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Everything posted by Nitro

  1. I have security cameras all over my place and shop. I use a program that is pretty darn good for no more than it costs. I don't have a whole lot of time, but I will send you a PM a little later with some of the cameras that I have and the program I use. I just put two cameras outside and plan on 2 more... they are wireless IP cams with infrared night... They work really well... I'll send you the info in a little bit.
  2. As I said, you have no clue as to how the Stand Your Ground law works. First off, the correct term is "Castle Doctrine," not "stand your ground." Georgia IS a Castle Doctrine state. Second, no, the "Castle Doctrine" law wasn't based or originated in Florida. The Castle Doctrine originated in England. Maybe you've heard the old saying, "A man's home is his castle..."? That is where that phrase came from... It's been around since the 17th century. Last I checked, Florida hasn't been around quite that long. Florida was the first state to adopt the age old common law from England.
  3. I am a STRONG supporter of the NRA and the 2nd amendment and the rights we have with our firearms. As long as it's legal, I will support someones legal right to carry their firearm with them, open or concealed, in a legal manner. With that said, I agree with you whole-heartedly. When I carry, I carry concealed. You, nor anyone else will know that I have a pistol when you pass me on the street. It's my personal opinion that an open carry is drawing unnecessary attention to yourself. Like I said, it may be a right to carry openly in public, but that still doesn't relieve you of the
  4. And THAT is a proven fact! In states where the stand your ground laws have been in effect and where there are large majority of legal weapon carriers, the crime stats are significantly lower. It continues to happen over and over. The more restrictive states are getting more lenient on the legally carrying citizens and the crime rates keep dropping in those states.
  5. Do you carry daily? Suppose I pass you in the store, are you carrying? I will be. Are you equally protected? Are you talking solely about criminals or people who carry legally? I carry everywhere, all the time. You won't know that I carry, because I don't make it known. If you are robbed at gun point and the leaves and then turns around on you again, you're justified. If you shoot them in the back as they are leaving (unless they are on your property), you are not justified (legally). The person who flamboyantly showcases their weapon is the ones you should be watching l
  6. News flash! We aren't in Florida. It practically legalizes murder? What a total crock of bullcheeze! You apparently have no clue as to how the Stand your ground law works... which is quite typical with your posts.
  7. I really hope you mean, "if someone assaults me with a gun" and not "comes near me with a gun...." Oh and just an FYI.... I hope you don't mean you are going to shoot someone in the back. After the fact of the assault, you will go to jail. Once they are turned away from you and leaving, they are no longer considered a threat to you.
  8. Very sad. The man was an automotive racing genius.
  9. Seriously? You simply don't get it! I have NEVER said that Deerslayer made me think he was talking about a particular type of gun. I have made it very clear, over and over again, that he DID NOT make it clear as to what type of gun he was referring too. YOU are the one who said he is most likely talking about a long gun... NOT ME. I simply said that his BLANKET STATEMENT about FIREARMS is false. You are reading what YOU wrote and thinking that I wrote it. That is the EXACT reason his statement is false! "I don't pay anything to carry a firearm" does not distinguish b
  10. Once again, the original topic had nothing to do with firearms. It was about the firearm license renewal process. You're right. You did not hear me specify what type of firearm I was talking about. I never mentioned anything about what type of firearm. Once again, I responded to a blanket statement that was made of, "I don't pay anything to carry a firearm." Once again, that statement is false as "firearm" encompasses ALL firearms. In that statement, he basically stated that he could carry a firearm without a license. That is not true. He can carry a certain TYPE of firearm...
  11. Do you know for a fact that he doesn't use a pistol? There are plenty of people who hunt deer with a pistol. I am one. There's no law that says you can't hunt with a pistol, as long as it meets the legal requirements. But to clarify, he didn't say that he can carry HIS gun without a license. Nor did he say that he can carry a long gun without a license. He said, "I don't pay anything to carry a firearm. It is my RIGHT." Firearms encompass LONG guns and handguns. ALL firearms are included in that statement, therefore that statement is false.
  12. What??? Are you drinking or something? Who said anything about a long gun not being a firearm? No, the original topic topic said NOTHING about a long gun. The original topic, the poster asked what the renewal process was for a weapons permit because theirs is expiring. But the other discussion that was brought up as "I can carry open all day long with out a permit....I only need a permit to hide the gun." That statement is false. There was no differentiation between long gun or handgun. Therefore the statement is false. And just another little piece of information for you.
