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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Stay at home, aj. I would do it in a heartbeat if I could. Seriously.


    I am currently a stay at home mom, and our finances are all in order, and we aren't hurting for money. But, and this is my problem, I have been feeling lately that I would like to go out and find a job. Sometimes I think that it would be wonderful to get out of the house, and go to a place where I speak with adults during the day, but then I feel like I would miss so much in my childrens lives, and I wouldn't be able to be there for them, like I am now. I also feel like I would be cheating my son of time at home - the girls have been at home with me until now. Then I have the problem of who would take off work when one of the kids gets sick, or has a doctors appointment, or a field trip, or when the baby stays up all night. Oh yeah - and when school is let out for two days for a fuel shortage.


    Another issue is the pay. Seeing as I have been out of work for a few years, I would have to start back over at the bottom. But with the cost of gas rising, childcare, afterschool, I would have to make well above minimum wage to even break even.


    So I am torn - working mom, or stay at home mom.


    Anyone got any advice?

  2. For the life of me, I don't know why Channel 2 interviewed him. Seriously. He really had nothing more to say than the fact that he helped her move into that apartment and they used to do drugs together.


    Did anyone catch what the ex boyfriend said about her on the news right after Oprah? I didn't see it. I figured he was just badmouthing her. lol

  3. Not anger, annoyance more like it.


    Bubba stated that anyone that is complaining about folks "promoting" the site should be ashamed of themselves and that is the attitude that is really started to tick me off.


    Wow, why don't you tell us how you really feel.


    I'm sorry, I have to disagree with you.  "henchmen", do I hear anger......is there more to this than what I am reading?  Who has told You that you should be ashamed of yourself.


    Why has this gotten this far?   What's really going on here???? :unsure:

  4. You know Bubba, let Pubby do his own bitching about paid/non-paid members - he doesn't need anyone to be his henchmen. I don't need it shoved down my throat constantly by you or TBAR or anyone else. If he wants everyone to have paid memberships, let him restricted this site for paid members only. If he doesn't want that, you and everyone else needs to stop bartering and telling me I should be ashamed of myself.


    For those who complain about those of us who are trying to help out, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Like tbar and everybody else who cares, I will still do drives to raise more money for this site.


  5. This is case in point. Of course it takes time and money to run the site. He gets advertising money and I am sure it is based on how many REGISTERED , i.e, paid and non-paid, members there are. So, we are supporting this site in how much he can charge advertisers. Who would want to advertise on a paid membership only site?



    I agree that people should not be harrassed if they choose to not join as a paying member and support the site, but you also have to keep in mind - the site don't run itself - it costs money and time to run this site and time spent is more money spent!


    Actually, in my opinion,  I think that in this day and age it's gracious that pubby allows people to register and not pay  and yet still have all the access they do...in the beginning, when first getting it off the ground, yes I could see that, but now that it's flying well off the ground I'm surprised that access isn't cut back to require payment upon registration...maybe a free 30 day trial period...yeah, so that's my opinion but that's not the way it is so you should continue to ride the coat tails on this site for free and not be harrassed for your choice, that I agree, because if no one is going to make you pay then why should you.

    Edited to add: I also wanted to say that this is the first time I've voiced an opinion on paying or not paying, but I'm getting just as sick of hearing the non paying people griping about being griped at for not paying!

  6. Here's the rub, Subby. We all KNOW that we can pay for membership. I don't think there is anyone here that doesn't realize that. For our own personal reasons, many of us don't. The sense is that because we don't pay, we can't voice opinions on this site. If we do complain, it is followed by constant threads out why we don't pay. It is tres annoying. So what is it. If we don't pay, we should sit here and not voice opinions about this site? If our system is getting bombarded by spam, we can't complain about it because we don't pay? Where should the non-paying members draw the line?


    Look for words like "paying member", or ORANGE or PINK, or hell....MONEY....


    then, avoid clicking on the topic. :wacko:


    For heaven's sake, I can't believe all the grief yall give the man for simply trying to promote HIS site. <_<


    Here's a thought- start your OWN site, and see how cheap it is to operate. :p


    There are plenty of free, unmoderated sites, loaded with cussing, nudity, verbal battles, immature rantings, and the like.


    Paulding.com just doesn't happen to be one. It is a local community site, that helps to bring the county together in ways most of us could never have imagined.

    The thought of you literally becoming SICK makes me sad. That's why I suggested not clicking on anything with those aforementioned word(s) I placed here as a guideline.


    Always happy to help! :)

  7. :o


    Sure, let's ban gay foster parents.  At the same time, let's ban black foster parents (because every black person is involved in gangs and pimping and drug trafficking and the such, of course), and, hell, let's ban interracial parents, because they're defying the  not at all ambiguous law of our God almighty.  HOLY truck.  Are atheists still allowed to adopt?  We can't let those satanic bastards have any of these young souls.

  8. Clawdia: she has every right to get defensive. She is trying to do right by this cat and not just put it out but Bumplett should have chose her words better and not come out attacking her.


    But, that is just my opinion.


    Please do not get on the defensive...


    Like I said that is fine that you are looking for a home for your cat.  Since I volunteer at the shelter I would rather you find a loving home for it than bring it to the shelter.


    I think that because when people read boards like this they read it for what is written.  I just wanted to make sure that you and other people out there know that yes there is a risk but only if certain precautions are not taken.


    If I wanted to get into your business I would be attacking you and "yelling" at you instead of providing information about how it is possible to keep the cat instead of having to find a new home for it.


    Since you mentioned that you would rather find a happy home for your cat instead of abandoning it or taking it to the shelter.  I have a question for you, what are you going to do if you are not able to find it a home?  You and your husband seem to be worried about the child you are expecting, which you are allowed to do but what happens if you do not find someone to take the cat?  This is always a possibility, please remember that the shelter tries everything they can to find homes for all the animals at the shelter.

  9. I wonder if her "cronies" will actually admit it. It would be nice to greet them out in the open.


    I noticed that name last night, too.  But, I thought she said that she's not Patrick's

    girl.....just friends.


    Now, maybe she will realize that we are known by the company we keep.


    And, no, I'm not one of her "cronies" either, in case someone is wondering.  I have

    just been trying to stay out of all this.  I would rather read than comment. :lol:  :lol:

  10. I had a PM from her that said as much.


    What it boils down to, Lacey, is that Honkin doesn't like it when she gets what she is used to dishing out. That is all. :rolleyes:


    Now I am lost again. Honkin' has a group watching you?


    What have you been accused of? I haven't seen anything.

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