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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Is it aphthous ulcers - the medical name for canker sores?



    Ok, I can't explain (over the phone) to my Australian doctor what a lie bump is.  I have tried to locate it on the internet and can't seem to pin it down.


    Never-the-less, I have had one right after the other for about a month now and it is beginning to make me even more crazy than my natural self.  I would like to have this resolved soon.


    Please don't tell me to drink buttermilk because that ain't gonna happen!

    And NO, I haven't been lying that much either.

  2. Ah, markdavd, the federal government and eminent domain is a different animal than the Cobb County BOE.


    It's not going to happen.


    As soon as some old guy doesn't want to sell his property, he'll get the public sentiment on his side to prevent the Gov't from "taking" his land.

  3. Here is the new tint law passed:





    Hmmm, it looks like your front tint might be legal at 33% because it gives a plus/minus of 3% with the standard at 32%.



    I got a ticket yesterday, but I was so incensed (nice word for pi$$ed) I didn't want to post, because I didn't want my emotion to overtake my rational thinking :o  :lol:  :lol:


    So, can I get some clearification on the law, since there are plenty of law enforcement officers on here. 

    I was traveling South on I-75 and the State Troopers were out in force, naturally he ticketed me for speeding, I was doing 70, others were doing 80, but that's beside the point.  I've got a nice shiny black PTCruiser with lots of chrome I've added.  Tinted windows.  Mirror H-D tag on the front and Mirror tag frame around my prestige tag on the back.


    The ticket for speeding is fine, I was speeding.  Then he checks my tint. 


    It is 33% on the front.

    It is 13% on the back.


    He says it's too dark and he's going to give me a ticket for the tint.  I said I only thought it was the front that needed to be light and my tint is light, and he says "No", all of it has to be 32%.  OK.


    THEN he says my tag frame around my tag is illegal.  And I asked why.  He said because it is covering up the month of my birthday.  This pi$$ed me off.  That's when I told him he was just picking.  I've seen tag holders where you couldn't even read the tag, the month, the county, nothing!!  And that was it.  I didn't say anything else.  I thought I was gonna blow a gasket.


    BTW, I looked and it is not covering up the month, I can clearly see SEP on it.


    You know what, I go to work everyday, pay my bills, my taxes, never been in jail, never been in trouble, take care of my business.  Yeah, I was going too fast, but not as fast as some others, especially in the left lane.  Guess it was just my turn, huh?? 


    So I ended up with a speeding ticket, a ticket for the tint and a warning for the tag frame cover.


    So according to Sonny's new law, I get a ticket for the tint, pay the fine and then what, pay to have it taken off and re-tinted (if I so choose, if I have any money after all of this)???


    And don't jump on me about tint!!! I know what the purpose of the law is.   I had the front tinted lighter on purpose.  And even the dark in the back is not THAT dark.  I can see thru it and so can anybody else.


    Any thoughts???


    Oh, BTW the Cobb County Nazis were out on their motorcycles today and had 3 stopped along the way, but I wasn't speeding.  Lucky me!!!!!

  4. Question and I am not trying to be a smart aleck. Why can't the pink/orange folks keep their conservations *in* their respective PRIVATE forums? Isn't that what they are for?


    Yes that is what GENERAL COUNTYWIDE NEWS is for but I can see markdavds point as well.  The first thing most people do is click on recent topics and unless it is a locked forum everything comes up.  Therefore a new person may get a little shocked to see some of the conversations and may not understand most of the posts that are going on.


    Maybe it would be a good idea for Pubby to have another "Click Here" for just for the countywide forum.

  5. Chansky,


    I recently took a step back in my career. In fact, I took a huge backward step in my organization but with no cut in pay (thank goodness!) I had to for my sake and my families sake. Being Superwoman isn't all it is cracked up to be and I found it hard to juggle family life with work. So, I can get up and leave whenever I need to and I have fewer responsibilities.



    I used to work for an attorney in Atlanta and the money was great but i was so stressed out all of the time. He would hollar and scream.  The smallest thing would make him freak out.  But the money was great.  I then left that job for a company that i had worked at before the attorney.  I took a $6/hr pay cut but the environment is a hell of a lot less stressful.  Time off is easier to get and if you are late it isnt really a big deal as long as you get your work done.


    I have 2 small children and i am single so there are a lot of times when i need days off for the normal doctors appt, daycare activities, etc....


    I guess i am just wondering what the rest of p.com would do in this situation.

  6. What I don't understand is the new middle school behind PCHS when it is the northern section of the county that will need a new middle school before that area. According the the numbers I have seen, it is Moses that will be the most overcrowded school with the opening of Austin in the fall.


    The land is a nice gift but not in the area that needs a new middle school the most.


    And I understand that the School Board is 100% behind the APPROVAL of the PRD plan that included the 30 acre gift to the School Board for a new [middle] school behind PCHS.


    The Board is afraid right now that something might happen to kill the deal and the next developer may not be so generous.


    Whitey, my man, I don't think you got the reception you were looking for.


    Now consider a civic organization as was suggested a couple of months ago that provides P&Z with some new revised PRD rules and regs including green space, set backs, buffers, school access [inside the PRD ?] and forget the density issue you seem to be so hung up on. 3 per gross acre is fine if they will cough up the other concessions the BOE wants to see. And the value of the houses is sufficient to give the BOE what they need in tax revenue.


    Now if we could get some office parks and industrial parks, we might survive the onslaught.

  7. Who took Claudia's baby?!


    Anybody watch LOST last night?  I know with American Idol on alot of folks might not have seen it.  I taped it and watched it after Idol went off.


    It was good.  Now I've got to wait until the Fall for new episodes. :angry:

  8. You are bad.


    Honkin hasn't let the cat out of the bag yet.


    Maybe it's something the police are using to spy on me??

    Maybe the FBI is using it for a sting against me???

    Maybe it’s a brand of leather pants????

    I'm not sure....

  9. I would call the city and see if they have an ethics guideline that might interfere.


    Ok yall this we have a question that may sound silly but in this day and age of lawsuits and ethics investigations we feel we need to ask. Ms Couple and I do this “random act of kindness” thing once a month and are trying to do something good this month. We are thinking of buying breakfast for the all the cops in Hiram (or at least a Starbucks gift certificate ;) ) as a thank you for the great work that has been going on in the city. Is there any law or unwritten thing that says we shouldn’t/can’t do this?

  10. Thank you for pointing that out, Roswell.


    As for contemporary services, I don't like them but I do like the pastor at Hope Methodist. If I could have him at McEachern, I would be completely satisfied.


    Without having to read all the referenced articles, I have one question. 


    Is this thread about growing numbers in local congregations, or growing the Kingdom of God?

  11. Don't let someone do that to you, Mrs. Howard. You have too much to offer this board than to let someone run you off with a crappy comment.


    A comment was directed at me this morning on P.com that I find 

    so hurtful and meanspirited that I will now say good bye,

    maybe for a few weeks, maybe forever...

    It has been fun,  but I cannot continue...

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