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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. I'll give you a reason: The banks have Congress in their back pockets!


    Why is it legislation can pass a law so that when someone writes out a check, the store can process it immediately and the funds are withdrawn from your account at that instance. But, when you make a bank deposit, after 2:00 p.m. or on a weekend, the deposit is not credited to your account until the next business day. If you make a deposit on Friday, after 2:00 p.m. your account does not see the funds until Monday afternoon. HMMMM......................

  2. As for local establishments, you can't beat Main Street Grill. The food is fantastic, reasonable priced and I have never had bad service.


    Very good post idea :)

    lets do a couple of sections like big chain places and the the little "mom and pop" shops (independents). I like to talk about the little local guys in the out of the way places. Someone  said Erin's on another post and there is a couple places across from the hosp. that I haven't tried. We heard about Pizza Farm, Dudes, The Steak House, Frontier and of course a P.com fav Bunkhouse. Lets try to keep it upbeat you know if you can't some thing good don't say nothing at all, silence will say it all. ;)


  3. I like the volunteers.


    My homeowners insurance went down when they opened a fire station within a mile from my house. I don't think the insurer even cared if Paulding County had a totally paid fire department or not. For them, it mattered more where the stations are located than how they are staffed (volunteer vs. paid).


    A totally paid fire department.  No volunteers.  Homeowners insurance in Paulding Co would go down if we had a paid fire department.

  4. Little toddlers don't like storms either. I have been up since 4:30 also. :(


    Some of you know that we are fostering 2 dogs...


    Well....this morning at 4:30 we discovered that Betsy is scared to death of thunder & lightening...at least when it's this bad.  We were awakened from a deep sleep when she ran into the room and jumped up onto the bed between us then got on the other side of me and tried to get under the covers. 


    I got up with her thinking she needed to go out really bad...MISTAKE!  She ran circles around me and I got tangled up in the leash.  Took her back upstairs and decided to go get in my son's bed (he was asleep on the sofa).  She laid on top of the comforter between me & the wall and kept moving around changing her position.  I noticed she would only do this when their was lightening.  Even with the blinds closed you could still see it...anyway I kind of thought she was scared but still needed to go out soooo I put her back on the leash and walk her out again.  She kept running back into the garage.  I walk into my office and she laid down and has been asleep ever since...no windows in here except for the door--it goes into the garage and the doors are closed so...whew!


    I've tried to proof this...I'm not usually up at this hour...

  5. We do have a paid fire department.


    Okay it has been awhile since this topic was brought up and I want to know why Paulding Co does not have a paid fire department.  Our county is growing so fast and we still are living in like it's 1950.  This county is NEVER going to get and type of big business if we don't have a paid fire dept.  This is something that I believe needs to be on the top of the priority list for the county commissioners.  Does anyone know why it has not been done?

  6. I saw the same car on 92. I think it was "not guilty on all ten" but it is hard to read.


    As I was coming home from work Saturday afternoon, I got behind a car on Pine Valley Lake Road with the following message painted on the rear window:




    There was something else written underneath that, but it was too small for me to read it.


    Anyone have any idea what that was about?  :blink:

  7. You could try the Smith Plantation in Roswell:




    One of my favorites is the Hofwyl-Broadfield Plantation in South Georgia though:




    Hey Everyone!

    My SIL is coming tomorrow from Pa, and wants to see a plantation.


    Does anyone know of one that is a reasonable distance? She is only going to be here for the weekend.





  8. This is not exactly a new restaurant - just in a new location. Isn't the staff basically the same? Why would good service need practice? Either you give it or you don't. Why in the world would it take over an hour for mostly salads?!


    Just wondering outloud.


    Give me a break... :blink:  :blink:  :blink:

    The restaurant has been open for only 1 day... Jeeze Louise !

    Give him a chance to get a few of the kinks worked out...

    why not give them some slack and just stay home

    next time and cook your own food ?


    Good food takes time to prepare,

    and good service takes practice, esp. in a brand new place... 


    You obviously don't know much about the restaurant business,

    if you want your food fast go to Mickey D's...

  9. No, the only problem is that pocket bikes are illegal. Loud or not.


    theres a boy who rides one them little pocket rocket things up and down the subdivision behind me.I would think the only prob would be its LOUD.its louder then my 4 wheeler is.And well we used to always ride 4 wheelers go carts,dirt bikes everything up and down the subdivision NO ONE cared.at one time I think most the people in it had something to ride,I feel that people just like to complain just like with Remote control airplanes,We are most likely gonna lose out flying club cause there building houses and everyone always complains about the noise but guess what,My dad used to be in the Cobb County club back when they get complaints about the noise and while people was flying they would drive to where the people was complaining and you couldn't even hear the noise of the planes because of kids playing,riding bikes playing basket ball,and people cutting there grass and weed eating,so some people will complain about anything.doesn't matter what it is.


