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Everything posted by bvrat5199

  1. Flint. If folks knew how trucked up it was they would stop attacking Detroit.
  2. Saw Buddy Guy and BB King together at the House of Blues in Chicago. It was the second greatest show I have ever seen live behind The Rolling Stones with Dave Matthews Band
  3. Good Lawrd. Sad thing was he was my favorite player as a kid. What a smuck.
  4. Attack what? A companies complete negligence towards their customers? Facts are facts. They had no plan to protect their clients and failed to provide contracted services for the THIRD time in FOUR years. At least this didn't result in deaths.
  5. Seriously, why are you defending these folks? Whats in it for you?
  6. I would have been just fine. Lived in Detroit for a while, have a lot of family that still does. The city isn't nearly as bad as the media says it is. Of course I'm also not a chicken sheeze either. You would actually be surprised what it's like to live in an urban setting. Unlike what you here most folks pull together and help each other out, but that doesn't help TV ratings so you get the picture that it is nothing but looting and crime. Crowd control should be part of the plan, rationing supplies, communicating to guest and staff, staff to monitor that guest aren't stockpiling food etc.
  7. We were without power for 10 days in the rural areas of Michigan during that blackout. None of that has anything to do with the fact that this is the FOURTH time in THREE years that this cruise line has had a major issue with no plan of action on how to deal with it. Not sure how anyone can defend them at this point. Right. Blame the folks that trusted they would get what they were contractd to receive not the company that couldn't deliver.
  8. We did OK when this happened.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northeast_blackout_of_2003 The point is that they should have been prepared for this sort of thing as it has happened to them in the past. The cruise line is at fault for poor planning. If you have ever worked in the entertainment industry or guest services you know that every venue, no matter if it is a high rise casino, a concert hall, a football stadium or a cruise has back up plans etc. for the FOURTH time in THREE years this company has proven they either have no plan, or have no way to carry it out.
  9. No, they won't get anything if you listen to the lawyers on TV. If the other 3, including the sinking of a ship and 32 folks dead, didn't banrupt them this won't The lodging etc to get home was because they ported 500 miles off course, so I don't really see that as something these folks gained. OF COURSE they shouldn't pay for this trip as they didn't get what they were contracted to receive. They know damn well most of these folks will NEVER use the free voucher after going through this so really they are paying them off with 500 (if they are over 18) for 5-6 days of living in 10
  10. Not the same boat but this cruise line has had 3 boats (including this one) lose power and one sink in which 32 people died in the last four years per CNN.
  11. I'm sorry but if I drop 2K on a family vaca and I end up floating in a 100 plus degree tin can with little ediable food, piss and sheeze running down the hallways and the only thing they offer me is 500 bucks and a chance to do it all over again I have every right to be pissed off. Especially since this is their FOURTH issue in THREE years.
  12. thi guy can't win for losing but that pic is great.
  13. I don't buy into this crap either. Zoo like a lot of folks is just a headline reader, we have fostered this mentailty as everything is avaiable at a touch of a mouse or click on the notsosmart phone. Folks don't apply common sense.
  14. Yes actually it does when you look at ALL the numbers. Gas prices are up Cotten prices are up Lumber is up. Pork, Beef, Corn, Chicken....ALL UP Avg. price for key grocery items is up Avg. sticker price for cars is up. Cable TV is up. The only way that this SMALL increase in DOLLARS SOLD means SALES are up is if prices are equal or less then the previous year on consumer goods. The increase in dollars sold does not even equal the price inflation year over year.
  15. For the first time in 10 years our company's sales month to month 12 vs 13 were down double digits despite doubling our advertising. Sales are up only because the cost of goods is up, per the article it's not even a 1/4 of a percent on soft line goods. I want to see the numbers adjusted for inflationary growth and the profit margin numbers. THAT will indicate an improving economy, not these fluffed up numbers....and those numbers are down. WAY down. Also you will note the bulk of the growth is in gasoline and building materials. Not all that surprising given the increases in fuel and the m
  16. He's only 1 1/2 he got a cupcake and a book about muscle cars
  17. I think that depends where in Tenn. When we were house hunting we looked in Franklin as I could still make the commute to Bowling Green. Property tax was no where near that cheap....and as we were close to Nashville the sales tax was higher as there is also a "city" sales tax. The sales tax is also on EVERYTHING including food etc. In the end it all evens out.
  18. Its a political game. They cut income tax and raise sales tax and property tax. I always laugh at folks that think its so great to live in Fl or Tx because you don't pay income tax....but your sales tax and property tax is through the roof.
  19. I don't care who you are or who the President is. If you have ever seen AF1 land, as I was fortunate enough to when Bush came to ATL and AF1 flew right over the Home Depot HQ's you BETTER feel damn proud to be an American. You may not like the man or his policy but he is still our President and some of you need to show a little, no a lot, of respect for the office.
  20. ...and here I thought it was for the upcoming zombie attack.
  21. Both. the wife is a couponer but not a coupon hoarder, she leaves some for others. There are cetain items that I don't care what they cost, I will buy them if I need or want them.
  22. Play with them? Sure why not. Do I prefer real, Yeah I do. I would really honestly rather play with a real set of B's then a fake set of D's
  23. Don't get your panties in a bunch. My wife thinks she is just as hawt as I do if that helps. In fact I think she maybe more excited for the mag to hit my mailbox then me. She isn't the standard, she is the EXTREME side of the curve. My wife doesn't send me naugthy pics because we aren't that stupid (you NEVER send that crap out unless you want your boss, mother etc. to see it one day), but she did get my a subscription to Playboy....WHY? Because she realizes that our marriage is about more then physical attraction and I LOVE her I don't love models in mags. I don't stop her from
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