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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. You can look at their disclosure reports that each charity has to file every year. That will give you a good idea as to where the money goes.


    I don't fault the American Red Cross for having huge administrative salaries. The work they do is top notch, in my opinion.


    I dropped off some canned goods for the Kiwanis club today and was glad that I could help a local charity.  I do give to national charities every so often but another person made a statement today that made me think.  Last night it was on the news about a former employee embezzling funds ($92K) from the Make-A-Wish foundation.  The person that I was speaking with said that he had recently contributed to this charity and will no longer contribute because they apparently are receiving too much money to keep up with where it goes.  That makes a lot of sense.  I know that these big charities do well for the community but do we really know where the money goes and if it all goes to the cause it is supposed to?  I have been cautious about my charitable donations since it was revealed that a large percentage of the money for American Red Cross goes for administrative salaries several years ago.  Now, I would much rather give to a local cause because I can see whether or not they did what they were supposed to do with it.  Just something to think about in the season of giving.

  2. I wanted to echo what Shawna posted. I have had very good experiences with consignment stores in town. Before I had children, I swore off consignment stores but I quickly learned just how expensive three boys can be. I have sold things, bought things and I have never had a bad experience.


    I always buy at church consignment sales, which in my mind, is the best bargain around. Toys, clothes, equipment. You name it, they will have it. It is a shame that the sales aren't closer to Christmas.




    You might also try putting some clothes at consignment shops.  Sometimes it takes a while to get the money, but later is better than never.  Also, kids clothes sell great on ebay.

  3. Target already has a non-solitication policy in place but they gave the Salvation Army an exemption. But, when a gay activist group in Minn. decided they wanted to solicit along side of Target stores, that is when Target decided not to grant the exemption to the Salvation Army.


    I'm not following.  Why? If they are owned and operated by a private entity, then they can really put anything they want in the window.  Separation of church and state or "fairness" to opposing views has no bearing.  They can put up advertising for KKK action figures if they like…. Now the NAACP will probably boycott, but if that is a chance they are willing to take, then nothing can be done about it.


    Now as a company if you chose to ignore 80-85% of the U.S. population then your marketing firm is risking putting a dent in your potential profits.  I think its bad business. 


    Boortz...."If 85% of the nation says it's Christmas, then its Christmas!"


    I'll give it 2 -3 years...."Toys for Tots" will be against the law. 



  4. I wonder how this group would feel if Target allowed other type of solitications in front of their stores that ran counter to their beliefs like Planned Parenthood and such. If they allow one group, they would have to allow others.


    It's true.


    Check out this article from the AFA.


    AFA Boycott on Target

    And its starting to work. Target's stock is already on the decline.

  5. Peanut allergies run the gamut, bluefroggy. Some people with peanut allergies can eat something made with peanut oil. But, if you have a deadly allergy, you can't even breathe in peanut dust.


    so  i wondering  if you fry a trukey  in peanut oil  is it deadly too? :unsure:  :unsure:


    and i am being serious here.  im going to fry one for christmas  and was told peanut oil is the best to fry it in .

  6. Heck no. I don't visit Walmart on a good day.


    Who will be there with me Friday morning when WalMart opens?  I did this for the first time a few years ago.  I think it is funny.  When you see me I will be the big guy smiling as I walk through the store.  BTW, I am only going for one gift.

  7. Nah! My guess would be that the sweaters are cashmere. And, at $58.00 that is a pretty good deal!


    orignal post said the lady bought one sweater, paid $58, and then went back and got 6 more and paid the same price..makes me think of those credit card commericals about stolen credit cards, you know the ones..the funniest one I think was the guy with the big gut sitting around talking about buying a boost-e-a (however you spell that!)..she may have been legit but for some reason when I read that the first thing I thought of was those commercials!  :p

  8. Isn't it three minutes per pound?


    I will have to say that fried turkey is YUMMY!


    Every Thanksgiving, I get up VERY early to put the turkey in the oven.

    This year, Armysis's better-half has offered to do the honors, but he will be frying it instead of roasting it. I've heard once you try a fried turkey, you'll never roast another one.

      Do any of you know what the cook time would be? (Ours is a 20 pounder).



  9. Fox, yes I did know that Guard units were deployed. Two of my father's brothers were career military based at Fort Mac. Again, how presumptious of you to think that I don't know anything. So, I don't need your education of all things military.


    Plus, I never initmated that priviledged men and women didn't volunteer or be drafted for Vietnam. The ONLY comment I made was many rich folks joined the Guard to better their chances of not fighting actual combat. So, all the social class comments were implied by you; not me.


    It's also important to note he did put his paperwork in while in the Air National Guard volunteering himself for duty in Vietnam
    I would like to see your source on that. I have read, probably not valid though, that he checked on the overseas assignment that he didn't volunteer.


    I didn't see your Gore comment but I think, just like Bush, he received preferential treatment because of his family.


    I doubt very seriously you knew that Guard and Reserve units were deployed to Vietnam.  I do know more than you about the military because I have 21 years in the military.  I grew up in the military as my father made a career of it.  Yep, I guess that qualifies me as knowing a hell of a lot about it than YOU.


    Now to educate you a little more.  During the Vietnam War, there were a lot of young men and women from priviledged homes who enlisted for active service and went to war.  There were also lots of men who enlisted in the Guard or Reserves during Vietnam as well.  I'm sick and tired of people falsely attempting to profile those who enlisted and didn't enlist by social class.  Give me a break.


