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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. Having been a NASCAR fan and LOVING it since the very first race at Talladega and also being in the Sports Apparel business for the past 10+ years this is one thing I can say: NASCAR is a sport that people either LOVE or HATE. You very seldom will come across someone who is lukewarm about it. Those who are fans are avid fans and those who do not like it really DISLIKE it. I don't think badly about anyone who doesn't enjoy it but some people (not you) act like those of us who do enjoy the sport are crazy! BTW, it is only 43 hours until the 2011 season begins. Boogity, Boogity, Boogity.
  2. At the Cup Awards show the year Dale died they did a video of his career while Garth Brooks sang "The Dance". I've never heard the song since that I don't see those imagines in my mind. It is hard to believe it's been 10 years!! This is a similar video. If you are a NASCAR or Earnhardt fan have the tissues handy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkRq-6tXOBg
  3. Hummmmmm????? I haven't noticed that. Could be.
  4. Yeah, we have always been avid NASCAR fans having grown up going to races at Talladega as kids. But, last year we seldom even watched a complete race. I think everyone knew something was terribly wrong as soon as it happened~nothing was being said on TV about it and that was rare. Have you seen "The Day" on SPEED??? It is very good but broke my heart hearing the men involved in that day talk about it in tears. I told Doug "I cannot imagine WHAT Shrader saw that day to know it was that bad. He will never get that imagine out of his mind." Bless him! I've heard that quote of Dale's before.
  5. A possibility is the merchandise inside the store belongs to ACE Corporate. IF they are in talks with a new owner they could be taking over the franchise and the deal includes the merchandise inside. It is sad both stores owned by that investor did not succeed but he didn't have the experience needed in the business. I hope they do reopen and are successful.
  6. Sorry. The proxy bid I guess was on a different yet similar site. I've never bid on any of them. I went to the site after seeing this thread and the video on the site had a guy on there who mentioned he had to watch the site for 3 hrs to keep bidding but it was worth it for the deal he got.
  7. A NICE act for a NICE person by a NICE couple. That's so NICE!!! wub:
  8. I agree NASCAR will NEVER be the same. With Dale, Sr you always knew you were in for a show and never knew when to expect it or what it would be! We were at the last race he won sitting on the finish line at Talladega. He was running like 15th and out of nowhere here he came - and WON - it was SOOOOOO exciting!!! Earnhardt had a voice and NASCAR listened to what he said - the garage has not had that voice since. I've been watching the specials on SPEED about Dale, his accomplishments and the loss. Mike Helton's words will forever be burned in my mind. "Undoubtedly this is one of the tough
  9. There are several of those sites popping up these days. I have never bid on one but have watched them many times. From what I understand you place your highest bid but the auction will start at the lowest bid. Each time someone bids your bid goes up until it hits your maximum bid. The catch is every time your bid is placed you are charged $.60-$.75!!! For instance if you placed your max bid at $40.00 and the current bid is $1.10 your bid would be placed and each time someone bid against you your bid would go up. You might end up getting the item CHEAP but you could also spend a small fortune i
  10. Stevie B's. BOGO Buffet so for two it was $10.03. Cheap Date.
  11. I think some of these folks might be needing a sarcastic button beside their questions/statements. It's hard to think of anyone on here honestly not knowing that Fred's has been closed FOREVER and since then has been a popular haunted house?? And, surely no one who spends any time at all on p.com is unaware Hiram Kroger closed?? Or the rumor about Bass Pro?? Just sayin'.
  12. And we are NOT all bad folks - or fans!!! I took a lot of grief for cheering for Auburn in the SEC and BCS games this year. As avid as I am an Alabama fan - I was proud Auburn had the opportunity to win the SEC and National Championship titles! No other state has ever won the Heisman Trophy AND the National Championship two years in a row with two different teams. Quite a feat!! And, I think the punishment you suggested is GREAT! He can do that during the days while spending his nights behind bars. And, we all know how prisoners HATE law enforcement. I don't know who he is going to get to
  13. The incident with Newton's jersey being put on Bear's statute was reported Nov. 19th. Here is a link with the story and pic: http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/news?slug=nfp-20101119_cam_newton_jersey_taped_to_bear_bryant_statue From what I've been reading/hearing there isn't much hope for the trees and they will slowly die. I will see if there is any information about the man arrested to answer your questions and get back.
  14. I've been following this closely since it was reported earlier this week. My blood runs Crimson but I am appalled and saddened by the senseless act. The 62 year old retired Texas State Trooper that has been arrested claims to have done it because the day Bear died Auburn fans rolled Toomers Corner. (An act that up until then had been reserved for celebration of victory.) And, because someone put a Cam Newton jersey on the statue of Bear in Tuscaloosa the week of the Iron Bowl. Neither excuse is good enough - but then again NO excuse is good enough. I am SAD at the loss of the trees and am MAD
  15. YEP.....watching Think that was a bribe to get Steven's vote??? Didn't work for all of them. Looked like the guy that sings Josh Turner gets sent home. He is pretty much "pigeon hole" in what he can sing.
  16. You are kidding, right? Did you read the link~they were NOT flying a dead cat~their kitten was killed enroute on the plane??????
  17. OH WOW!!! I saw on the News where they were filing and would close 30% of their stores. I hate the ones in Georgia are part of the 30%.
  18. What adds to insult is they DID offer more and then made this embarrassing offer. No money can replace a furbaby, BUT......
  19. Gotta LOVE it - Gotta STEAL it!!
  20. I wish DD had a regular work schedule where she could play. She often talks about how she'd like to play on a coed team. She was an all-star 2nd base softball player in HS and offered college scholarships to play. BUT?????
  21. Ridiculous Offer. POOR FURBABY!! http://www.wsbtv.com/news/26885739/detail.html
  22. SORRY!!!! They had the lady bug at Kroger on Saturday. I haven't been since then so not sure if they still have them.
  23. Saturday the Kroger at 278/61 had about a half dozen that were $11.24 and they were the name brand, original Pillow Pets. Businesses had to sign a contract with Pillow Pets that they would not sell them for less than $19.99. That is why when they first came out they were the same price every where: $19.99.
  24. I am sorry your SIL is having to go through this but it is a good thing he is getting it taken care of so he doesn't continue to have it over and over. It is bad enough to be sick but then to feel like your job is threatened is just not fair. You need to read the link about the Federal Medical Leave Act. His job is protected by Federal Law while he is sick if his employer likes it or not. Thoughts and prayers being sent his way~I hope he has a speedy recovery. http://www.dol.gov/whd/fmla/
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