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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. So, I will start one even tho it is a bit late. Chicken breast been cooking in the crockpot all day with a tried and true recipe. (Cream of Chick soup, Cream of Mush soup, milk, onion, green pepper, Worcestershire sauce & lemon juice) Served over rice Mrs. Patty's Potatoes (I know two starches but DH isn't crazy about rice) (cubed and baked with onion and butter) Squash casserole Rolls DH will be home in about 45 mins and dinner will be ready for a change.
  2. Right there with you. Great analogy.
  3. NOPE - I am right there with you. DH, DS and DD all have the Droid and do all sorts of stuff on them, get online, etc, etc, etc. But, I do not want a phone smarter than I am!! I love my basic flip phone - I can talk, text and take pictures if I want to. All the basic stuff but nothing more. LOVE IT!!
  4. Folks don't have ANY idea!!!
  5. I have never known an ACE to stay open past 7:30PM. The majority of people doing home improvements go during the day or right after work. It has been proven staying open past 7:30 has never been cost efficient. Occasionally you will find one staying open later during the holidays as they are not strictly a hardware store with nails and screws. But even then the stores tend to lose money for the customers convenience.
  6. The one on one customer service and knowledge of ACE employees is what you pay extra for. Like you said when you go to the big orange or blue box stores many times one will waste a lot of time hunting someone to help and then that person doesn't have a clue what you are talking about. They will either give incorrect information or find the 2nd, 3rd or 4th person to finally locate someone who has the correct information.
  7. The old management might have been "good" but the owners were not experienced in the hardware business. They spent money on merchandise and equipment that good-talking salesmen persuaded them they needed when they didn't. They were airline pilots with good intentions and wanted to purchase a franchise they were unprepared to make a success. I'm sorry that it closed and wish them luck in future endeavors. Hopefully the new owners will be successful. I am pro-ACE! Does anyone know if the same owners are re-opening the Seven Hills ACE that closed?
  8. NOPE - not watching. I cannot stand TMZ!!!! But, Fox 5 News did drive by here earlier when it was storming.
  9. Last night DH grilled steaks so while he was at it he grilled some boneless chicken breast for tonight. I'm going to make some baked beans, fried taters, cole slaw and texas toast to go with it. Red Velvet cake from Gabrielle's for dessert.
  10. AWWWWWW.....Good to hear from you and the photos are GORGEOUS! Lisa delivered some Avon on Friday and I asked about you and Steve. Take Care.
  11. AMEN!!!! Two back surgeries in 2001 and DH still suffers. His WC settlement was a JOKE! But, everyone told us "they will get you in a position where you will take anything." We were on the verge of losing everything and that is exactly what happened. Makes my blood boil when I see folks that I KNOW are screwing the system - and bragging about it - and seeing what DH still goes through 10 years later. As far as the case the OP posted about - I saw it on the news and she had 6 surgeries. She walks in a boot. She said she'd give all the money back to be able to walk in high heels again as she
  12. YES she did - sweet puppy breath kisses. But, I can assure you he has PLENTY to go around! LOL. Ahhhhhh......Okay.......IF you insist.....you twisted my arm. As you can see he's had experience napping in purses, too. THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR THE SWEET COMPLIMENTS!! This proud Momma really appreciates them.
  13. That is good to know. I knew they served biscuits with their chicken meals but I had no idea they serve "breakfast" biscuits all day/evening? THANKS!!
  14. Our every Friday night date: Benson's. Trying to decide if I want a ribeye or hamburger steak w/ grilled onions & mushrooms? Both are SOOOOOO GOOOOOOODDDDDD!!!
  15. SABAN IS HOME!!!! Photos taken yesterday on our journey from Jackson, GA. Feb. 24, 2011 Napping on my new bear: In Mommy's purse while everyone shops: Posing: Awwwwww..... With Erin With Anna My own Alabama blankie
  16. Anyone watching??? It has been very interesting and all of Diana Ross' kids are on it. She has BEAUTIFUL children and a young GRANDson. They are all to sing with her before it is over. Diana STILL has some amazing pipes!!
  17. From the TMZ quote it sounds like the producers are NOT going to change the guys/girls night to help Casey. Hummmmmmm......double standard here??? Not surprised. Idol has never played by their own rules - and have been known to change them to fit the day/situation. SAD for Casey!
  18. The liver can go QUICKLY upon the onset of symptoms-it is not to be taken lightly or the symptoms ignored. A Dear Friend was at his wife's surprise birthday party on Saturday night and by mid-week he was hospitalized with liver failure. He was able to have a liver transplant a few months later.
  19. We will see if Idol changes the rules for Casey Abrams like they did last year Crystal Bowersox. When she was hospitalized they switched the nights the boys performed and the girls performed so she would have an additional day to recover. Crystal was obviously the judges favorite from the very beginning and they had NEVER done this before for contestants that were sick - and many were VERY sick. I hate it Casey Abrams is sick and I hope they give him the same break as Crystal.
  20. (This is some vital information for those of you now fortunate enough to have been born and raised or lived in the Great State of Alabama. No "Alabama Jokes" are necessary. Just some fun and educational info here.) Essintial Alabama Information: First you must learn how to pronounce the major cities ... Burminham; Huntsvul; Mobeeeel Driving Information: Alabama has its own version of traffic rules. The truck with the loudest exhaust goes next at a four-way stop. The truck with the biggest tires goes after that. Note: Blue-haired ladies driving anything have the right-of-way a
  21. This is EXCITING NEWS!!!! Although my 10 year old GRANDdaughter has a different mutation than the one being used in this study, it is progress. And, each step made toward a CURE is a step closer for my BABY! We have been told since she was diagnosed at 2 months that a CURE is within reach and would be found in a few years. That is why our family has been involved in fundraising to go toward research. This is a prime example of what is being done with that research!!!! I read about this a few weeks ago but it still gets my heart racing to read about it again. A great opportunity to plug PR
  22. OMGOSH!!!!! My mouth is open - they cut Chris!!!! :(
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