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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. What is the name of the camera? That is what I was getting at. I am trying to see if your camera would take better pictures than my Nikon digital. Is it a SLR digital?


    I use an 8 mp Fuji with wonderful clarity and I have extra lenses and filters.  I use a slave flash to avoid bulky lighting.


    All pictures are submitted via internet for processing by a VERY reputable lab in Atlanta, my grandfather used then for 20 years when he lived in GA (he is a profession photographer and has taught me alot)


    The images are then mailed back to me.


    After the shoot I download the photos to my laptop immediatly so the customer can pick their photos and select their package.


    Hope this helps :)

  2. From where I sit, Mrs. Sowar has been wonderful for the school system. Anytime I have ever had any problems with the school system and have addressed them to her, she has done a marvelous job helping me. I don't see how you can say that she doesn't care about the kids. Why would she stay if that was the case? Why be in education if you don't care about kids? Truly, I think that is such an asinine and untrue statement.


    As for a new football coach, I think Mike Wilson would be wonderful.


    you have had to loos your mind. mrs sower is a back stabing double crossing person that cares not one  bit for the kids parents teachers  or coustodians in this county.  and  yes i know this for a fact.  the people  of this county  can  push her out  but it  would be hard as most are scared of her.!!~!!

  3. He is being bankrolled by the royal family in Bahrain.


    I'm certainly not posting this to cause controversy, and I always felt that he would live in Europe, probably France.  But he has chosen to live in Bahrain.  Now that just doesn't make any sense to me.  He's a Jehovah's Witness and he likes little boys, why Bahrain?



      Michael Jackson May Not Live in U.S. Again 2 hours, 8 minutes ago



    NEW YORK -    Michael Jackson will come back to the United States, but it's unlikely the King of Pop would ever make it his home again, says his father.



    "He'll come back to visit, but not to stay, not to live," Joseph Jackson told The Associated Press in a recent interview.


    Jackson said his son, who was acquitted in June of child molestation, has received lots of threats in the United States. The superstar now lives in Bahrain and his lawyers have said that he no longer considers his Neverland Ranch in California as his home.


    "They didn't treat him right here. I know if I was him, I wouldn't come back," his father said.


    Bahrain is situated in a bay on the southwestern coast of the Persian Gulf; Saudi Arabia lies to the west across the Gulf of Bahrain, while the Qatar peninsula lies to the east


  4. There what goes again? If you don't want me to "start again," please, by all means, do not reply. I realize your thread is about the Varsity, I do not have a reading comprehension problem. Why not leave your snarky remarks to the others that posted about alternative places?!


    see there it goes again!

    go sart your own thread if you want to eat there...


    my thread is about the











  5. You say it is negative but I say it is just being honest. If someone wants to meet at Mary Mac's, I am there.


    sorry, I misinterpreted, thanks for clearing it up


    But sometimes I can't win on here, ya know...it's like negativeville around here


    GET HAPPY PEOPLE, and keep your negative comments to yourself instead of ruining it for me!

  6. The liberals are the ones that want a majoritarian rule?! What do you think the evangelical community in this country wants? They want the majority to rule and the minority to be damned. Oh, let's just forget about that whole tryanny of the majority, though.




    What women's rights are you referring to that are in danger?  From a review of your attachments, it is apparently the right to aboortzion under the US Constitution, as provided in Roe v. Wade and other decisions.  Is that a litmus test to serve on the US Supreme Court?  That a Justice will not vote to change Roe?  If so, then Sandra Day O'Conner would not even be qualified, as the Court in Casey substantially changed Roe, although it did not overrule it.


    Even if Roe is reversed, the right to aboortzion still exists.  It means, though, that states have the right to regulate aboortzion more stringently than they already do.  Not having a US Constitutional right to aboortzion does not mean that the right doesn't necessarily exist.


    I know this thread could quickly turn into a debate about aboortzion, which Pat likes to encourage as much as Neal Boortz.  But remember, under a liberal's approach to constitutional law, all enumerated Constitutional rights are subject to change at the whim of the US Supreme Court.  Nothing, IMO, is more dangerous to a woman's rights than the possibility that the US Supreme Court would be controlled by a liberal majority because they believe the US Constitution is a "living" document which should be changed as societies change.  In other words, majoritarian rule dictates Constitutional rights, including the right to vote, the right to free speach, the right to practice one's religion freely, etc., etc.

  7. Too bad he isn't on the All Important Pharmacy List from my insurance company....


    The BEST pharmacy ever is the Medicine Shoppe in Dallas (Paulding Plaza) ran by Pharmacist Mike Martin.. he's a personal friend of mine and treats everyone special. He takes the time to answer your specific questions personally...


    Here's his website:

    Medicine Shoppe, 770.445.6422


    at the intersection of Merchants Drive & Macland Roads

    (next to the closed dollar theater)

  8. Bushie nominated a moderate, or so they were trying to pawn her off to be, and look happened. He was eaten alive by his own radicals!


    I don't doubt his intelligence. I don't believe I called him stupid.


    I do, however, believe that a moderate is the best candidate for the position, not a radical conservative...as much as I believe that men have no place telling women what they can and cannot do with their own bodies.

  9. Subby, I have started using Shaw Pharmacy in west Marietta. Yes, the drive is long but I simply adore that man - he mixes his own over the counter cold meds also. I started going there after Curl's would not mix a suspension for my son. Flat out refused.


    I say vent, thought I think "lamentations" would be a better term.


    Maybe I'm showing some age here, but am I the only one who is downright TIRED os dealing with the big chain pharmacies? Used to be, I always useda  local mom & pop pharmacy for my medicinal needs. Starting WAY BACK it was Carter's Pharmacy in Smyrna, then I move to South Marietta and used Pat Mell Drugs. When Pat Mell Drugs went bellyup, I had to transwer all my crap to Eckerds. I hated it then, and I hate it now!! <_<


    I did have the good fortune of using Thomas Drugs in Austell when I worked down that way. -_-


    I can go to the same Eckerd store month after month, deal with the same person every time and they still ask me the same old questions as if they've never seen me before. Wow...nothing like being a number, eh? Worse than that.....you stand there with your script in hand and they just carouse with each other and let you stand there for about 5 mins. while they swap stupid-ass stories with each other.

    Pisses me off to NO END!! Then I tell em I can come back later to pick it up (so they're not rushed). Well hell-fire!! When I come back they're still screwing around and I have to wait another 10-15 mins to pick up something that should have already been done and waiting for me. :angry:


    I tell ya what folks.....this is total CRAP!! Do any longtimer pcommers have any mom and pop drug stores they use? Are there any even left on this planet? If I have to deal with this lazy bunch anymore I'm gonna burst a vessel in my head!! :angry:

  10. Do you know what I recently started and it helps me TREMEDOUSLY (did I spell that right?)? Kick boxing in my living room. Yeah, yeah, I am like five years behind this trend but my mom picked me up a cheap DVD and, when I put the kiddies to bed, I work out all of my frustrations. Very helpful.


    My job really is one of my things.

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