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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. 7:30 and $5.00. If the kids are under 5, they are free.


    I have 2 young children that want to go to a High School Football game.  Since we live in East Paulding district, I guess we will go there to support.  Are they at home tonight?  What time do they play?  What is the cost?


    Thanks in advance.

  2. I can't believe this thread is still going! There are plenty of things on this site that offend me and Lesley's avatar is one of them and Honkin's being another. You know what? The world is full of offensive things. It is a lesson in smarts to figure that out and deal with it instead of trying to get people to change for your benefit.

  3. Did the center explain why? Ours did. It is required by state law because they have to ensure the kids eat a balanced meal. If the parents sends something, it might not have a fruit or a vegetable which has to be served with every meal and the center would have to supplement the meal brought from home. Really, it is not crazy. It is to make sure kids eat balanced meals and not just a pop-tart for breakfast every morning.


    They already do that in the pre-K. I have a granddaughter and she had to get a Doctors prescription to bring her lunch to school. I could not believe this. I called all of the Pre-K's and they said this was a state law. Do you see how crazy this is or is it just me?

  4. Bless your heart. Chickens can't help it if they are tasty.....


    It has nothing to do with if you agree or not.  It has everything to do with your nasty attitude.  Sounds like your the one mad because I don't agree with you.  I believe this is an FYI bulletin and people can get what they want out of it.  It only adds to the violations they have!! 

    As for Peta lying....did you see the video?  How is that a lie?  I had to do a research paper in a subject in college and PETA/animal labs was my subject.  I can assure you, if you do any homework what so ever on this literature, you would see it isn't made up photos of the cruel and unneccessary things that goes on with research.

  5. I never said NO was a shining utopia. I was quoting Pointyhead when he said that since Dems had control of NO for 60+ years that it should be a shining utopia for Dem policies.


    So the state and city were examples of shining utopia before Katrina?


    From what I understand they were cesspools of greed, corruption and graft. There were investigations ongoing trying to find out where federal money earmarked for various projects, including the levees had ended up.


    The way the Governor and Mayor acted before and after the disaster is nothing short of criminal. They worried more about preserving their power base than they did about those who had elected them, who needed their help in evacuating.

  6. He didn't but it was most implied. Since Democrats controlled the city and state=bad response.


    But, I will let Pointyhead take me to the woodshed if I am mistaken, thank you.


    "But, to somehow say that Republicans would have had a different response to this disaster is a little far reaching for me to believe."

    OK,  :blink: I MUST BE MISSING SOMETHING HERE. Where does pointy say anything in Rush's quote about Republicans having a different response? Who knows what the response should be? Conjecture here, NOT facts.

  7. Pointy, I think all that shining uptopia crap goes out the window after a natural disaster plus massive flooding whether you are in a Democratic or Republican section of this nation.


    Were mistakes made on the local and state level? You bet. But, to somehow say that Republicans would have had a different response to this disaster is a little far reaching for me to believe.


    Here's a good question that Rush brought up yesterday on his show and I thought I should make a separate thread on it, but since NO and LA have been in the Democrat's hands for the past 60 years, shouldn't it be a shining utopia of their grand policies? I mean, they have had complete control over the place all that time, so it should bear out all their plans and policies that they want to inflict on the rest of America.


    But as anyone can see, it's a place of unpresidented failure, from the lowest levels to the highest. Corruption, greed, graft, incompetence, you name it. I'd be afraid to tell anyone I was a democrat.


    Heck, these people make Bill Clinton look like an alter boy.

  8. But, until the moderate muslims in and around the world start really speaking out against the radicals and the crap being done with the insurgency in Iraq, all muslims will be lumped in one pot together. Sad, but true.


    Agreed.  Unfortunately, extremists do this, no matter what religion they are adherents of.

  9. Calligraphy really isn't that hard to learn. I purchased a beginner set when I was planning my first wedding and did my invitations myself! Of course, I couldn't do it now to save my life though....


    Yes. You're right about that. I worked a ta day care a few years ago and the director had beautiful handwriting. She could even do Calligraphy (Which I would LOVE to learn), but her signature was HORRIBLE!



  10. I am terribly sorry. Where was the accident?


    Please keep my MIL in your prayers. At the age of 70 she still works at the downtown Hyatt Regency as a waitress. This job means she has to be at work at 3am. While on her way to work at 2:30am this morning she was hit by a drunk driver head on. She is in Grady Hospital. This the only info that we have at this time. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

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