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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Today: Monday, August 22, 2005

    Visititation: Benson Funeral Home

    Time: 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.


    Funeral Service: Tuesday, August 23, 2005


    Picketts Mill Baptist Church

    7147 Hiram-Acworth Hwy. (Hwy. 92)

    Dallas, GA 30132


    Time: 2 p.m.




    When is the funeral?  We were out all weekend and I am so sad I missed this!

  2. FreeBird: Not trying to impune your thoughts because they are excellent but about Mrs. King. Most women of her time will always be known as "the widow of...." Look at Jackie Kennedy. Even though she remarried and had a life outside of being Mrs. JFK, she will always be known as the widow of JFK. I think it gives a fast byline for reference than anything else.


    Some will argue that she did live on the front lines and pay the sacrifice of having her husband taken because of his stance. Just a different front lines in a different time.


    Okay, just a few ramblings this morning that I have been lead to share.


    On the way into work this morning I heard the medical update of Coretta Scott King.  For nearly 40 years she has been known as the "widow of M. L. King."


    So, I get on PCom to check out what's going on.  I view the “Daily Showâ€? tribute to SPC Dingler and I am brought to tears.  Such a young man paying the ultimate sacrifice for his country.


    Two examples of living:


    One on the coattails of others


    One living on the front lines of life.


    We all make daily choices affecting how we will be remembered.


    I ask you to consider your life today and what type of contribution you are making to your family, community, and the stranger that you pass by everyday.


    I am not saying anything negative in regards to Ms. King – just that she has always been known as “the widow.â€?  The contrast of these two people just got me to thinking.


    So, think about it – what are you doing to make a difference today?

  3. For the money, you should check out Diesel jeans or get them custom cut from Levi's or Lands End.


    have any of you ladies ever bought a pair of these? I am thinking about taking a trip to Nordstoms to try a pair on. I just wanted to see what anyone thought of them.

    Arcaidy said for $189.00 they better do a lot more then make my butt look good!!!!!

  4. Where is it? To be honest, I have never heard of it and I visited just about every center in Paulding at the beginning of the year looking at Pre-K programs.


    Does anyone know anything about the Pre-K program at Paulding Children's Academy? A friend of mine has her children registered for the Pre-K program. There are not many kids going there. Does it need more advertising?

  5. Tomorrow.


    Simple does anyone know when it is going to open? looks like it is finished.


    Also does anyone know when they will start on the 2nd half of it.its supposed to run to past metromont or something isnt it?


    While I'm at it does anyone know why the road(dont know name of it) on Hiram parkway past the water place on the right is closed?

  6. You are incorrect, Future Educator. You could never, ever file a joint tax return with anyone BESIDE your legal spouse.




    Read section b of the resolution.


    The statuses are:


    Passage of inheritance (this naturally goes to the spouse without a will)


    Ambulatory involvement rights(you can't ride in an ambulance unless you are related to the person being taken in...or at least this used to be the case)


    Emergency/Life threatening medical procedure authorization (these types of decisions are left to spouses then parents then next of kin)


    Living Will decisions (spouses then parents then next of kin get to make these decisions)


    The ability to sign legal documents for your spouse


    Filing joint taxes


    etc..... there are more, but these are the ones I can think of atm that can be conferred upon a person legally with or without marriage, but all of these are conferred onto a person when you become married.

  7. What statues are you speaking of that are "rolled up in a bundle?" I am confused.


    The legal statuses I am referring to are the ones that come "rolled up in a bundle" when you get married. If they have access to all of these statuses through alternative legal channels, then they are not seeking the "rights" of marriage (since they do have access to these already). They are seeking the recognition and perceived acceptance from the state and federal government. There are ways of obtaining all of these other things, so, the title of marriage is what they are looking for because it has become symbolically synonymous with acceptance in their eyes.

  8. Use the cream before and after nursing.


    I think Devin would be fine.


    I knew something would be said...  sorry did not mean to start anything... 

    dumb question are there instructions on when to use the cream  I did not get any yet I have a cream recomendation from a great person and friend.  do you think it would be ok to run into eckards w/ Devin being so young??????

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