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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. I shop at the SuperTarget. But, I purchase my meat at Publix. Target's prices are comparable to Walmarts without the crap that is Walmart.


    Okay folks, I have to go to the grocery store today. We are down to the bare amount of "grub" in the house. I will probaly go to Kroger after looking at their sale paper, even knowing that Wal-Marts grocery prices may be better.


    I do this because I HATE GOING TO WAL-MART. Kroger is smaller, less crowded and I'm not tempted to go and buy other things that I don't really need.


    So, my questions is this: Where do you buy grocries at and why?

  2. Luke, I think everyone on this board knows who you were talking about. For the love of God, would everyone please stop. This is getting outright childish.


    this is your pm you sent me

    title: Is there something

    you need to get off your chest towards me??


    Why are you attacking me?


    Why do you feel that I've helped with this project for hurricane relief for attention?


    I gotta tell you Luke, you don't know me from Adam's housecat -- and you're making many assumptions.


    And hey, do you know what they say what happens when you make assumptions???

    As I said to you I did not mention your name...sounds like you were the one that was making Assumptions ;)

  3. I don't think I have ever seen adults act like such children. He said, she said crap. It is really stinking up this board lately. I wish if people had problems with others, they would settle it in PMs or in email. It is really dragging this board down.

  4. How do you know they haven't given? Some don't like to have their charity work plastered all over the news but do it quietly. If they are not getting PR doesn't mean they are not giving money.


    Where is Chipper Jones or any of the other Braves players donations? They aren't there.  :angry:  All Pro sports figures, who make millions per yesr, where are they?  <_<

  5. You are complaining about sports being cancelled because of gas yet you want the bus driver to make a special route adjustment just for your kid???


    Please tell me you live more than a mile away from the bus stop.....


    That would be nice if I didnot have to get up and drive my kid to a bus stop.  Because the bus driver doesn't want to go out of his or her way for one kid!

  6. If they cancel softball, they will cancel football for Saturday. With gas being what it is right now, I don't have a problem with this at all.


    :angry2: Just wondering what some opinions are on the school systems canceling the games and practices for the rest of this week.  Rumor has it that the schools cannot afford for the buses to take the kids to there games or practices and drop them off.  My suggestion is for the schools to give the parents the option to pick them up and take the kids to practices and games.  Anyone that has been associated with any type of travel ball should not have a problem with this.  I am sure that there are some parents that could car pool the kids to games and practices and then there parents pick them up after its over like they do now.  I will be curious to see if they shut down all sports activities that have any travel involved.  If not then these ladies are coming short of the school boards requirements to keep the same amount of sports activities for both boys and girls in the system!

  7. Graciegirl: You might want to contact Hope Methodist. They can help out with clothes and food.


    There are quite a few families in Paulding County that need our help due to the hurricane.  Homes were damged here and many people now have 20+ people living with them as family from New Orleans have moved here since they are not allowed in their homes for 4-6 weeks to try to salvage anything.  My Mom and I are trying to collect anythnig and everything to help these people. I am working on clothing sizes.  We need everything for these people.  It hurts more than anything to see a hard working man cry because he can not provide for all of his family that he has opened his home to....because he does what he can for his own.  So P.COM many of the people we are helping help you everyday.  I will not mention names, but I know that many of us call on Comcast and expect help in a lickety split.  They have families they know in need.  There are many other businesses....schools too where families are in need of help.  My first idea was to come to here.  I saw the wonderful things that have been done for JohnnyJ and Smokin and many more.  So please if you can find it in your heart to help in any way......PM me!

  8. Well, there are things I like about work and things I don't like. But, the things that I like far outweigh the bad. I am somewhere in the middle.


    J called me today, and is quite frustrated at work. He says he's ready to look for another job -  :o  - much to my surprise. I'm hoping he'll not sweat the small stuff, but I can see why he's becoming frustrated. But I told him that it happens everywhere, and to not get his panties in a wad...

    Now be honest, are all of you happy where you work?

  9. Question: where in God's green earth are the looters taking their stuff? Aren't their homes or whereever they lived flooded also? Where would they put it? I just don't get it.


    just saw on cnn that there have been several car jackings and shooting near superdome.  This is crazy, looters everywhere, shootings, God help these people.

    They still have not even speculated on death toll for N.O. yet...mayor said that bodies were being pushed to the side.


    if you beleive in prayer, pray for these people.

  10. My church put together cleaning buckets last night and they are on the way to victims of the hurricane right now. We filled Home Depot buckets with bleach, disposable towels and mops and just about anything needed to help clean your home after a flood. We did about 300 last night and the UMC Disaster Relief Team are delivering them sometime today.

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