    We have a police scanner and I cant believe how many calls the Police will get about stupid stuff,most stupid thing I have ever heard is when someone turns around in there driveway,heck if I called the police every time someone turned around in our driveway I'ld always be calling them cause seems like allot of people miss there turn and need to turn around.

    I could be a a hole and fuss about it but whats the big deal.its not really hurting me if they use the end of my drive to turn around.

  10. It is illegal to ride those on county roads. So, if a parent is going to buy something like that for their child, they need to already have a place for the kids to ride. Up and down a subdivision is not the place.


    the golf cart with alot of kids should be a NO NO,,but if they was to have the max limit for it and all be wearing seat belts it should be just fine as long as there looking out for cars and stuff.

    Kids need somewhere to play yet the road really isn't the place to do so but I know most live in a subdivision and well all the kids I know ride there bikes and dirt bikes up and down int he subdivision there careful and watch out for cars.heck I ride my four wheeler in the subdivision to and on the side of the road.I don't think it is legal but I do it until I get caught,that I know of they should just tell me to not do it anymore and I will say okay.Paulding county is growing so so much theres no place to ride anything anymore.


    I'm not agreeing with the kids I'm not auguring with the people on here,I am just stating my 2 cents.

  11. Armymom, I have been round and round with one set of parents in my neighborhood. They bought their fourth grader one of those pocket motorcycles for Christmas and he would ride very speedily up in our cul-de-sac. I spoke to them on several occasions about it because I have three young children and he didn't even wear a helmet. I got no where with them. I finally called the Sheriff's Department and had a deputy come out and bust the child on it. I haven't seen him down in my cul-de-sac since. It is illegal and so is the golfcart!


    Ok, I know it's summertime, you get tired of your kids coming in and out (and in and out) of the house.

      They get bored and look for something fun to do.


      My concern is this:

      There is a family in my neighborhood who has a golfcart.

    They have 4 children from age 11 and under.

      These children ride this golfcart quite a bit, but with school out, they're on it almost constantly.

    I have watched these kids come up the street with anywhere from 8-10 kids hanging onto every thing they can wrap their little fingers around. It looks and reminds me of a bees nest. Kids all over it.

      I have watched them load up like this and chase other kids around their house after dark. (with no headlights on!)

    One day, there was a very large boy standing on the back and he was bouncing up and down . I never saw the front tires leave the ground, but the front end of the cart was definitely lifting.

      I have seen the 11 year old boy riding his youngest sibling around the neighborhood WITHOUT a seatbelt! (The dad even does this)

      This is just a small example of the things these kids do on this thing. I know the parents see all this (although a few of the kids aren't from the neighborhood, so their parents may not be aware of what they're doing even though they MUST know about the amount of kids that are on it).

      What on earth are these parents thinking? Not only could their children get injured (or worse), but if something happened to one of the other children, they would be held accountable, wouldn't they?

      My youngest (who is 9) watches them sometime with this smile on her face and a look of such longing, I know she wants to go play with them and "have fun", and this terrifies me!

    (She did ask me ONCE if she could ride on it. I'll let you guess what I told her.) 

    This has made me think that when your kids are at someone elses house and you are trusting the parents to watch out for your childs safety, are they doing a good job????? Or are they using bad judgement like these parents????

    I know kids do things all the time that would make a parents hair stand on end. That's the nature of kids. They are just not old enough to understand certain consequences. But these parents who own the cart SEE what these kids are doing! It's their responsibilty to teach their kids that EVERYTHING they've been doing on this thing is dangerous. Yet they don't stop them.

      I guess this is the type of parent who buys a souped up sports car for their kid when he starts driving. Then wonders "why my child?" when they wrap it around a tree at 3 in the morning.


      Sorry, I just had to vent about this.



  12. Surepip, thanks! You beat me to it.


    I had heard that we were suppose to get a new hospital built out here.  What has happened to that?  Paulding Hospital is not doing the job. (even though they are nice as they can be) Seems like nothing is ever performed or done at Paulding.  I heard it is mostly a patch and send hospital. I guess it is just not big enough or equiped well enough to handle the medical needs of the people.

