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Everything posted by Goldngrl

  1. I can just hear Horatio saying that, too (all breathlessly). "Looks like...our killer...is screwed." He's so dramatic.
  2. I can totally relate!! Our lil doxie Molly is the same way. The other day, I had taken warm clothes out of the dryer and put them on the couch while I went to do something else. When I came back and started folding them a few minutes later, I get halfway through the pile and there's Molly, all snuggled down in the middle of the warm clothes! And Molly loooooves to get right in a man's face, especially if he has facial hair. She gets right to where her whiskers touch their face and curls up under their chin.
  3. This is the first thing I've allowed myself to get really upset over. I've kind of had my head in the sand over the whole healthcare ordeal...just didn't want to even think about it. I can't ignore this, though. This is an actual change for the worse, and I'm like you, I'm afraid there will be many more to come. My husband just had a hip replacement done 2 weeks ago, and I heard that if he'd had it done next year, there would've been a surcharge on top of the already hard to pay deductible we have. But now, seeing this change, I'm wondering if they would even allow a 39 year old m
  4. Oh exactly! They said self breast exams lead "to false positives and unnecessary biopsies"!! Exactly! The gooberment isn't going to tell me who can and can't touch my bewbies, especially myself!!!!
  5. And not only are they screwing with our right to a mammogram, they are trying to tell us we can't do self breast exams either!! http://www.wave3.com/Global/story.asp?S=11525597
  6. Yep, Steven rocks! I am proud to call him my BIL!
  7. Your new place is BEAUTIFUL...and will be even more beautiful after all the work you're doing is done.
  8. Thank you so much! It was very nice to meet y'all, and we hope you enjoy your new home! Jason has a great team working with him, and it's always wonderful to hear what a great job they did. We really appreciate your business and your compliments!!
  9. Oh wow, you just told my story! Only I was 18 when I got married and moved to Austell, and I moved to South Paulding instead of Dallas in 98. I'm still in Paulding, but I am in Rockmart now.
  10. Dang girl, you can see his nose hair.
  11. Yeah, that's what I was talking about, but didn't know what they were called.
  12. Kraft Macaroni & Cheese (and the generic brands)
  13. Cheese-its Those peanut butter cheese crackers that come like 6 to a pack. Oh, and sometimes they are cheese cheese crackers so that'd be a double nomination.
  14. I'm so not superstitious, but a lot of people really are, I guess. That IS wierd about Apollo 13, though...I never knew that.
  15. The only thing I've eaten since we got here 3 days ago is the Floyd Medical Center cafeteria...ugh.
  16. He's out of surgery, and it went really well. The leg with the bad hip was about 2 inches shorter than the other, and they have been able to eve that out! He's been in recovery for about 2 hours, though, and I still haven't seen him yet. They are having some issues with getting his pain under control. The nurse said that he should be in the room before too much longer. They gave him an epidural before surgery, but it's not working very well. (For those who don't know, he had a total hip replacement.) Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. Please pray that he gets some rel
  17. This is an awesome hospital. They've given me a beeper and everytime anything changes (like when they took him from the epidural room to surgery), they beep me and tell me. They also gave me a number so I can look on this computerized board and see exactly what his status is at any given time. Thanks for the prayers and encouragement.
  18. I've got a couple of hours of waiting anxiously but I'm thankful it's not supposed to take longer than an hour and a half. I'm also very thankful that he's able to have this done, and not live in constant pain anymore!! Y'all please keep praying that all goes well. Thanks!!
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