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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Atlanta has tried to implement a "living wage" but was rebuked by the legislature.


    Personal opinion but I think there should be local statues that require employers to pay based on the cost of living in a certain area.  Based on this theory, you wouldn't make 5.25 anywhere in Atlanta, because one simply cannot live in Atlanta (unless you are living 4 families to a home) on that.  It costs a LOT more to live in the Atlanta area than, say, rural appalachia and I think there should be some provision for that.  However, I am not a politician and I don't know all the implications of that either.


    However, I think the national poverty level is $12K (is that right?) and if a person works 40 hours making 5.25 an hour they will only make $10,920 a year.  I think minimum wage should at least allow you to live above the poverty level.

  2. I used AWD for three years. They called me one day and said that I haven't paid a bill in two years. WTH?! I since went with Sanitech and haven't had a lick of trouble.


    We use AWD (American Waste Disposal) for our trash pickup and had an issue this week.  We are curious if anyone else has had the same problem.


    Our trash pickup day (Monday) came and went and no trash pickup.


    We called AWD today and they stated that they had hired a new driver and a few customers had been missed.


    So, we asked that they come by today or tomorrow and pick up our overflowing trash container.  Well, the woman on the phone had no interest in that.  Stating that our pickup day was Monday and that would be the next time they could come by.


    Asking for the owners phone number got us his cell number.  Calling that number, we got no answer and an automated message stating that his voice mail was full.


    Thus the thought that they are in serious trouble and that it might be time for all of us to find a new trash carrier.


    So, anyone else get the cold shoulder this week?


    John P.

  3. There is a good one in Stockbridge but it is based on the book of Revelations. It will scare God back into you.


    I am a haunted house fanatic, but I have only gone a handful of times the past five years because of the kids.


    Where is your favorite HH??? Any semi-local ones any good??? I'm itching to go real soon! :D

    Edited to add - my all time favorite was Silo-X. That was before I moved to Califonia for a few years. I haven't heard of it being open since we came back three years ago... :(

  4. You have to transport them. Because of the diesel shortage, county busses will not be used for the softball games on Thursday and for the football games on Saturday.




    Edit: I didn't mean to post this in the Book Club forum!

  5. What a precious letter, cake.


    All, I just got another letter from my nephew...well email.  He is stationed in Iraq with the 155th Armored Brigade out of Tupelo, Ms.  I thought I would post this letter just to let some of you know just how it is over there for our boys and girls.  I know that most on here support our troops, so I was certain this would be received well.

    Hey Guys! . 

        Well things are going fine for me here.  We are finally starting to get ready to come home.  Unfortunately this is the month of Ramadan and the people here are really starting to act crazy.  I guess it is because they don't eat during the day!!!  Most of the violence is directed toward the Shiite people here, but we get our fair share too.  The people of Iraq will vote on OCT 15th for the constitution referrendum and then again on the 15th of Dec.  These are two very important dates for us here.  Many people don't want to see the voting take place.  Please keep us in your prayers during the last days of our tour here.  It looks like this time might prove to be quite volatile.  No exact date has been set for our return home yet.  It looks like somewhere between the middle of Dec. and the first days of Jan. 

          I can't wait to get back home and try to get back to the normal life again. I know once back home there is also work to be done there left from Katrina.  Dad said you guys took alot of things down to help and got Grandaddy and Granny Ann out of there early on.  That was awesome of you to do that. I know their your parents but still, I was very glad to hear you were taking care of them.  Dad told me that the town would probably never be the same. In more ways than just from the damage.  I know once I get back and put on my other uniform that my work will not be done. Dad said the SP's were trading off weeks with the boys down on the coast to give them a break. I do believe that I will be doing the same.  At least down there I will not have to worry about the same things I do here, and I will be able to get more than 3 hours of sleep each night. 

        The temperature here is finally starting to drop some....around 100 during the  day and about 75-80 at night.  I never thought 80 degrees would feel so good!!!  I also can't even remember the last time i saw rain.  Sometime back in March i think.  Well i hope everything is going good back home, well in your case Georgia.  I keep forgetting that you arent actually "home" anymore.  I thank you  for your prayers and support while we are over here.  There are definitely some good things going on here.  Of course the news media don't want to show that side of things.  People might actually support our effort then. 