    Everyone I know still has to go to either Cobb County or Douglas County to get most of their medical care. It seems to me that all the counties around us have several full service hospitals, and we can't even get one.

    I am shocked that we are getting this silly airport, before a full service hospital.

    It seems to me that the counties priorities are not in the right places.

  13. Good luck with that, then. Report back with your progress when you can.


    Call Speaker Richardson. I bet he would love the idea!


    I'm as serious as building an airport in Paulding County.  As serious as high gas prices and high costs to maintain a vehicle.  As serious as the high cost to our county to maintain roads, and emergency personell and vehicles.  As serious as that 61 year old woman, who was just killed running her car into a creek.  As serious as those kids soliciting at the intersection of 278 and 92.  As serious as 42,000 people who are killed each year with automobiles, and 71,347 injured (or 200 a day)


    Yes HiramGirl, I am serious.

  14. Wow, that would be perfect in a perfect world! However, we are far, far, far, far, far (have I made a point yet) away from that.


    Oh yes, I AM SERIOUS.  As serious as death on a road!


    I think we need monorail everywhere actually, not just in Paulding Co.  Ours could connect with theirs, and you could ride all the way to Atlanta.  And sleep the whole way if you choose. (safely)

  15. I am quite surprised you haven't been chewed up and spit out in this thread!


    Seriously though, monorail for Paulding County. Surely you can't be serious. Not when the city of Atlanta is pulling teeth trying to get the Beltline up and running.


    You have to move people. The majority of Paulding County residents commute outside the county for work. How could a monorail benefit us? I would much rather have rail systems to Atlanta (never going to happen) than a monorail around the county. Doesn't make much sense to me at all and a huge, huge, huge waste of money.



    The citizens of Paulding County voted NO to the airport!  The citizens have been ignored and it is being built anyway, supposidly with other moneys.  But with the way my property taxes have been skyrocketing in the last few years, I think it is still being taken out of our pockets.  This is something only a select few will ever really get the benefit of, in my opinon.


    Monorail on the other hand will benefit everyone.  Now, to answer you about "MOST mass transit systems can only function when funded by tax money"

    This is all to true with "MOST" mass transit systems.  But with monorail this isn't the case.


    Go to:www.monorails.org/tMspages/Why.html

    Here is some of what it says.


    Monorails are proven.

    Monorails are safe.

    Monorails are enviornment friendly.


    Monorails are cost effective.

    The Tokyo-Haneda Monorail has been operating since 1964.  This eight-mile dual-beam system is privately owned and TURNS A PROFIT EACH YEAR!  The Seattle Center Monorail, built in 1962 for the Century 21 exposition, is run by a private corporation.  In return for the concession to operate the 1.2-mile system, the corporation pays the city $75,000 each year :excl:  What private business would take on a contract like this unless profits were guaranteed?  Profit is indeed an oddity in the transit world, as most transit technologies require enormous subsidies from taxpayers.  Building monorail does not guarantee profit, but operating costs are almost always less.


    Monorails are receiving serious attention from transit planners


    Monorails are popular with people/taxpayers.

    Voters have demonstrated their preference for monorail more than once.  In Los Angeles, they voted five to one in favor of monorail in a referendum.  LA transit officials ignored them and continued to build light rail and subways.

    In Nov. of 1997, approximately 93,000 Seattle voters said yes to a grass roots-produced initiative for a 40-mile citywide monorail system.  A subsequent Seattle ballot initiaive to tax automobile owners for a starter line in 2002 passed as well.  Opponents tried to kill the monorail project in 2004, and Seattle citizens overwhelmingly supported monorail with their votes.......AGAIN!!!!! Planning for the system is under way.  :D



  16. Is there such a thing as a Paulding County pouring license? I thought it was a city thing.


    I need to get a pouring license in Paulding county....does anyone know if i can do this online or where i need to go to get one


    i guess there is a new law where paulding county employees serving alcohol need a pouring license

  17. You funny, mrs. howard, but you know my grandmother refused in all her years to bake a devil's food cake and they are "dressed" eggs and not deviled eggs!


    Well speak of the devil ...


    and give the devil his due...


    because the devil is in the details...


    he is a slippery little devil...

    I read a quote that said something like (paraphrasing) :


    Fighting the devil is wonderful. But if we spent more time loving our fellow man,

    then the devil would cease to exist...


    Can anyone think of more "devil " sayings/phrases ?

    How about a plate of "deviled "eggs ? B)  :rolleyes:  B)

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