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Everything posted by hart408

  1. I can see why you are irritated with your friend. Sounds like her life isn't as fun as she thought it was going to be, so I guess she is getting her payback. Thank you for posting this. I have friends that are in danger of financial breakdown because they have several condos in PCB. The last few seasons have been so bad they are having a hard time making ends meet. I sent along the information to them. I am hoping they can make a successful claim to help turn things around.
  2. If the funds were for actually maintaining the schools or directly helped students, I would be obligated to vote YES. But, since they are used to build more stuff we don't need, I am deeply committed to my NO vote. The money does NOT go to the schools. It goes to whomever builds the schools or sells land for schools we can't afford right now. In fact, building right now will hurt our existing schools. We would have to pay for school startup and extra payroll for employees for the schools we don't need (along with furniture, books, computers, endless list...)
  3. I wish I didn't know this. Can condo owners get this money if their condos don't rent out like they used to?
  4. It is the idea of the thing. If they want the money that badly, make them take on their own authority. I'm don't want to just give it to them and bitch about it when they use it to increase our monthly operating expenses. That is poor planning. I won't encourage it. If they have to take it, they will likely take a lesser amount than we would pay in SPLOSTs because their own name is associated with the taking. I'm not sure how old your son is now, but we have built several new elementary schools, not just Ragsdale. We have enough. Look up the schools on the Paulding.k12.ga.us website. We h
  5. It would be great if all of our business owners lived here and were a part of the community like you, but many of them live in Douglas, Cobb, or other counties and are only here because they are part of a large corporation or because there are already too many gas stations by their own homes. I bet they LOOOOVE the SPLOST! ChaChing! (Total wild speculation, but I know that is the exact reason Georgia is so broke~ businesses keeping sales tax instead of passing it to the state.)
  6. YAY! I think there about 10 of us. hahaha If people knew how empty the schools are now, they would feel embarrassed about voting for it the last time. Why is it such a foreign idea to just operate on the money we collect from property taxes and business taxes? Why do we keep voting for these damn extra LOST taxes? Make the county leaders live like we do and only spend as much as we make. We are allowing them to build this useless debt and we are making it a worse place to live for our kids and grandkids. They will have to pay for our stupidity. Instead of SPLOST, let's hire one goo
  7. I so agree with you. They hooked the people who didn't pay attention last time with the "it's for the children". While I am glad they improved some of the schools, I am disgusted they didn't figure out that we can't AFFORD all of these schools. I am blaming the North complex. We couldn't afford it so they took money from the teachers and days from the kids. Wolfpack, you are killing us. I also don't think it is a coincidence the superintendent and a lot of principals and board employess live up that way. They wanted to have their own school. (That was evil, and I am kinda kidding, but kin
  8. Right, but like Lady Raider said (spunky thing when you light her fire, lol), MAKE THEM TAKE IT. Make THEM be responsible. Make THEM make the decision instead of laying it on us and then squandering it. If they take it from us, and their name is on it (not voter names), they will maybe think before they keep amassing this HUGE DEBT for things we just don't need. Paulding can claim to be Republican all it wants, these folks spend like Obama.
  9. Nobody ever believes me, but plain ol' hydrogen peroxide will do it. Pour it on and leave it to dry. Do it again a day later. It kills the bacteria that cause the smell.
  10. I don't know of any schools that have full classes in trailers (they use them sometimes for pull out ESEP classes for part of a day or for extra classes they offer in some high schools, like drama or French). PCHS was the last of the big trailer schools, but they aren't used now as much because they already added on to the school. They word it that way because most people don't understand what a capital outlay is. One definition: Capital outlay or expenditures are expenses that add a fixed asset to a business or increase the value of an existing fixed asset. That means it cannot be used f
  11. OK, now I just feel defeated. How do I deal with people who use such illogical bullcrap as reasons? How about this: Tell people NO! Tell them we have MORE than we can afford to run right now and we REFUSE to keep building schools when we have more schools than kids need right now. How the hell you think voting NO takes anything away is just beyond me. That is just crazy. It really is. I am disgusted you want us to pay more of our own money so people can stop bitching. Let's just tell them to stop bitching or pay for it themselves. It works with kids AND adults. Some of you really
  12. We DO NOT need any new schools. We cannot pay for the heating and cooling costs now so we take the money from the teachers to pay for the school maintenance and the kids miss at least 6 days of instruction. They can get an education in the schools we have now. In fact, I'm going out on a limb and saying every single student in this county that wants to attend public school already has a classroom to go to for an education. You are spitting out plain rhetoric. Little Johnny IS getting an education if he is shutting up and paying attention. He won't need taxpayer support for that, just a dec
  13. I usually agree with most of your postings, but not this time. How will this tax help individual students? You can't buy supplies or textbooks with the money (nothing that is considered a "consumable", which are the things they need everyday). Also, how does the absence a teacher website make people unable to help their children? Ask your child what they are working on, google it. We aren't supposed to use textbooks (in several subject areas). Some teachers are tied to the books, but they really aren't supposed to be teaching out of them. If you want to know what your child is doing in
  14. hahaha. Actually, YES on FAIR TAX (if that were the only tax I would have to pay). But, sadly, they tax the crap out of us. I just want people to know they will save money (and GAIN A DEDUCTION) if they pay the increase millage opposed to the all the LOSTs. I think people need to know that. A lot of people never run the numbers and have no idea they are getting screwed.
