. SO SAD!!! It is a risk ALL race car drivers (and fans) know is there but you just never expect a crash to end with a fatality. It was a horrific crash. RIP Dan Wheldon.
  20. AWESOME - CONGRATS to your Uncle!! Also if a family member or friend wants to be a donor and is not a match there is a swap program available where they would give a kidney to someone they did match and the same would happen with their family member/friend.
  21. I was the 4th family member (brother, sister & 1st cousin) to have a kidney transplant and the only one who did not have to go on dialysis. We all inherited polycystic kidney disease and it was never a question of "IF?" but "WHEN?" we would have one. I would cry every time my nephrologist mentioned dialysis but eventually I told him I HAD to start it - I was so sick from the toxins. (But, not until after my transplant did I realize just how sick I had been!!!) I had surgery for the port to begin peritoneal dialysis just 4 days before I got the call from Emory that a kidney was a match for
  22. THANK YOU!!! Gotcha down for one UGA. I can see where your son would like this one with the quarterback. You can drop by the cash or if you want to pay via paypal with paypal account or credit card you can do that way as well. Just let me know which you prefer and I can send ya additional information. THANKS again.
  23. Meeting friends at Rodney's for a good juicy ribeye. It'll be a salad w/ extra tomatoes and ranch dressing and fried taters with mine. It's been a week of chicken, chicken and more chicken with a bit of Mexican thrown in. I am craving a hunk of beef!!
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