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The Sound Guy

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Everything posted by The Sound Guy

  1. Since a diesel will blow clouds of dark smoke anytime the engine is overloaded without any modifications, be kinda hard to prove intent. I predict very few convictions on this unless they make exhaust mods illegal and I thought they already were illegal by EPA rule. Typical knee-jerk lawmaker reaction that new laws can fix everything.
  2. I hear the phrase from the OP every time I watch "Smokey and the Bandit". Buford T. Justice, now there was a polite man. I always say "Fair to Party Cloudy... occasional showers". When asked if I want a bag at the Kroger I usually say, "No, Save a plastic tree!" I get a lot of strange looks.
  3. Chicken Fried Venison cube steak tonight. Creme corn over garden tomatoes. Homemade Buttermilk biscuits. Maybe a tossed salad, not sure yet. Trying to get get some good cooking into the daughter before she heads off to college again.
  4. Saw a hummer on one of my flower bushes yesterday and was reminded I still didn't have the feeders up. Put them out and within 2 hours had 2-3 of them fighting over control of the feeders! We've not had a good rain in this part of the county for 4-5 weeks, I guess the natural flowers have all dried up and they needed a new source.
  5. My Brother, SIL and Niece are on Oahu. He's army, so they are pretty much ready however.
  6. It's expanded in Nigeria. I hope they have found all those who have it. It if gets loose in a city of 21 million people, the health care system will be overwhelmed. Funny, where are all those experts that said they'd have no problem traveling with someone with Ebola? I wonder if the reason CDC and Emory wanted those two victims so badly is that they suspect it's trying to be an aerosol. Interesting Article CC. Maybe they patent it to maintain control of what labs can keep a copy and thereby control who gets to work on a cure. Sigh.
  7. Hey I just got popped a couple of days ago by a yellow jacket nest in the backyard. You are welcome to come get them, they only have a day or so left to live....
  8. I suspect they slept in Sunday morning and when they got up, figured she got up early and left without waking them. You have to wonder if she'd been yelled at for waking them up early before. A story: My FIL used to work 2 jobs so he was in bed at 9:00 PM and up at 4:00 AM all week. He had emphasized to my BIL and my wife that they were not to wake him up as he needed the sleep. One night he wakes up to sirens and flashing lights. Looks out the window and the house down the street is fully a blaze. He heads to BIL's room and finds him awake and watching. BIL tells him that h
  9. I actually have had more damage trying to use the high powered wasp/hornet killers than gas. I had a nest in the front yard and when I sprayed it with the can bug spray one night, all the grass that the bug spray hit died leaving me a huge brown spot. When you dump the gas down the hole, it just runs down into the nest which doesn't have a lot of roots in it anyway. Your mileage may vary
  10. Fun Fact: They also eat swarming termites. I was sitting in a deer stand in south Ga one day when a termite nest nearby started to swarm. It looked like thousand of termites taking the air. It wasn't 15 minutes into it that I noticed 10-15 dragonflies cruising back and forth up and down the gas line just munching like crazy on the termites. They are interesting insects.
  11. Interesting, contrasting story from Saudi Arabia where they too are testing a traveler for Ebola. http://www.breitbart.com/system/wire/ap_5406c3dfd384480881c999541ad25235
  12. It will be interesting to see if Saudi Arabia allows this. As I recall there are massive crowds at the pilgrimage who would then return to all the nations they come from.
  13. LOL - The Bureaucrat caught up in the Bureaucracy: 21 traffic tickets in 2 years wow.
  14. Lawsuit went class action against Cobb EMC. An EMC is supposed to be non-profit, any extra cash is supposed to go back to the members after a certain amount of time. However Cobb had just been sitting on the money since 1938 or so. After a big battle, EMC agreed to refund the profits to current and past customer/members. There was a web site you had to sign up on to make your claims. Thread from here back early in the year: http://paulding.com/forum/topic/307694-cobb-emc/ Update from the Settlement Site:
  15. Having a medical attack and losing control is almost understandable but absolutely ridiculous to have expire tags and no insurance.
  16. Their web site (or maybe it was Cobb EMCs records) were really bogus, it's no wonder claims were duplicated. I think there were three records in my name when I only was on their system at one location. I filled out the form for all three just to be sure. My letter stated that both were included, before 1988 was 100%, post 1988 was prorated to net value (12% discount) because I asked for it all now (Payment Option 1) rather than waiting for the standard payment periods. Did you ask for payment option 2?
  17. Britain had a scare: However, the official government report is that wasn't Ebola:
  18. Well, these articles explain some of difficulties the health workers are facing. It explains a good bit of the losses. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/08/01/us-health-ebola-healthworkers-idUSKBN0G14FR20140801 http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/08/01/us-health-ebola-healthworkers-idUSKBN0G14FR20140801
  19. Yea, we've been married for 29 years in 2 weeks, only 8 of those years were Cobb EMC, when we lived near Six Flags, at the Apartment in Austell and here in Paulding it's been all Greystone.
  20. Not just the two Americans mind you. This article puts the death toll of medical workers at 60! All of these workers broke containment when working with a virus that has been known since 1976? This group includes the TOP doctor in Liberia. Not likely to be breaking containment. Something just isn't adding up. http://www.vox.com/2014/8/2/5960449/why-are-many-ebola-outbreak-health-workers-doctors-dying-virus Last I heard, most of these deaths were listed as "Unknown" how they contacted the bug. You would think that would make people more careful, but they let the g
  21. Well, my Dad and I both got our Cobb EMC settlement money today. I was a member for approx 5-8 years, and was figuring I might get $30-$40, turned out to be $175!! My dad has been Cobb EMC since 1965, his check was for over $700!! Well worth the time to fill out the paperwork for sure. Of course, it's our money being delivered years late, but hey, better late than never.
  22. Above from the AJC. Sounds like really good containment doesn't it. He just walks into the waiting room. I trust my government to try to do what looks good, not what's right. That's about all the trust I have left.
  23. Just a point from an engineer. Yes, the containment tent in the plane may normally work fine. However, what if the plane develops a problem on final and crash lands enough not to catch fire, but emergency teams respond? Think they will be told in time that they better not get near the plane? think they routinely use Class 1 containment gear? Or the ambulance carrying the patients from the airport (Cartersville?) has a blowout and rolls over the side of the road on 75 or is hit in an accident and rolls over at high speed, etc. How will the driver behind it that wants to help know that i
  24. How well do you trust the guys cleaning the plane in cartersville?!?
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