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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. I have two basic, inexpensive t-mobile phones. Nothing fancy. I also have a Sidekick but DS has misplaced the back of it.
  2. Well darn............we've been lied to all our lives and the elementary school American History books are wrong about Betsy Ross. Some very interesting reading.
  3. Oh no.......gotta be red or purple for me.
  4. I bet something on here can make ya smile. www.peopleofwalmart.com
  5. Happy Birthday!! And, I agree - considering the alternative I will take every birthday the Good Lord will give me.
  7. AMEN!!!!! Coming home from the beach, DH and I were on I-85 when a car hydroplaned on the OPPOSITE side of the interstate. She came across the median and went right in front of us, hitting the retaining wall and going backwards in the emergency lane outside my passenger window. Talk about SCARY!!!
  8. GOOD ONE!! Yes she is in Myrtle Beach. Lucky Dog!
  9. DD will be 29 in December - that IS SO YOUNG!!!! Prayers for the young man and his family, loved ones.
  10. Yes, I found that out when I had a PM saved in my box and one day I saw a name in my box that I didn't recognize. I had to read the PM to figure out why I had their PM in my box and who they were.
  11. I currently have 109 PM's in my box with the oldest being Dec. 11, 2008 that is a potato soup recipe a good friend sent me and I want to keep. I will go in and delete PM's when I see my box getting about 75% full. But, when I am talking back and forth with someone trying to resolve a problem or needing a service from them, I keep all the PM's.
  12. THANKS 1novella for posting the video - yes, a picture is worth a 1000 words. And, I remember the first time I heard Alan Jackson sing that song at the Awards show, too. My children are downtown for the GT game. I just called them to tell them I loved them.
  13. The OBVIOUS: My Family My Dachshunds And then there is (in no particular order): Laptop Cable/Internet/Power Cell Phone Medications (Literally) Food Sweet Tea Sleep A/C (You know the saying "Momma Ain't Happy Ain't Nobody Happy"?? Well.........let Momma get hot, hungry, not have any sweet tea and sleep deprived and AIN'T NOBODY HAPPY - Guaranteed!!!! And, it is a family joke about me and my laptop - I am on it ALL the time and never have the TV off - watching it or not.)
  14. A good reason to always put a copy in your "sent" folder.
  15. DH and I were both at home (a year after my transplant and he had back surgery the month before.) I turned on the TV and thought the coverage was of a horrible accident where a plane was flying too low and hit the tower. Then the horror of realization hit along with the second plane hitting the second tower. There was no mistaking then that it was no accident. More horror when the planes hit the Pentagon and in PA. I remember thinking, "Is it ever going to stop?" DH had walked out of the room and I was on the phone with a customer placing an order for sports apparel when I told her I would ha
  16. When a good friend called to tell me, my first reaction was "she is not in the music business." But the more we talked and the more I thought about it the more it makes sense. She will definitely bring an entirely new element to the show. I really thought Victoria Beckham would be the replacement.
  17. I thought someone else had had this happen, Charlies Angels. I really hope DH heals on his own but he is going to have to take it easy and STAY OFF OF IT, which I know will be difficult for him. Prayers for a quick and easy healing.
  18. It is on Fairburn Road in the same shopping center with Beall's Outlet and Fred's. That is good to know. I think in years past GW hasn't been as picky and got a reputation of carrying junk. But, DH and I have found some real treasures and always enjoy the hunt.
  19. I don't think this has been posted before. If so, I apologize. 25 things about to become extinct 25. U.S. Post Office They are pricing themselves out of existence. With e-mail, and on-line services they are a relic of the past. (refer to #9) Packages are also sent faster and cheaper with UPS. 24. Yellow Pages This year will be pivotal for the global Yellow Pages industry. Much like newspapers, print Yellow Pages will continue to bleed dollars to their various digital counterparts, from Internet Yellow Pages (IYPs), to local search engines and combination search/listing se
  20. I had to answer no b/c of health reasons. If I could, I would in a heartbeat!!!! When I was on the list for a kidney, I had friends who offered, but were not a match. Now there is a program where if you are willing to donate but do match your loved one, you can "switch" kidneys and donate to someone who has a willing donor in the same situation and your loved one receives a kidney the same way. WONDERFUL program!!!!
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