  13. Right! There are a LOT of people out there misinformed on this issue. They think the license is a CCW (Concealed Weapons) permit/license. ...and in many states, that license IS a CCW and open carry in legal, but Georgia is not one of those states.
  14. Sorry, but that it totally false. The permit is NOT a concealed carry permit. It's a firearms permit. You better go read the code section for the firearms permit. That is a very common mistake people make. Ok, let me clarify one thing. You can open carry or concealed carry on your own property. Outside your property or your vehicle, you MUST posses a firearms permit to carry open or concealed. I said absolutely NOTHING about the legalities of carrying a handgun or anything else. What I said is the rules put in place that the counties MUST follow are STATE mandated
  15. That's actually not true. The code section is quite clear. It takes skipping from one section to another to read the different exceptions and exclusions, but the code is clear. I'm not an attorney and I have no problems deciphering what the code section says. Basics of what? They aren't asking "how do I shoot a gun" or "in what circumstances am I justified in shooting." They are asking the PROCESS for RENEWAL. There are plenty of people who have gone through the renewl process that can easily convey their experience. It's real easy to figure out. If you have 5 people answe
  16. Well GEEEEEZ!!! Guess what?? Yeah, actually the code section does have something to do with renewing!!!! Where do you think the process for "renewing" a license is covered? Let me tell you. It's in the code section! But to clarify my statement above... you do not renew a firearms license. You have to get a new one every expiration period now. There is no renewal (which yes, is covered in the code section). GEEEEEZ!!! Just because it's your *right* doesn't mean it's your right to do so with a permit or being regulated. Read the Constitution. The Consti
  17. I'm quite familiar with the site and it generally provides accurate information in layman's terms. However, the same thing can be applied to this site. You are looking to a non-legally related site for your information. I have seen incorrect information on that site plenty of times and I have personally notified them and they have corrected it. So, if you really want to get technical about it, the ONLY site you should get your information from is the Georgia General Assembly, DIRECTLY from the state code itself. ANY responsible gun carrying person should know that, right?
  18. It's real simple. People today, by and large, do not feel they are responsible for their actions. The fact is, ALL crashes and accidents are the fault of "a" driver. The lack of a traffic light, a stop sign, or anything else should have no bearing on an 'accident' **IF** the driver is paying attention, follows traffic laws, proceeds with caution, and keeps their vehicle in proper working order. But in today's age, it's just easier to blame someone else and complain that you have the *Right* to talk on your phone and do whatever else you want too, no matter who else it affects
  19. The password should be your email password that is tied to your email address / email username. You are just putting your authentication credentials in the camera so it can send the email message to a server. You set up the camera the same way you set up an email client, like Outlook/Outlook Express, etc... Some ISP's allow just the 'username' part of your email address and some use the full qualified name you@me.com. But whether you login through the web or an email client, you use that username and use the same password.
  20. Stealing is stealing... right. But consider the people who are working at McDonald's. Do you think the 16 year old behind the counter really gives a hoot about someone walking in and filling up a cup? Most of them... No, they won't. The managers probably would confront the person. But then again, even if confronted and told to quit, what do you think that's going to do? If someone has the lack of morals to do it in the first place, do you think being asked to stop is going to deter them? Stealing is steal and a crime is a crime. When caught, call the police and le
  21. It really doesn't cost the restaurant that much... and it would cost them more if they actually did something about it. Moral's play no factor in most of business today. Here's what happens: Person takes their cup in to restaurant and fills up. Person didn't purchase on that visit. Restaurant confronts person and chews them out/has them arrested for theft, etc... Person then tells EVERYONE they know, not to visit this restaurant because they had him arrested for refilling their drink. They are not telling their friends that they didn't purchase the drink... they aren't tell
  22. While I have no problem with people being proud and understanding their heritage, a LOT of what is wrong with the world today is this very crap that people segregate themselves in to groups. I have Indian blood in me. I don't prefer the term Native American. My great grandfather and grandmother were both full blooded Indians. Me, I'm an AMERICAN, period. People who claim to be "African-Americans" or "Mexican-Americans" or any other hyphenated "American" are the ones who segregate themselves. If you were born in the US, you are NOT a African-American, a Mexican-American
  23. T-Mobile has had 4G in Dallas for a good while... at least 2 years.
  24. Yep, same as the deputies.
  25. What are you looking for specifically? In Paulding, they work 12hr shifts and work the same shift all the time that coincides with the Sheriff's patrol shift. You will work either 5:30am - 5:30pm or 5:30pm - 5:30am: Week 1: Mon, Tues, Friday, Sat, & Sun Week 2: Wed. & Thurs. You alternate those week schedules.
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