    George W. Bush wanted to fly fighter jets.  He took his exams to do so for the Air Force, but he didn't score within the range they wanted.  With that, he took the tests for the Air National Guard and they accepted him.  When I first went to enlist, I wanted to be a law enforcement officer.  I first took my tests for the Navy.  The Navy couldn't make me a cop so I went to the Army.  If I was going to enlist in the military, it was going to be for the job I wanted.  While I was a recruiter, I told each of my applicants to take only the job they wanted.  If it wasn't available, we could send him/her another time.  When my son (who is now in the Army) told me he was interested, I told him to take only the job he wanted.  I don't blame Bush at all for going into the Air National Guard when the Air Force didn't want him as a pilot.  It's also important to note he did put his paperwork in while in the Air National Guard volunteering himself for duty in Vietnam.


    I find it amusing you have not responded to my point about Al Gore taking the chicken sheese way out by enlisting as a journalist rather than an infantryman.

  10. Albuterol and Xopenex are the same thing just reformulated.


    Have you tried Accuhist or Extendryl to help with the croupeness? Zyrtec is not covered under my insurance but my kid has responded well with Accuhist or Extendryl.


    My child has been on Albuterol, orapred, and is now on Xopenex.  I'm just tired of the croup and on going respiratory illnesses. We have done this every year and it does occu mostly during the fall months and we have tries zyrtec and it doesn't work. :(

  11. Note to Fox: yes I did know that. How presumptious of you to think that I don't know about something before I speak. Just because you are in the military doesn't mean you know everything there is to know. My own father here in Paulding took the chicken sheeze way out of Vietnam so if I can disrespect him and have him okay with it, I, by God, can say that about MY PRESIDENT.


    Iraq is another animal than Vietnam. The Guard now are being asked to take on more of a responsibility than general enlisted folks ever, ever have.


    Rich people did enlist in the Guard to stay out of Vietnam. Is it disrespectful to say that out loud or should it be just a dirty little secret? If you want to talk about disrespect, how about questioning the people that did just that to avoid combat.


    Chicken sheeze way out?????  Now you have insulted the hell out of me and everyone else who has and does now serve in the National Guard or Army Reserve.  I got news for you; over 100 units from the Guard and Reserve were called to active duty with service in Vietnam.  You didn't know that did you?  Apparently not because you choose to say anyone who served in the Guard or Reserve and not enlist into the active component took the chicken sheeze way out of serving during a time of war.  How dare you.  Josh Dingler, a young man from Paulding County enlisted into the National Guard out of high school during a time of war.  Are you saying he was taking the chicken sheesh way out because he didn't enlist in the active army?


    George Bush's Air National Guard Squadron could have been activated and sent to Vietnam as over 100 other "part-time" military units had been.  He volunteered to be activated for service in Vietnam.  Hell his records that went public showed the documentation of the requests.  He went into the Air National Guard to fly planes.  The Air Force wouldn't take him. 


    By your own logic and that of those from the Democrats who use the same crap, then Al Gore took the chicken sheese way out by enlisting in the army as a journalist to avoid combat.  Hell he could have just as easily enlisted into the infantry.


    Give me a break.  This crap that Bush's military service in the Air National Guard wasn't really military service is insulting to everyone in the Guard and Reserve.  Thank you so much for pointing that out.

  12. You can file with the Court a sworn and notarized affidavit that you were not the operator of the vehicle at the time of the alleged violation IF you were not driving. Ditch Doctor admitted he was driving the car.


    From reading the law, you can only appeal if you were not driving the car or if the car no longer belongs to you.


    Os, red light cameras will not cause any points added.


    To me, he didnt even hint that he was going to fight it....maybe its just me, but I think he was just asking a question.  From what I have heard, if you state that you werent driving the vehicle at the time and sign a paper stating that, then you can get it waived.  I am sure its a matter of discretion for the judge and I think they have that exception in case you loan your car to someone.

  13. Plus, he's hot in a nerdy sort-of-way. B)


    I hope so!  I think that it's their turn.  Manning is consistently the best QB in football, but he doesn't have a ring to show for it.  I think this year the talent around him is rising to his level.  If things continue to go the way they've gone so far, I think Manning will finally get his ring.

  14. Why would you dispute the ticket if you readily admit that you ran the red light? I would imagine if would be hard the Fight The Man on that one.


    Has anyone besides me gotten their picture made by one of these red light cameras?  I was on my way home from work last Sunday morning after working all night I was tired and I ran the red light.  I clearly did it.  I'm not making any excuses for it.  I knew I was getting a ticket.  Those carmera started flashing like crazy!  Well, about 5 days later I got my ticket in the mail.  I knew it was coming but was hoping against hope that I wouldn't get it. 


    I am going to pay my fine and go on about my business.  However, I could not help but wonder if any one tried to disputed the ticket.  I mean with the pics they took, make it seem rather pointless.  Below is the ticket I got.



  15. It isn't just Paulding County kids that get into trouble in college. It isn't anything in the water out here. You have a young kid from a small pond thrown into a big ocean. It happens. How Antonio responds will be the most important thing and it will show if he has integrity of he doesn't. My guess is that he does have the character to make it past and learn something from this.


    Hiram Girl...what a cut....but hey who cares...when and if when Antonio gets things turned around...sure he should speak...it was a tough week I am sure...but his grandmother would have wanted more for him to play...get his school work done and become a success story from Paulding County.  I once heard the late Ken Phillips say...that when you leave here you represent this county...now on the sports page...under this rap...is not where you want to be...yes...he can come back and hopefully stronger....I aint no expert...but do know of a long history of young people from Paulding County...sorry...but the last time I checked I can express an opinion...hope that you have a great week...

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