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Everything posted by sexymom

  1. A $75 refund??? Are you freakin kidding me? I'd be suing the who dayum airlines. If they lost my child...well I just hope it never happens cuz I'd be owning me an airline company. **NOTE TO SELF: NEVER PUT KIDS ON CONTINENTAL AIRLINES.**
  2. I will too. I've got a few things already made that I wouldn't mind sellin' if given the opportunity to purchase one of the wonderful memberships. But I do so little that it wouldn't be worth my money to fork out $150 for a CM.
  3. *crickets* Yoooooo Hooooo Pubby. :D
  4. That was suggested some time ago? I would love to see something like this happen. Just curious. Haven't heard anything about it lately so I thought I'd make it fresh in your minds.
  5. It will be a whole lot cheaper, that's for sure!
  6. Um...I have always had to pay for the girls. This is the first year we aren't flying Ashlei as a UM because she is almost 17. Hmmm, what airline was that? We've always flown Delta or United and they have always escorted the kids on first. Now the first time Kim flew when she was 10, I insisted they let me seat her on the plane. But that was the only time I've been on the plane with her. And yes, they do request you not leave until the plane is in the air. That way if anything happens and they have to come back to the terminal, you're still there. This last year I just wa
  7. There may have been a connecting flight. The girls always have connecting flights due to the airport being a small airport that they fly in to..there aren't any straight through flights. When you pay for the UM, you get a security pass to take them to the plane. The children are the first ones on the flight and are seated before the other passengers are allowed on. Then they are the last ones off of the flight. The parent has to then sign for their child, showing id before they will release the child. Also, it's mind boggling that they could loose her anyway cuz even with connecting
  8. Many people don't have a choice but to put their children on a flight. If there courts say it's so...it must be done. Kimmie has been flying alone since she was 10. I live here, here father across the country in Oregon. Never have they lost her. We pay $100 each way to ensure she is accompanied at all times. It's the hardest thing I've ever done, putting my baby on a flight by herself. No, age 5 is the youngest. Now, THAT is too young. 10 isn't really that bad. But I would have a hard time putting my son on a flight by himself.
  9. I was wondering where you were. Missed ya! Glad you're back!
  10. I never felt that you implied that at all. You're concerned about a life change, completely understandable. and Yes, both of the kids can go to the same one. In the fall when school starts is when you will get free Pre-K for the 4 year old and will just have to pay for before/after care. There is no reason they have to go to different places. And your older childs school offers ASP for about $30/week.
  11. As a single mom I can tell you....it's so hard not being able to spend much time with my kids. I leave for work at 6:30 AM and get home around 6:00 PM. Needless to say, with bedtime during school at 8:0 0 PM I only see lil' man for about 2 hours. Then trying to cram dinner and homework in within that 2 hours. It's tough. But, you get used to it. Most daycares offer Pre-K with an "after school" program. Your kids can go to the same daycare. I took lil man to Reflections learning academy when he was 3 (he's now 6) and the price for all day, 5 days a week was $115/week. As hard
  12. I'd have to look at my contract but I think my daughters braces will be around $3600 after i make all the payments adn that's AFTER insurance pays their $1000. she'll be in them for about 3 years. I don't think it's too unreasonable. Maybe a little high but not bad. Motrin is your daughter's friend right now. My daughter has learned to take 2 BEFORE her appointments because we're at the rubber band stage and her mouth kills her for about 2 days afterwards.
  13. Tanks!!! I thought you might like that. :D
  14. I think it's just a concert in the park. They did it last year too. Ashlei was here, so we all went with my mom, nephew and sister. Had a BLAST!! Can't wait to go again!
  15. I can't afford to do the walk, but I think we'll come out for the fair.
  16. I'm at a loss for words. I'm so very sorry for your loss. My heart is just breaking for you. RIP sweet baby boy. You will be missed and will always be treasured. God Bless.
  17. YES!!! Walmart and Target have a limited book selection. I shop at Borders.com quite frequently because I just don't have time to drive to D'ville. However I just LOVE spending time in bookstores. They are my faves!
  18. Entry #1 West Metro Produce and Meat Market... "Always fresh, Never frozen" Entry #2 West Metro Produce and Meat Market... "Your Hometown Market" Entry #3 West Metro Produce and Meat Market... "Your one stop shop" Entry #4 West Metro Produce and Meat Market... "Only the best for our guests"
  19. Great picture!! Congrats to Wade and his family. He sure has grown into a handsome young man.
  20. I LOVE BTS!!!! It's the best!! Especially in the summer. I spray it on my sheets in the morning and they feel great when I slip into the sheet that night!!!
  21. Done :D Free is my friend! LOL
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