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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Come to the Super Target! No lack of respect in the parking lot and you can always can find a parking space. I haven't been to Walmart in years just because of what you posted.


    I went to Walmart on Sunday afternoon, and I was aghast at the lack or respect for the law and for others that I saw. There were idiots parked next to the sidewalks EVERYWHERE, and people were driving around them ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE (yes, where the side walk actually is) and all those yellow striped off areas at the front of the parking (these are not parking spaces) were all parked on, every single one of them!!! :glare:


    My Gosh!!! I never have seen anything like it. I used to have to shop at the WallyWorld on the East-West connector, and I thought it was bad.....not anymore! At least in Cobb, there was LAW and ORDER. There is absolutely no law at the WW in Hiram. If you tried to do all the crap I saw at the one in Cobb, you'd get your chops busted. AMAZING!!! Two grown men could be beating the crap out of each other in the parking lot at the Hiram WW and nothing could be done about it, as there are no cops in the area....not a single one did I see, as I waited in the car for 15 mins. for Fly to come out (aint no way I was gonna go in there).


    All said...I was just disgusted with Paulding/Hiram in general. To know that there is so much lawlessness and lack of civility here, just turned my stomach. I may as well have been sitting in the WallyWorld in New Orleans.......just as bad minus the looting. Hell, if everyone decided to loot anyway, who'd do anything about it? There aint so security, obviously!! ARRGGHH! :angry2:

  2. I think the county has a contract with a group for umping. In my opinion, that group needs to be fired. Several games this year have started 30 minutes late waiting for the officials to arrive. Something needs to be done because this guy really stink!


    These umps do get paid to call the games, right?


    If so, maybe the county should  'fatten the pay' a bit!!  :lol:  Might get a better called game!  :o  :lol:



  3. I'd much rather have Mayor Austin in the legislature or Congress than Bill Carruth.


    The 'naming conventions' ... i.e. naming things after dead presidents or community leaders has been breaking down for decades.


    For instance, George Bagby, a former legislator and what is now DNR chief u nder Gov. Lester Maddox (This was before Jimmy Carter reorganized state government) had a state Park named for him at Lake Walter F. George (Eufala Lake in Alabama) ... and this was in the 1970's.


    Nathan Dean Parkway was named after recently retired Sen. Nathan Dean (US278 W.) and there is, in the city of Dallas going to the new Kroger, a new Tom Murphy Parkway.  Murphy had roads named after him in his home county during his tenure as speaker.  Notably, Nathan Dean Parkway was so named while the Sen. was still sitting and running for office.


    Ditto the Dewey Pendley Hiram City office complex... was built during his term as Mayor and bared his name ... heck it was the voting place in the 2003 city elections ... when the recently retired Mayor was re-elected.


    All I'm saying here is that it is  relatively common for politicians to be given such honors and, as the above examples with Dean, Murphy and even Pendley, this effort may be one of those things designed to enhance a new run for office.


    The real question here is what office is Bill Carruth going to be seeking?


    With political buddy Speaker Richardson aiming for governor later in this decade, it may be that Carruth is getting his ducks in a row for a run for Richardson's seat.  Of course there maybe another seat ... maybe the congressional seat of Dr. Phil Gingrey, that interests him as well.  (With a friend like Richardson, Carruth would have a natural 'in' with those that fund political campaigns so a Congressional seat is hardly out of the question.)


    Anyone have any ideas?



  4. You have never worked a farm have you? My family owns a farm in South Georgia so I know what an absolute hassle it is to have to buckle/unbuckle every time you leave your truck.


    Tom Murphy has been out since 2002. If someone wanted to change it, why is it taking this long?


    Here's a good ponder on that too:




    apparently, from what I've read, it was because so many trucks were used on farms and the drivers/occupants were constantly getting in and out of the truck.



  5. MommyWhatIsThisVibratingThing


    Now that ERIN has become a commerce member selling Pure Romance, should she change her innocent little name from ERIN to......

    1:  RATED X

    2:  We-Be-TOYZ


    4:  Paulding Stimulus


    ....please add your suggestions


    :D  :D  :D  :D

  6. FMLA is not funded by tax dollars in anyway shape or form. The leave is time off without pay. The government does not pay one red cent. If this person is using FMLA, it is leave without pay.


    The point is someone is abusing a system that is largely funded by your tax dollars. With proper managment I am confident after being there and seeing the waste these planes would cost our gov't a lot less. Not all but some there have never lived in a bad economy, if they grew up where I did they would treasure their jobs. One day afet hearing this guy over a couple year period I finally said what could you do outside of Lockheed to support your family and lifestyle you currently have? His job would have paid lees then $20,000 a year anywhere else and we was making 60k. Then he blamed the company for that to as they pay many too much and when they get laid off they are over priced for another job. Personally I think it is the man holding them down..LOL

  7. AJ, why would it affect you and your family when others use FMLA?


    But is it not my business when it takes away FMLA that my family needs, but can't get? One guy has screwed up J getting FMLA so he can go with me when our five year old daughter has a procedure done. Now he has to jump through hoops to take time off, when it shouldn't have even been an issue in the first place... ;)


    Not only did they make it my business by affecting my family, but then the mom calls and TELLS me what happened the night before, and that dad is taking time off. She offers the information to me, and I didn't ask. And this pisses me off because dad is making it difficult for my husband to be with his daughter when she needs him. :glare:  So yeah, I am pissed, and with good reason.

  8. It very well maybe an abuse of FMLA but the time off is without pay so that is on his behind.


    Well, an aquaintance of ours (J and I) recently found out they they are expecting a baby. (#2) Well dad works at Lockheed, and mom stays at home. Dad missed too much work, and was going to be suspended with OUT pay, so dad applies for FMLA and receives it. No suspension, because he applied the day after he missed (he slept in BTW) Well, since receiving FMLA, he has missed an average of 2 days a week, and to make up for his time off, works overtime on the weekends. One day, he left early to take his SIL to the airport, his wife and him fight A LOT, so he skips work the day after the fight to sleep in and "make up", he missed work yesterday (and this is the final straw on the donkeys back for me) because when riding to work with a co-worker, they got a flat tire. Co-worker receives a decrepancy, while dad takes FMLA. FOR A FLAT TIRE!!!!!@#($)@ Now, she is in the early stage of pregnancy, and goes to the doctor once a month. He is averaging 2 days a week being out. He also skipped work on a Friday, then came in on a Saturday (which is a big NO NO) to work overtime. I figured it out, and in the past 6 weeks, he has missed about 100 hours of scheduled work, but made up for it in overtime - 150 hours (not hours worked, but hours paid.)


    CHAPS MY BUTT!!!!!!!! Would you not be angry??? It's people like this that abuse the system that make it harder for everyone else to get approved for it... :angry:


    Sorry left out an important factor in all of this (withOUT, not with)

  9. There is a new children's store on 61 at Nebo. Jump and Jacks, I believe is the name. I noticed there is a child's clothing store opening in that new shopping center by the old Mike's package but I *think* it is all new clothes and not a consignment.




    What is the name of the store that takes women's clothing here in Dallas and what sizes do they take and are they a consignment store?


    Also - I heard a rumor that a new children's consignment store was opening up somewhere on 92 has anyone heard?



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