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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. How can gays have a legal marriage? These legal statutes are not available to them yet you have stated over and over again that they can get them through alternative legal channels.


    On one hand, I know that NONE of my legal rights will be violated by allowing gays and lesbians to marry, so, I have no problem with it. On the other hand, I acknowledge that the legal statuses they wish to obtain are already available to them through alternative legal channels.
  2. I don't really think it does matter, Painful. I think it is just one of the variables that the school system has in their database of students.


    I didn't notice it at Allgood last night.


    I posted the same issue in the school vent so sorry about the duplicate, but I also wanted to post it here. I attended open house at one of the new schools. I was very impressed with the school and staff. When viewing the list of homerooms, I noticed the children's race was also on the printed sheet. Why? Does it really matter and what purpose does it serve? Just wondering.

  3. Nanny: This is from the ajc:


    A 37-year-old Forsyth County woman was released on $1,650 bond late Wednesday after being charged with giving a teenager beer and letting him use her car, which he later crashed, sending four teens to the hospital.


    The 18-year-old driver had only a learner's permit, which had expired in August 2004, police said.


    Christine Dawn Burke, of Scudder Way, was arrested and charged with two counts of purchasing or furnishing alcoholic beverages to a person under 21 years of age. She was also charged with one count of permitting a driver to violate state law. All three charges are misdemeanors.


    Burke is accused of going to a local package store and purchasing a case of beer for 18-year-old Douglas Houston McPherson of Cumming; Joshua Naylor, 17, of Cumming; Jeremy Campbell, 18, of Cumming; and an unidentified 14-year-old girl.


    The four teenagers said they wanted the alcohol to mourn a friend who was killed in a recent car wreck.


    After a while, the group left the abandoned house they were drinking in, and drove Burke's 2003 Ford Explorer Sport Trac on Ga. 369. About 11:30 p.m., the SUV, driven by McPherson, left the road and rolled two or three times, police said. McPherson was thrown from the vehicle. Deputies said they found bottles of alcohol at the scene.


    McPherson was taken to Gwinnett Regional Medical Center with a crushed pelvis. His condition was not disclosed Wednesday evening. Campbell was treated and released at Northeast Georgia Medical Center in Gainesville. Naylor and the 14-year-old girl were treated and released at Northside Forsyth Hospital in Cumming.


    All were charged with underage possession of alcohol. McPherson was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and other driving violations.


    Burke was an acquaintance of McPherson's and was not related to any of the four persons involved in the wreck, police said.

  4. No, but you will next year. The three most recent model years are exempt from testing.


    The tax you pay is based on the value determined by the State Department of Revenue. What kind of car do you drive? I pay a little less than that for my Explorer.


    My car is a 2003.  Does it have to be inspected?


    And btw...Why do tags cost so much?  Mine is $144.  Isn't that a lot, or is it just me?

  5. Seriously, what has she done that is un-Christian or to be classified as a cultural Christian? Dressing sexy, shaking her behind and showing cleavage?


    It doesn't matter whether or not she wants to be a role model. She assumed that resonsiblilty when she came walked into the spotlight. It's entirely up to her to decide to be a positive or negative influence.


    The same is true for everyone. People watch you. How you react to circumstances influnces either  good or bad, those that know you. That's why we are need to be very selective in the words we use, the actions we take, and the attitude we display.


    And when one becomes a Christian, a follower of Christ, a bond-servant for life, one is an AMBASSADOR (We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. -2Cor 5:20), a representative on earth for the heavens. All one's actions should be based on this precept. Sadly, most people, and JS is typical, is simply a 'cultural christian'.


    Those on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in the time of testing they fall away. --Luke 8:13

  6. How is this any different from a regular multivitamin?


    I just wanted to share with all the stay at home or working mom's about a product that has changed my life. I am a young (20) stay at home mother of two boys. I cannot imagine my life without my Advocare SPARK. When my son was born, I was so tired all the time. Now that I have my SPARK every morning, I am no longer taking naps with the kids, and so tired that play time is not an option. I just wanted to share this product with my P.com family so that it can be of help to you too. I have not said much about it before, but this product has already helped so many. It will make you want to get up and go play all the games with your kids, even if you have worked a 8-10 hour day. What could be better than coming home cooking dinner, and still feel like playing ball????


    The best thing about the Advocare SPARK is that it is SUGAR FREE, and only has 45 calories. It also carries 21 vitamins and minerals. It comes in five different flavors. If you want a free sample PM me or Email me. Ill bring it to you!!!



  7. I am going to go off on a limb today. Lord knows that I have given Chris fits in the past year. He needs a spanking more than anyone I think I have ever encountered on the internet. He needs more culture and more education and must more *something* than anyone I have encountered in Paulding County and that is saying something. And, if I was Robin, I would be running in a completely different direction that right towards him. BUT, he is what he is and I don't think that anyone is going to change that.


    So, why doesn't everyone just accept him and just pray for him, his family and for Robin. That is just about all we can do. He is not going to have refinement beat into him by anyone here. The only one that can change him is him and I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon.


    But, I must say that I like DanO's statement about not procreating! :o

  8. Cardie, I understand your viewpoint. My view is that I would prefer to hate the sin yet love the sinner. I do agree that God would be shocked at what he would fine but I don't think it would be because of gay marriage.


    And I think that if God were to visit us today, he would be shock at what

    he would find. 