          Again, I thank yall and hope all is well.  Give the boys a hug and kiss from me and tell them to watch the mail!  I have sent them some flags we flew over here.  I would really like for you to have them embroidered with the dates and location that they were flown.  That way the boys can remember exactly what those flags stood for at the time.  I wrote all the information on the boxes they are in.  I put an Iraqi flag in there as well for you and Tim.  Tell the boys to be good and keep doing good in school. 


    Love you and miss you,



  6. AJ: That is good news indeed. Is Mr. Police Officer going to come back or was it just a one day thing?


    So this morning we rode out to the end of the driveway and see a Deputy in the parking lot (been there a few days, but today was the first time he was visable to us).

    Anyhow, the bus comes around the corner - Deputy puts on his parking lights - bus stops and has red lights flashing when over the hill comes a semi going way to fast to stop. Guess what - he didn't even slow down. Evidently that green light was more important than stopping. :angry2: Mr. Police Officer puts on his blue flashy lights, and pulls the guy over at the Shell station caddy corner from my house. Back up arrives, and they go about with their procedures. (side note - thank goodness we didn't cross the road, we would have easily been killed)


    Don't tell anybody, but I did my happy dance... :D


    BIG thank you to the person who set this up! She gets on here ya'll, so help me thank her properly...  :D

  7. I know it is the BOE's decision but why start junior programs when you already have middle school programs intact? Why not lobby the BOE to change the way the middle schools play It seems counterproductive and a little underhanded to me.


    It's the BOE's decision.  We stay in county and play each other.  We use to play the Douglas County schools which provided our teams a chance to see better competition.


    Believe me, the HS basketball coaches would like nothing better than to get some of these young kids 30+ games a year.  Cobb's Jr. programs play more games in 1 year than our MS kids play in their entire MS career.  And their kids start in 6th grade.


    When my oldest son played MS ball in Paulding, we still played the DC schools and that is how we met the coaches and players that he eventually played AAU ball with throughout his HS career.

  8. This begs the question as to why the high school coaches don't work better with the MS coaches. If the competition is a problem, why not loosen up the rules on the middle school programs and let them play more games against better competition?


    All of the HS basketball coaches in the county would love to do away with the MS basketball program and have their own JR. teams like Cobb does.


    The MS basketball program in Paulding is terrible.  7th grade plays 8 games plus tournament and 8th grade plays 12 plus tournament.  The lack of games and the lack of competition against more talented teams and players hurts our kids when they get to the HS level.


    If they've got the kids who have the talent and desire to improve their game against better athletes, I'm all for it.  And it certainly will help the HS basketball programs when these youngsters make it to HS.

  9. Ultimate Judgement will come from God. But, Katt, we all have a right to judge this man for his actions here on Earth. What is better? To remain silent against someone like Lanzo or look the other way?


    I don't agree with his sign and I don't cater his establishment. He can say he has black friends all he likes but you can't talk out of both sides of your mouth. Talk the talk and walk the walk. Let your actions match your words.


    busymom i agree with you, judgement should be left up to one person and ONE person only.

  10. My neighbor's kid has been contacted by a gentleman that claims he is associated with Hiram High but is not on staff. He says that Coach Hood is started a "Junior Hornet" program and that Coach Hood does not Hiram basketball kids playing middle school sports. I know that middle school sports has been a hot button issue here and I just wanted to see if anyone else has been contacted about this Junior Hornet basketball program.

  11. Whhaaat? I have no idea what you are trying to say.



    I have seen that since Lanzo and a few others are suspended from the site and My bf has choosing not to post cause of allot the crap, well that the crap is still here. I wonder how Pubby feels about that. He thought he gotten rid of the trouble makers and all but guess what its just like they said, its not there fault its everyone else who keep bringing it up Nothing toward you fast. I am specking of the others. I Read this anytime I am at my mans house and see it for myself. Some on here will never let it go. Well Also looks like no one lied what was said to go on went on, some might want to find out more info before acting on his actions as they must. :blink:

    Drop it everyone Lanzo is his own person and will do as he wants until he decided not to my God mother goes there allot. You all should go get to know someone before you talk so bad about them,you wouldn't want then calling you out if they didn't know about you. would you? I think most would be surprised at how nice of a guy he really is. But some of you cant get your head out from between your legs long enough to find out the truth about anyone. :unsure:  :ph34r:

  12. Well, your cup is half-empty. If they didn't close the road and if innocent bystanders would have been hurt, people would bitch as to why the authorities didn't close the road.


