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Mrs. Osfan

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Everything posted by Mrs. Osfan

  1. You post BS like this from some obscure website, then act the Victim when none disputes your claim. THAT is SAD.
  2. Did ABC film this with their Japanese made Video Equipment?
  3. Unless they can compete with the big Orange box store prices, they will close again. Sad, but a fact.
  4. I really don't like Kevin Costner. FRED'S is the best store.
  5. Who Cares? Celebrity's play by a different set of rules than we do. They are all a bunch of self centered twits. We didn't watch any of the Academy Awards as they are all praising each other. Take the "Charity" drives they partake in. They lend their names and faces then want all of us hard working people to foot the bill. Martin Sheen is no Angel, either. If Charlie woke up tomorrow homeless, I wouldn't care one bit.
  6. You are Officially Official with me!
  7. or the one that takes work written by someone else at say The Washington Post, and starts a thread, having people believe he came up with those thoughts, and replying like he is 6. just sayin.... OH, Thank Goodness. Someone posted about Justin Beiber cutting his hair. Sorry, gotta go.......
  8. Pubby said your "work" was OK, so I think you will be added to Ignore.
  9. We'd settle for a Long John Silvers but it seems every other restaurant opening is a Mexican joint.
  10. No one would read it. There are some here, that want to force their issues on others, over, and over, and over, and over..... almost to the point of being a Bully. Then when others complain, they play the victim and go running to the Mods, like a 6 year old. If the board puts up with it, it must be OK.
  11. Unfortunately, that only happens when the prices go up. Seems to be swept under the rug when it is down.
  12. Who is defending lying? I spoke the truth. It was not what you wanted to hear. Now, (as usual) you try to twist words around to substantiate your original point of view. Do not ask the question if you are not ready to hear thuthful answers.
  13. Not at all. You asked "What makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck?". I answered TRUTHFULLY. Sorry if you didn't like the answer.
  14. You asked an opened ended question. I am sure you already went running to Pubby or the Mods, to tell. You usually do. Was I supposed to LIE?
  15. Since you asked - Reading your worthless posts. Judge Judy is acting for a TV show, to get Ratings. Dr. Phil is a blowhard. As bad as Rush, Hannity, Rachael Madcow, Boortz and Beck.
  16. The Pavillion at White Oak Park, (Off Mustang Dr. and 61) has parking and I believe can hold up to 75-100.
  17. I thought you were going to say FRED'S was closing.
  18. You intended to post topics that people actually care about? Didn't the "Highway" to Hell, close last year?
  19. It has been stated that there is as much Oil under Alaska as there is in the Middle East. If we were ALLOWED to drill there, the price would be down to below $1.50/gallon. OPEC would no longer have us cornered. Makes you wonder why we are not allowed.
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