  15. Lower taxes is a LIE. I just did the math. SPLOST is HIGHER TAXES while the millage is MUCH CHEAPER. I do a damn good job everyday (for less money than I made ten years ago). The SPLOST hurt education. They spent that money OUTSIDE OF THE CLASSROOM. Now we have to pay to maintain what they built. Well, you don't, but I DO with my paycut. You are falling for the company line, not the reality of the situation.
  16. Word of advice: Your diploma won't list your GPA, just your name. It is worth the same amount of money if you get all A's. Do what you can do and be happy with every passing grade you get. Dean's list is nice, and I remember being anal about it, but you are paying for your own education. Your mom isn't giving you extra for A's, so don't sweat it. When you get to be an adult, your head is full of stuff (like feeding your family, paying bills, surviving, etc.), you don't have as much room to soak up all the new stuff you are learning. The pimply gamers will be getting the A's (and can probab
  17. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/247308-vote-yes-on-splost/page__view__findpost__p__3194493 The above link lays the SPLOST out in real numbers (Hope The Sound Guy doesn't mind me reposting this. It was awesome the first time and deserves another look.) The numbers he posted were for a 1% LOST (or SPLOST). We will have 3 different LOSTs running at once, so you have to divide the amount you would spend on local goods by 3 to find out if you are getting a better deal paying for SPLOST or an increase in millage. I did the math for my family. I spend WAY more annually on neces
  18. There are 2 types of planets in our solar system. Terrestrial planets (like earth) with a rocky/iron core and solid crust and Jovian planets (the gas giants) that also have a rocky/iron core, but don't have solid crusts. Each of the two kinds of planets falls within a range of density that helps to classify them. Pluto is neither terrestrial nor Jovian (because of its specific density). It is a rock, not a planet. Has nothing to do with size (unless you divide it by mass). I was taught there were 7 continents. Most people think Africa is a country instead of a continent. Those same pe
  19. No sheeze. Unless you are military intelligence, instead of some liberal Georgia housewife, they probably won't keep you informed of all of our intel and ops. Jesus.
  20. Wonder where kids learn bad sportsmanship... Maybe at home? (Directed at the ones who can't let it go, not the ones who can laugh about a GAME.)
  21. Lol. Yep. Wrong one. Time to do something constructive when I get my threads confused. I'll have to check back in a few hours to see how this goes. I still predict outrage. Because there were numerous victims, I completely believe them, and probably would side with the victim even if there were only one. Plus, even if a young person does cave under coercion, it is still grossly inappropriate for the man to extend any such offer/opportunity to a person under the age of 18 and creepy to extend his nastiness at all. I hope the church can recoup their losses and can take away everything th
  22. Girl. What do I say to you? Hmm. On one hand, this is super funny and I'm am laughing over here. On the other hand, people are going to be OUTRAGED, so that will be good for me to read, but possibly not so good for you... Please increase your sandwich to beer ratio. The beer is talking and we want to hear from the sandwich. lol.
  23. The back of your insurance card should have an "Ask A Nurse" number. Call that. I have done this before. One time they said go to emergency, one time they said not to hang out in the emergency room all night for it. I love New Hope Urgent Care. So much better and quicker (and cheaper) than going to an emergency room. You have 10 minutes to get there if you are going...
  24. Aww. I hope she feels better by tomorrow. Maybe you can do it then. (Go get her a movie to make her feel better.) Happy birthday!
  25. It just means he likes his boys skinny and able to work (he's big pimpin').
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