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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. Can anyone tell me how to get in touch with the band booster or athletic dept booster President or cheerleader sponsor??? TIA.
  2. I almost panicked when I read this but checked and GAC is still 48 on mine.
  3. YUMMMMM.......That is one of my favorites.
  4. I LOVE the color combination, too. (I forgot to say that before) And, in looking at your photos again: Are your fingernails painted alternating colors??
  5. You could understand it IF it was Alabama ONLY. Really, I don't know how I copied those two to be larger.
  6. I AGREE!! And, it works for me - got me to look. Great Job, S.
  7. http://sports.yahoo.com/golf/blog/devil_ball_golf/post/Attorneys-for-Tiger-Woods-announce-his-divorce-i?urn=golf-264562
  8. I am taking pre-orders for the following throws/blankets for the Holidays. The Tailgate throws were VERY popular last year and this year the vendor has come out with the Locker Room throw which I think is AWESOME. It is a nice compliment to the Tailgate throw. Also available for Florida is the Celebration throw. Please let me know if you would like to pre-order one of these nice throws/blankets. Have a gift/gifts out of the way - no need to worry about what to buy and no last minute spending!! ONLY $20.00 EACH These University fleece throw blankets measure 48" x 60". 100% Polyester, Anti
  9. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!! You and Brian look SO happy and I am so happy for you! CONGRATS AGAIN! Who are your bridesmaids and little ring bearer? They are all too cute.
  10. DH has been rushed to the ER on numerous times with classic symptoms of a heart attack but his heart was fine. This happened several times and he would leave a hospital stay without any answers. After a cath and many other tests is was determined this is his problem. GOOD LUCK and as others have said be persistent.
  11. Thanks everyone - I will pass this info along. A couple of people I know are wanting to look into it since the employment possibilities are just not out there.
  12. Anyone know of a good temp agency to apply with??? When we first moved here in 1996 I worked with one on Thornton Road. I didn't know if there are any around here or any that someone has experience with and could recommend. I know a couple of people that are wanting to look into it. TIA
  13. I know, I was thinking the same thing a few runs ago. This is the status on FB I posted when the game started: "is watching Lou Piniella manage his last game for the Chicago Cubs. I have the utmost respect for a man who has the money to pay for the best to take care of his Mom. But, he is leaving a job he loves to do it himself. Mrs. Piniella you raised a good boy!!! Now.....GO BRAVES!!!!!"
  14. J-Rod's is in the building where Fatback's was near Advanced Auto Parts and across the street where Carl Black was (sorta).
  15. I am so sorry MsGa Storm, how terribly sad. My prayers will be with you and your family members.
  16. I am sorry!!! We have a friend who is highly allergic to shellfish and carries an epi-pen with her all the time. Whenever we go out to eat she has to ask and make sure the french fries or other foods she might order are NOT fried in the same oil as seafood.
  17. On Tuesday and Thursday J-Rod's has catfish - order it extra crispy. YUMMMMM.
  18. A good friend in Snellville made homemade coconut truffles and brownies. She delivered those to DH's work along with Shane's BBQ, mac & cheese, cole slaw and peach cobbler. Love a good meal I don't have to cook!
  19. I was talking to Brenda a few minutes ago and she was talking about how sweet you were and how much she appreciated you fixing her cousins van. She said anytime she needs a mechanic she has found her one!!! I told her about this picture and that I'd send a copy to her. I hope you don't mind that I copied and sent it to her.
  20. I wish I was going but it actually is DS and a friend. They have a FREE place to stay so it will be an inexpensive trip. They actually got pretty good flights, they leave out off ATL at 12:30pm on the 25th and leave out of NYC on the 30th at 8:30am. That will be sorta rough getting to Laguardia for the 8:15 flight, but it could have been so much worse!!!! They will have most of the afternoon and the evening of Wed, all day Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sunday before heading home Monday morning. I thought the exact same thing. :lol:
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