    :angry2: They shut down both lanes of hwy 120 for 3 hours!!! I couldnt even drive to the oyster bar to get some lunch after my morning hunt. I had to park in haralson county and walk about a mile just so those idiots could stand in the middle of the road and have their little shouting match. I thought they had to stay between the edge of the road and the right of way line on the shoulder. :angry:

  13. Easy. The Evil Empire won because of head to head competition with the Red Sox.


    If the (Evil Empire) New Your Stankees and the Boston Red Sox ended up in a tie, with the same record in the American League East, then how come NY was awarded the title of East Champs, and Boston got Wildcard?  :blink:

  14. Jesus. I was being funny and lighthearted and you seem to have gotten your panties all in a wad over it. I was being silly pointing that out. I wasn't trying to "call" you on anything and I don't have a point but you seem to want to make it a point to point out that I need to have a point.


    What is your point? 


    I really find it humorous.  You seem to think you have 'called' me on something.

  15. Well, there is striking similarity to what you posted and what is on Wikipedia.


    To see for yourself:




    "Temple of the Dog was started by Chris Cornell. After the death of his former roommate, Mother Love Bone singer Andrew Wood, Cornell wrote two songs in tribute: "Say Hello 2 Heaven" and "Reach Down". Cornell approached Wood's former bandmates, Stone Gossard and Jeff Ament, with the intention of releasing the songs as a single.


    With the band completed following the addition of Soundgarden drummer Matt Cameron (who would later join Pearl Jam after the breakup of Soundgarden in the late 1996) and Pearl Jam lead guitarist Mike McCready, the band started rehearsing the songs. The rehearsals soon lead to several new songs, and the single soon became an album.


    Eddie Vedder, who had flown to Seattle to audition to be Pearl Jam's singer, ended up providing backing vocals. "Hunger Strike" became a duet between Cornell and Vedder. Cornell was having trouble with the vocals at practice, when Vedder stepped in. Cornell later said that "he sang half of that song not even knowing that I'd wanted the part to be there and he sang it exactly the way I was thinking about doing it, just instinctively"."




    HiramGirl says there is striking similarity to what I posted and what is listed on Wikipedia about Mother Love Bone.  Perhaps I am making too big of a deal about it...but I have never even been on Wikipedia.  I pride myself on my knowledge of the band...and just want any and all who care to know:  what I typed on here came straight from memory. 


    I got a lot of the information (Vedder's impromptu participation, etc.) from an initimate article on Pearl Jam in Guitar World magazine that I read a few years back.  The rest I have picked up over the years being a avid fan of all the bands we have discussed.



  16. Somebody loves Wikipedia!


    Mother Love Bone pre-dated Pearl Jam and Soundgarden.  Jeff Ament and Stone Gossard, Pearl Jam members, were originally in Mother Love Bone with Andrew Wood on vocals.  Wood was a one time roomate and best friend of Chris Cornell (they were both trying to breakthrough on the Seatlle music scene in the early 90's).  Wood overdosed on heroin.


    Gossard and Ament were getting a new gig together.  They had just flown Eddie Vedder in after he laid some tracks on some demos (actually the songs that became Alive, Black, and Jeremy on their debut album, Ten--they were originally a trilogy).  Vedder was originally a surfer from San Diego (I think that was the town).


    The band was in the studio with Cornell/Soundgarden recording what became Temple of The Dog, a tribute to the late Andrew Wood.  Vedder was sitting on a couch observing everything.  Cornell was having some trouble hitting low parts of the song 'Hunger Strike'.  Vedder just stood up to the mic without being asked and sang the parts...he nailed them.  He wasn't even supposed to appear on the album.

  17. My husband and I have recently eaten at Emeril's and went looking around Lenox last weekend. Loved it!


    Hubby and I are in desperate need of a night out....without the kids.  We are looking for something fun to do or somewhere to fun to go.  We like just about everything so I am looking for suggestions.  Maybe Downtown, Buckhead, Vinings is what he suggested.


    Things to do or restaurants you have been to recently along with some details about what they have to offer would be great!


    Thanks in advance for the advice.

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