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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Why should he not be able to speak to young people? He would be perfect. He has made a mistake, I am sure he will make amends and move on. Isn't life about learning from mistakes?


    Oh, whilst I forget, you are the expert on Paulding County athletics.


    I am extremely disappointed, it seems like our young people either dont take advantage of this, or get in trouble when they get there.  Folks, this is not the first time a Paulding Athlete gets in trouble.  Check out others...he should not be allowed to speak to young people here until he gets things squared away.  Sorry, Antonio...but you made a large mistake.

  2. I'll stop giving him crap when he actually learns HOW to be a quarterback.


    I wish everyone would get off Vicks case.He is a damn good qb!I have been watching football since I was little since I did grow up with a bunch of boys.I think he is great and people just give him way to much crap. :angry2:

  3. I did answer that he served. But, he took the chicken sheeze way out just like many other rich, priviledged men did during that time. I would have much more respect for him if he would just admit it and move on. Instead, you neo-cons will jump up and down that "He served, he served! He has military experience!!!" is just downright laughable as these liberal tactics you hate.


    I did not say to compare his combat record to anyone else's hiramgirl. Did he serve in the Texas Air National Guard flying jets? Either he served or he didn't. It is a yes or no answer... Typical liberal tactic...Failure to answer a simple question..... :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

  4. If it was TBAR's fifteen year old son, HE would be the one on NATIONAL NEWS talking about being "laid out and candle lit" (best.quote.ever). It is disgusting no matter if it is a boy or a girl.


    mountainwoman, the age of consent in the state of Georgia is 16. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW. It doesn't matter what perspecptive someone has - it is still against state law to have sex with anyone under the age of 16.


    I'm not personally attacking you Subby, or TBAR, or anyone else.  Promise!  I just can't believe that you and TBAR appear to be completely ok with this.


    I do not see a double standard.  There isn't one for me.  It would not matter what sex the adult is, nor what sex the child was.  This is plainly, absolutely, morally, ethically WRONG and is child abuse in my book.  I think this law is wrong in that it trumps parental rights. That is WRONG. 

    Let's switch it around:  This is a 15 year old GIRL that you know, who a 37 year old man has impregnated, married without parental consent due to an old loophole law.... and you'd be ok with that?  You'd have no problem with that?  There'd be no moral, or ethical, societal dilemma with that?????


    Please. Share. I'm all ears.

  5. Donald Wertlieb, a professor of child development at the Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Development at Tufts University, warned that such punishment could do extreme emotional damage. He said rewarding positive behavior is more effective.


    I wonder if Professor Wertlieb has any kids at all. :glare: Rewarding positive behavior has NEVER worked in my house.

  6. I take it you have never played football. I married one. He will be the first to tell you that you can't coach receiving. It is a natural talent you have or you don't. You might be able to help with hand-eye coordination but you can't coach or teach receiving the football. Going from a left handed quarterback to a right handed quarterback notwithstanding.


    I don't need to add hits on fireurbanmeyer.com. I happen to like him.



    But it's up to the "coaches" to help them get the most out of their abilities now that they are playing at a whole new level.

    Go add some hits to fireurbanmeyer.com.

  7. Here's a tip: look at your post that I was responding to. It had neither :lol: or :angry: in it.


    P.S. I don't wear panties.


    I am not pissed off as you can see from my first post - I think it is funny.  You are the one with the pantie wad.


    :lol:  = funny


    :angry:  = pissed off


    I believe I used  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

  8. Oh for Christ's sake. People can work together and post on this site. Why are you pissed off about it? Isn't there more in this world to worry about than two co-workers posting here?


    Why does everyone seem so up in arms about this? Get your panties out of the wad they are in. This board would be much better off without this kind of garbage cluttering it up.



    I will do as I please THANK YOU!!!  Joining within 8 minutes of each other and they work together....come on now!!!!  Why are been sticking up for them, you a part of their group too?

