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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Armymom, I tend to agree with Lesley. If it is just his signature, I don't think that is a huge deal. But, if the rest of the writing was unreadable, I can see having a problem.


    This morning while signing my daughters progress report (yes! I forgot it yesterday), I noticed in one of her subjects, the teacher had signed his name at the bottom.

    Now, I've always loved to see very nice handwriting. I don't know why, I just do.

      Maybe it stems from when I was in school. Many of you will remember how penmenship was a part of our grade, like our conduct. Bad handwriting wasn't acceptable.

      It's been a long time since I've seen the word "penmenship" on a report card though.

    I think sometimes, you can tell a person's mood by their handwriting, and we've all heard about handwriting analysis, which many believe can aid in determining a persons personality and their frame of mind while writing.


      Well, this teachers signature was completely unreadable. I saw what looked like an "M" and a period, then an "S" with a long wavy line after it. It looked like chicken scratch.

      We have come to expect this type of handwriting from Dr.'s and Lawyers and heads of Corporations. (No offense intended to anyone reading this who is in any of these professions)

        Many of us, once we are out from under the watchful eye of our teachers, will develope our own unique style of writing.

      But teachers??

      I know there are many teachers here on Pcom. Would you sign your name in that way, knowing the parents of the kids you are in charge of educating, or even the kids themselves, will see it?

    Maybe I'm being picky, but I don't think this handwriting would be acceptable if it was a student who had written it. Or would it?

      I just think the least an educator can do is practice good penmenship.

      My .02 



  2. $20.00 says that Erin was just playing..... :p


    I said earlier I had no idea there were so many freaks in Paulding. 2579 people just proves the point. 244 are just the ones that are honest and open about it though, except for Erin--God love her, I about died with some of her questions and shocked responses.

  3. OMG. Please lighten up. People can post "disrepesctful or tacky" things Jesse Jackson, #AGREATWOMAN, and the ugly Democratic women. But, when someone post something slightly humorous about Bush, your panties get in a wad.


    You might think crap like this is funny. I think it is disrespectful. Call me uptight if you want.


    I wonder what you're like when you're not wearing your tinfoil hat?

  4. I checked the ARC's transportation plans for Mobility 2030 and it is not listed.


    Am I the only one who is worried about Winn Road?

    My three sons were redistricted to Connie Dugan Elementary this year.  I really, really love this new school.  The staff is top Notch and the school lay out is awesome! 


    The only problem I see is one that will surely take place sometime next year.  That problem… Winn Road!!! 


    Have y’all been down this road? WOW!!!   It is a doozie.


    I am 34 years old and have been driving since I was 13, (my dad put me at the wheel to teach me, only on deserted old country roads) but legal since the age of 15 with a Learners permit.  This road could put even the most seasoned drivers on edge!!!


    If you enter Winn Road from Friendship Church Road (Which is the only way to the school, since June until September 16’ish) you will encounter a VERY narrow street with extremely sharp curves. In some of these curves there are huge oak and pine trees nearly touching the asphalt. As if that were not enough there is also NO shoulder!  If you drop off the pavement even an inch, you’re going to hit one of these trees or be in the ditch on your cell calling for a wrecker. SooOOOooo You may be asking… “What’s your point?”

    My point is South Paulding High School is being built right next to Dugan Elementary.  SPHS is scheduled to open in the fall of 2006. It scares me to think how many inexperience teenage drivers will be negotiating these curves next year. And of course how many wrecks will be on this road before, during, and after school.  They are widening the road right in front of the two schools but it looks as though nothing is marked off to improve the narrowest parts of the road.


    Is improving Winn Road from SPHS to Friendship Church Road on DOT’s agenda before SPHS opens next fall?

    The Paulding County Website only shows “current projects”.


    Which you can see here--->Paulding. gov



    BTW Paulding.gov ... The name of the elementary school is Dugan....NOT Duncan

  5. Good idea!




    As I am sitting here trying to decide what to make for dinner (seems we have the same things week after week) :blink: , an idea came to me... can you start a "recipe (sp?) section"?  This way if anyone has a special recipe, it can be shared in one section and all of us "run out of ideas cooks"  can come on and look for something good to make?


    Anybody w/ me on this? :D

  6. The police aren't much better! I had one slam on his/her brakes and do a three point turn around in the middle of Nebo yesterday. I really hope there was method to the madness but I doubt it.


    I hope some day one of these drivers reads these posts.  I am sick of feeling in danger on the roads.  Dang, is this why we have laws??  Where in the heck are the police when you need them????

  7. Be honest, markdavd, you are the neighbor ogre when it comes to Halloween, aren't you? ;)


    Unless your religion is involves begging for candy don't worry about it. That's what the original question was all about.


    Nobody is saying you can celebrate your religion however / whenever your traditions says.

  8. I have done better at church consignment sales compared to an actual consignment store.


    Can somone please tell me how consignment stores actually work?I mean is it worth it and do you really make a decent sell from it after the store takes their cut?I have several baby items and clothes etc and I dont feel like doing  a yard sale.And where would you suggest going to sell my stuff too?Thanks for any info you may have...

  9. Welcome to P.com and thank you very much for your service.


        Hello to all of the great people of PCOM! Most of you know me as armymom's son, and I joined PCOM today. I just wanted to tell all of you hello from Fort Hood, Texas, and to say "thank you" for all of your heartfelt well wishes and prayers during the 14 months I was deployed in Iraq. It really helped knowing that the wonderful people from my native county were behind me when the going got tough. 



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