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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. DH is grilling filet mignon med rare (of course)and making cabbage stir fry with bacon & onion and garlic parmesan potato wedges. Rolls. Carrot cake for dessert. I love it when he cooks!!
  2. Thank you all for the kind words. Riley was special, Bless his heart. He didn't have enough sense to get out of the rain (as the old saying goes) but with Riley it was the truth. When he was about 3 yrs old it was "raining cats and dogs" and Riley just stood at the French doors looking at us. He was soaking wet but didn't bark, scratch the door or anything. He just looked at us waiting for someone to notice him. LOLOLOLOL!!!!! Precious memories help. (JMIRANDA Luci didn't die, just Riley. I'm sorry for the confusion. My friend was taking care of the boys and Luci when she discovered Riley
  3. at the Rainbow Bridge. Those of you who have been to my home or just know me by my posts know I am an animal lover, especially of my three dachshunds. Riley was 15 and had been getting more and more frail, feeble, losing his vision and hearing at a more aggressive rate the last couple of months. We had many discussions within the family that it was only a matter of time until he would leave us. We were on a family vacation in Myrtle Beach this past week when Thursday my best friend called DH and told him when she came to take care of the dogs and Luci (our cat) that Riley had died. You can im
  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Grandchildren are God's Blessings and are SOOOOO Special. Hope all goes well with your daughter and the pregnancy. I know you are thrilled beyond belief - enjoy your day!
  5. :::hijack::: I'm glad to see people buying it - I know someone who delivers it and the paycheck is based on the number of papers sold!!!! :::endofhijack:::
  6. CONGRATULATIONS - ALL THREE ARE ADORABLE!!!! Reed and Summer are also children on Young & The Restless Reed is JT and Victoria's son Summer is Nicholas and Phyllis's daughter Both are Victor's Grandchildren
  7. A true narcissist does not feel guilt. Period. That is part of the illness. The ONLY person who matters to them is THEIRSELF. They can justify any and all actions as being someone elses fault. Even murder. They are NEVER the responsible one. A true narcissist doesn't have the feelings of love for anyone else (as healthy people without this mental illness have). They go through the motions and can fake it really good. But......the ONLY person that matters to her (if she falls into this category, which by all accounts she appears to do so) is TERRI. Just as trying to have Kaine killed and then
  8. In one word??? YES. It was just a picture and in her mind she was posting to "appear" everything was "normal". Anyone one who has had dealings with a true narcissist - it is really, really scary!!!!!
  9. I have forwarded the info to a good friend that lives in Acworth and is an AVID golfer - he's even played on the original golf course in Scotland!! LOL. I am sending you a PM to get the flyer as he is interested but I couldn't copy the flyer to send to him.
  10. THANKS, I thought so. They do have a lot of facial resemblence but I agree it would be difficult for DeDe to impersonate Terri - especially somewhere that people were used to seeing Terri on a regular bases. I also agree with your assessment of what the investigators are doing and would not be surprised if there is a huge break in this case SOON - or at least I hope so!!! OH LAWD! Her narcissist personality/mental illness is DEEP!!!
  11. Is that DeDe in the top photo and Terri in the bottom photo??
  12. I still have TEXAS, FSU and YANKEES available for ONLY $10.00.
  13. Yeah I think that is the caae. People drive from all around just to see it.
  14. That is interesting. The first McDonald's built in Birmingham, AL is still standing and still doing business with the same blue building/decor it has always been. (Or at least it was the last time I was in the area just a few years ago.) It has been there a lot longer than 30 yrs but has become quite a unique and popular place because of it's longetivity.
  15. It was my understanding when they initially tore down the old one that the playground was the main reason - that it would much improved. DH drove by there about 8 and again about 10 this AM and said both times it was PACKED OUT!
  16. I look forward to trying them, especially the Greek.
  17. THANKS for the info. I was hoping I wasn't that confused. LOL. It is just DH and I so the expense of renting a house is out of the question. Actually we do the condo marketing thing and get a condo CHEAP!!! We made eleven trips to Surfside in 2007 when DS was 16 and lived there performed in a theater. So, we have several places that are our favs in the Surfside, Murrells Inlet area on the south side. But, we have never stayed in the Northern side of MB so we need some recommendations there. My cousin told me about Chesapeake House and I looked at them online. Looks nice and she said it was rea
  18. Thanks for the recommendations. But, isn't Murrels Inlet on the opposite end of MB???? I think it is South of Surfside near Garden City???? We have favorites in Surfside but have never stayed on the North Side. On Tuesday night we will be going to Surfside and eat at our favorite buffet before going to see High Steppin Country - the theater DS performed in the summer of 2007.
  19. The New & Improved McDonalds @ Macland & Bus 6 will reopen for business tomorrow. FYI.
  20. Yes I do have a size 6. I will send you a PM about getting together. THANKS!!
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