  9. CRW: I know where you are coming from. But, this is a public forum and you don't get to decide when and where someone can post regardless if you start a thread or not. That is just not the nature of the internet. Plus, you are not the owner of this board and, really, don't get to decide the ground rules. :wub:


    hit hit the nail on the head!!! That is exactly what I feel too...just scroll on by if you cannot give thought-provoking, intelligent commentary (instead of simply bashing someone's idea)

  10. Georgia will never win anything until they can get a receiver that can catch the ball and bring in big plays.



    Not that you would know, but we've got several guys on the sidelines right now who can do that.  But once again, it boils down to coaching. Under Eason, our receivers have just never been that physical and they drop too many key passes.


    If Georgia has "several guys," why aren't they playing? The best receiver on the team (#1) doesn't get that many passes. Forget about Bailey, he can't catch worth a flip. You can't "coach" receiving. That is a natual talent - something natural and Georgia receivers just don't have it.

  11. I think I'll take the Chairman on this one. While I didn't attend Georgia or Auburn (I opted for Florida instead), I was raised by one Georgia grad and one Auburn grad. It is not a hated rivalry like Georgia/Florida. It is more of a family thing. Lewis Grizzard pretty much nailed it. If you think Auburn fans are hillbilles, you might not have ever been to see Alabama play, have you? And, I agree with coachleecollins. Many of your opinions of other SEC schools are exactly what other fans think of Georgia.


    That Auburn running back and Auburn's line made Georgia look like school girls. But, I don't think Georgia's defense is overrated. Of course you would say that after Auburn ran up and down the field.


    Georgia will never win anything until they can get a receiver that can catch the ball and bring in big plays. They haven't had one since Bryce Hunter and the early 90s.


    Chairman, don't you know? If you can't win on the field, always blame the refs!




    The crowd booed like crazy when they showed it on the big screen.  But fans of the home teams will always boo a call against them, so I didn't go by their reaction.  I couldn't tell, so I assumed it was the right call until today.

    Notice I said that "most diehard Georigia and Auburn fans smiply do not like one another." 


    Former players, coaches and members of the media don't fall into that category.  Of course the players have a lot of respect for one another.  Auburn wouldn't be able to field a team without coming into Georgia, so a lot of the players usually know one another.

    Actually you forgot one.  Your defense scored when Brannan Southerland fumbled late in the game and then your offense got to start on our 30 when Thomas Flowers fumbled the punt.  We scored after Oliver intercepted Cox, but it's not like we were deep in your territory when it happened.  We were close to mid-field at that point.

    Yeah, it was excellent if you're an Auburn fan.  The bad call on Pope killed our chance to possibly score a touchdown rather than having to settle for a FG.  Of course, Richt running the ball on 3rd and 10 didn't help us either.

    Yep, and it's flat out embarrassing that we can't with the o-line and trio of RB's that we have this year.  The fact that they have now gone six games in a row without having a 100 yard rusher is reason enough for someone to get fired during the offseason.  I feel sorry for Thomas Brown and Danny Ware.  They are two of the best RB's in the SEC that nobody knows about.

    They put up 31 on an overrated UGA defense that has lost the swagger that it's had for the past few seasons.  Martinez better make some changes quick or he's going to be in trouble.

    Not at this point.  Our defense can no longer shut teams down, the offensive line can't run block and our WR's still have problems catching the ball.  Special teams, Shockley and a few key LSU mistakes will have to win that game for us.

  12. Well, Oregon does get the unis free from Nike so I don't think anyone should be complaining much. Plus, the CEO of Nike is the one of the main designers of the uniforms. It gets people talking, they show up on Espn.com's Page 2 almost every Monday when they do the uni updates. Ain't bad.

  13. Lacey, I don't think sending the letters to Sen. Isakson will do much good because it was a Georgia decision made by the Dept. of Community Health. Those letters and faxes and pictures need to be sent to local state reps (Richardson and Maxwell). They are the ones will the power of the purse strings.

  14. Now, now forgiiven, don't start saying that coaches act immoral. Certain folks will jump out of the woodwork to defend the Paulding County Coaching Profession to the hilt.


    Not judgmental just stating facts.  I am sick and tired of negative influences on our kids.  The people in charge of our school system are certainly human and I know mistakes are made, but these things have happened time and time again and I would just like to see them get it right for a change.  I don't know if your child or children have ever been directly affected by certain "immoralities" that take place in the public school system, but again, it has happened time after time and enough is enough!

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