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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. I am so sorry - Prayers said for you and the family.
  2. Oldest DGD went to the doctor this week with the same symptoms and they said it is allergies. But, they did test her for N1H1. Said it is mandatory by CDC everyone who comes in with the symptoms has to be tested. I hope you get to feeling better, Zoo!
  3. Nice looking children!!! (He is a bit dwarfed by his truck, isn't he??? LOL)
  4. TOO FUNNY!!! And, yes, your DGD is adorable. I miss mine being babies - but they will ALWAYS be my babies.
  5. THANK YOU!!!!! I really need to take a current picture of her because she is HUGE and even more beautiful now. Everyone that comes to the door comments on how large she is and how beautiful she is. She is spoiled rotten and a Daddy's girl........Her Daddy feeds her filet mignon Friskies dry and turkey and cheese shredded canned - that is all she will eat - she has him trained.
  6. THANKS Ya'll!!!!!! It means a lot to know I was missed - I was here at the house. I didn't have a ride. Both of my children were unavailable. I thought about ya, tho, and posted in a thread where it was asked who all was going for ya to eat some soup for me. Hopefully it will work out so I can go next week. I REALLY miss seeing everyone at the lunches!!!!
  7. ME TOO. Thanks for looking out for the boy, RG. Yeah, I was going to say: I "thought" you were my friend. Hope to see you there!! And, be sure to tell your brother and his family, too. We saw them briefly at the Rodeo.
  8. I hope they are able to launch this time. :::fingerscrossed:::
  9. Congratulations on your new home!! And, yes, Shawna is da .
  10. I could not have said it better so I will just repeat the above statement. May God give you peace and comfort during this time. God will hold Michelle in His loving arms.
  11. Me too............but, what else is new????
  12. I hope the child is okay. Bless her heart - it had to scare her to death, and your daughter, too. Since the dog has not bitten before and there is no history of the dog having bitten anyone, there would be no grounds for a lawsuit. And, especially if the child doesn't have any lasting scarring, etc, no reputable lawyer would take on the suit, anyway. Hopefully you and your neighbor can work this out. You are a good neighbor to take responsibility for the situation and offer to pay the medical bills. Just keep your dog secure and wait to hear from A/C. They will guide you from there. Let us kno
  13. POOR PUBBY!!! Hope he gets to feeling better SOON.
  14. Just a reminder about tomorrow night. Looking forward to a lot of laughs, good food and great entertainment. Hope to see ya'll there.
  15. Shower unless I am in the mood for a nice leisurely bubble bath. What is your favorite sit down restaurant?
  16. The victim suffered from "Stockholm Syndrome" where after a period of time she identified with her captors. There are a lot of mental games that these villains play and the brainwashing is unlimited. And, just like Elizabeth Smart - who was taken and had many opportunities to leave her captors - they begin to feel an obligation to them. As horrific as the physical abuse was, the emotional and mental abuse will be long lasting. And her poor children do not know any other life exist. There will a lot of work and therapy ahead for this family. I saw an interview with her step-father who att
  17. Yeah and when you get hers all pretty we have an F-150 that will need a good wash after all this rain ending the drought.
  18. Awwwww.....nothing is as comforting as a momma's lap.
  19. My babies, Maranda (28) and Wade (18) DGD's Anna (5) and Erin (eight) with Uncle Wade (18) at the Rodeo DGD'a Anna (was 4) and Erin (was 7) Christmas 2008 10 year old Snickers with 5 yr old DGD, Anna 14 year old Riley Snick, again........ Riley, again........ 2 year old Luci-Lu (not a current pic as she is huge now. LOL)
  20. Did her doctor order Home Health Care for her? If not, that might be an option to have a nurse and a nutritionist come by her home 2-3 times a week and try to help find someone she would eat that would be healthy. Your husband is in a difficult situation and I hope she starts eating.
  21. Was the cut off to pay last night at 5:00?? I had planned to come by there but it was later than that when we got home from the DENTIST (on your Dental Plan - which BTW, I highly recommend if anyone needs a Dental Plan)
  22. Charcoal - (nothing beats a good steak cooked on charcoal) What is your normal bedtime?
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