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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. I was speaking directly about Gabriel....


    Again...we are relying on visions...

    The most recognizable shape to a human is the human form....

    it is more relatable...imagine if Gabriel appeared as a duck!...would he be taken as seriously?

    I cannot remember offhand..but there was another vision where angels appeard....

    They appeared as orb-like beings with 3 heads...

  2. I googled it and in every instance in the Bible (four), Gabriel is a man.


    In Daniel 8:15-17 NIV it says, "While I, Daniel, was watching the vision and trying to understand it, there before me stood one who looked like a man. And I heard a man's voice from the Ulai calling, 'Gabriel, tell this man the meaning of the vision.' As he came near the place where I was standing, I was terrified and fell prostrate. 'Son of man,' he said to me, 'understand that the vision concerns the time of the end.' "

    Doesn't that portray Gabriel the angel as having a form of a man?

  3. Bluefroggy:


    While I may not agree with your religion at all, I do not think you are wrong.

    We all have reasons for what we believe and we all come from different life experiences. I am not casting stones at you. I simply do not agree with you.

  4. Well, there is always Chuck E Cheese but have you looked into Rountree Recreation?




    I'd rather do inside (since this weather is so unpredictable).  It doesn't matter about the food arrangements - either or is fine.  I just know how a group of 2 year olds would need a little freedom to run around and/or some entertainment.  I wouldn't opt to do it at a restaurant - not with 12 two-year olds.





    Most App

  5. This is straight from Brigham Young's mouth, cuteyellowbug. The leader of the church. HE is the one that said that. A direct quote.


    So, this is not something that most Mormoms would believe coming from their leader's mouth?


    I was rasied Latter Day Saint until I reached adulthood..I studied in seminary every morning before school..


    That quote is not true or valid.  Mormons beleive Joseph Smith to be called of God as a modern day prophet.  Just as there were prophets in the olden days, there are modern day prophets as well.  A journal of discourses is not part of the books that they worship from.

  6. Really? How do you explain this?


    "No man or woman in this dispensation will ever enter into the celestial kingdom of God without the consent of Joseph Smith. From the day that the Priesthood was taken from the earth to the winding up scene of all things, every man and woman must have the certificate of Joseph Smith, junior, as a passport to their entrance into the mansion where God and Christ are" (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol. 7, p. 289).



    Mormoms don't beleive they will be judged by Jospeh Smith, any more than you think you will be judged by Abraham.

  7. Well, what exactly did you have in mind? Did you want something outdoors or in? Pool, playground? Bring you own food or have something at a local restaurant??


    I'm planning a birthday party, but have no idea WHERE to plan it.  Can anyone give me some ideas as to a good spot to have a 2 year old's birthday party (with about 10-12 other toddlers)?  I've witnessed the "heroic" responses you all have made when other newbies needed your help.  Don't let me down, ol' good people of PCOM!  :D

  8. Bluefroggy, see, that is the thing. We all make judgements everyday. You shouldn't judge without a godly pretense.


    Well, I think that Mormoms believe in a false prophet and is a cult. Am I wrong? I don't know but God does. When I die, I will sit in His judgement and not in the judgement of Joesph Smith.


    ok  cardie  i dont know alot about the bible.  but i do know that jesus and or god  does not  want us to hurt others by our words. I think it is isn there  some where that he (maybe jesus) said  judge not less ye be judged.  and that is the last i will say  on this 

      thank you

  9. I agree!


    Don't get me started on Scientology! :glare:


    As I have explained on numerous threads on this board. I take offense at Mormonism for one thing. It is a counterfeit cult posing as a Christian denomination.


    I have no problems with members of other demominatins sharing their views of Christianity, and we can argue our differences, and come away with a shared appreciation for both, but Mormonism doesn't hold to any of the basic tenants of Christiandom, and therefore falls into the realm of a cult.

  10. Texan, I am still giggling over the "fine" restaurant comment. I would never, ever put Phil's in the "fine" catergory even though some of the food is delicious and I really try to support local restaurants. Plus, with three small children and the take-out plus the food sharing policy, I don't think I will be visiting anytime soon. :glare:


    Never heard of Phil or his restaurant before but reading the menu just made me really hungry.  Sounds delicious.  Maybe he'll see the light and drop the "Sharing Charge" (Quite a bogus and customer unfriendly charge).  When he does, my family and I will pay a visit.


    If that's what happens at other "fine" restaurants as someone else stated then I'll pass.  I'll stay with the other hundreds of restaurants that leave me quite satisfied.

  11. Do you want to know what first impressions are telling me about you???


    After I posted, I went back and read his ad.  To tell the truth, he doesn't look

    very honest.  He looks a little sleezy if you ask me.  Are you sure he's honest? 

    I really have to be careful because this is a laaaarge sum of money that I'm

    taking about.  I would really like to talk to someone that has had some dealings

    with him first.  I have always been good at first impressions and this one is telling

    me to be very careful.

  12. Plus, if it were food poisoning, wouldn't it be out of his system by now?


    Ugh, I hope things get better.


    Potatoes and corn on the cobb were what else we ate that night. There were 5 of us that ate the corn and the potatoes, but J and I were the only ones to eat steak. For lunch, he had a turkey sandwich and some chips (I think). For breakfast, he had an egg mcmuffin... Nothing that should have made him this sick.


    MarkDavd, I always stab my meat with a fork repeatedly before seasoning, I used the same fork on both steaks. Would this not spread the bacteria from one steak to the other?

  13. I would recommend this:




    It might help you narrow things down a bit.


    Ok, I have been sick for MONTHS!!  It all started in March with bronchitis treated with rest and antibiotics, by April it was pneumonia more antibiotics and vitamin c and e.  Rest, 4 days off work.  Bla bla bla.


    On May 11th, I still am not breathing well, SOB on any physical activity and generally unhappy.  Nothing OTC working and doing nothing doesn’t work.  I went back to the doctor.  Now after visit to GA Lung and a CT scan and Echo-cardiogram still nothing. 


    Anyway, these bumps on my tongue started about three weeks ago and come one right after the other.  The doctors just don't seem to think it is at all relevant.  I on the other hand think that it is and would like them to go away.

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