    Do you really want us to go against what the bible says just because of "the

    change that is happening"?  I believe  it's because of this change that the USA

    is in the shape it's in.  (notice that I said that this is my opinion, which I

    am entitled to)


    I would rather obey God than men.  If it means that I am in the minority, then

    so be it. :angry:


    This is the way I am feeling about my place in this world.  And I bet I'm not


  9. Is the truck from Ice Cream Treats off of Chattahoochee Avenue in Atlanta? If so, that guy is okay. His english is a little off but he is harmless. He really is a nice guy. He started coming in my neighborhood about two years ago and the kids LOVE him.


    I need to know how to deal with my paranoia.


    Today between 4:00 and 4:20pm I hear the bells and chimes of an icecream truck.  I go charging inside to get the kids and we go tearing back outside to hail down the icecream truck (which was driving way too fast for our subdivision).  After picking out the icecreams the kids wanted I paid for them and the guy started asking me questions about where and when would be appropriate places and times that I thought would be more or less profitable for him (the basic "jist" of the conversation)  He was foreign.  His english was poor. After I got done I started labelling him and becoming paranoid.  I had read a few things about how and where "the bad guys" may attack next and one of them suggested they would target school food supplies.  Here I am giving this guy times and places to sell kids icecream.  OMG  my head is pounding and I can't sleep.  Am I crazy?


    I know he stopped at Taylor Farm Park to see if he could sell icecream this Sat. night.  He pulled out a map of the county which was pretty worn and photocopied. 


    I'm sorry for being so crazy/paranoid.  I don't know what to do. 


    I'm ready to hear your opinions.  I am very tender hearted so may get too upset to respond to those of you who rip strips off of me, but if just one of you see my point then I may feel a little less crazy.




    Me  :)

  10. Voices, when a county, city, or state government places the Ten Commandents in their respective government buildings, doesn't it give the *appearance* that the government is favoring one religion over another?



    Again... read the amendment.

    Congress passed no laws establishing any religion as the official religion.  Citing the first amendment in cases like this is bogus.


    Separation of church and state is a fallacy invented by the liberal mindset.

  11. For me, I just expect more out of a local restaurant than I do a chain. The locals have more at steak (how is that for a pun!) here than a chain. More than anything, the owner's reputation is at risk. That said, I do not like the sharing policy and I don't like the no take out for kids. His food is delcious at times.


    Having been in the restaurant business, I would have assumed that he would have already had all the wrinkles worked out.


    I LOVE Phil's food! My kids do too.


    It's funny. When chain restaurants make you wait for food for a long time or ya get bad service (which happens daily), I don't see any posts here.


    Hm, maybe poor Phil is just under attack right now. I am praying for him, his staff, and his business.

  12. A nom de plume is a pen name. In other words, hombre thinks you are Satellite under an alias which the publisher could clear up real quick.


    Does that mean you think I am Satellite? I have been pondering what you meant. I have looked up Satellite and I certainly am not him/her/whatever. As far as values I don't think you will find much more conservative than mine. So..If you were implying that I am Satellite....that's not me.

  13. Ken: You should relay this to your Republican friends in the State Senate. Sen. Balfour is the genius that put forth this bill even threatening to hold up bills in the Senate when the House voted it down....


    Soapmom>> I agree with your statement in part...the law is somewhat "specific" but can you even imagine how the poor street cops are suppose to even begin to determine the "fine lines" esp. with the retailers selling just about everything from "rockets" to "poppers"...are we suppose to put the itty bitty scales in the cars so they (cops) can make sure the "grms" dont exceed the "stated law"...then if something does happen and the officers (have to) make the case how in the world are they going to be able to articulate to a judge how they determined it was an illegal one???? We are having enough trouble in courts with drug cases, and the such, with convictions because of the "fine lines" in the laws...Cops are not lawyers (they certainly are not paid as such) so they have to make a determination based on what the law IS and this one is so out there the lawyers and the judges will be on it the second a case is made...trust me something will happen that forces a case be made and then we shall see how folks view it as well...Bottomline> WE just dont have the time to spend trying to enforce something that IMO is unenforceable and will cause MANY 911 calls by "concerned citizens" or folks tired of hearing the "popping" going on all the time.


    **I do agree that "it is the responsiblity of the parent to monitor and supervise any fireworks"...but are any of us prepared to ensure that kids (who absolutely love fireworks) are not going to be setting these things off without a parent/adult around...it is an "explosive" and even under adult supervision they can be very dangerous! 


    Now if you really want to get some folks "fired up" just talk to some of the fire chiefs, paramedics, and fire fighters about this "new law" and the use of even "adult supervised" fireworks.


    Just my 2 cents worth on the subject and about our government at work...Yep I too have been a government employee for 30 years and I often stand scratching my head wondering "what" and "why" things are done and/or laws are passed :rolleyes:


    Be Safe!!!


    Ken Ball

  14. I agree, bombay.




    Bombay says,


    I heard this story on the news this morning. I know several teachers who teach at that school and they are all good people. This is an isolated incident, and I for one am going to hold my opinion until I see the facts. A fellow I know who lives in Carroll County was accused of the same thing. The case was dropped when the girl admitted she was lying. We don't know anything yet, so I think I will hold my opinion. IF he is guilty, then I will be the first one to say what a jerk he is.

  15. That is a trainwreck waiting to happen. If this was your twentysomething daughter and she came home and told you she was in love with someone 15 years older, he is divorced twice and has two kids plus has a questionable religion, you would kidnap her and keep her far, far away from him. But, since Tom Cruise is a movie star, it is okay!

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