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Mrs. Osfan

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Everything posted by Mrs. Osfan

  1. It may be time to order a new book of "Worthless Graphs, the 2011 Edition". Your rehash of 2007 graphs is getting old. Especially when you rerun the same questions over and over, as you think yourseld some kind of thought provoking philosopher.
  2. Oga's Western Sizzlin Johnny Carino's Capalbo's Sonny's
  3. It wasn't a dig, it was a fact. This is your business not a Public site. It just happens to have the county name on it. Besides, too much of our tax dollars are being thrown away as it is.
  4. Good thing he wasn't entering Butts County.
  5. If they pay money to this site, you can't say anything bad about them, Fact or not. Remember, this is NOT a community board for Paulding County. It is privately owned and operated that just has Paulding County's name on it.
  6. So much for not STEALING other peoples work without giving credit, huh? Since you are bringing up, yet again, this 4 year old graph, and posting someone elses work as your own, I will post what I wrote... When YOU spell there are mistakes. People realize this and dismiss it. When COPY someone elses work and promote it as your own, is where you consistantly get called on it. Once again, you are posting a "Oh, woe is me, I am the victim here" thread. It is getting old. You bring on everything you complain about, all by yourself. There is no one to blame but you. Stop co
  7. Look to our incompetent Government for putting us into this mess. Spend, Spend, Spend, and China is more than willing to help us get deeper in debt. Our current "leadership" is flushing the United States future down the drain. The previous administration loaded the bowl, and the current incompetent White House has pulled the Flush handle. China is the smart one, here.
  8. We need to stop being the World's Police force. If a country needs our help, let them pay for it! We have no business in Lybia or Iraq, anymore. Pull them all out and bring those boys home. Too bad we don't have a President with enough of a spine, to do so.
  9. Isn't this the 3rd time an administrator has changed the title?
  10. He sounds like a real IDIOT, to me.
  11. I believe they lost a ton of business after their parent company's little problem in the Gulf of Mexico last year. Consumers remember!
  12. Make sure you have at least 6" of mulch covering the base. This keeps the roots cool. Walter Reeves said that when the ambient temps are at 90 or above, that Tomatoes do not ripen as their roots get too warm.
  13. When YOU spell there are mistakes. People realize this and dismiss it. When COPY someone elses work and promote it as your own, is where you consistantly get called on it. Once again, you are posting a "Oh, woe is me, I am the victim here" thread. It is getting old. You bring on everything you complain about, all by yourself. There is no one to blame but you. Stop complaining about people that work their rear ends off for what they have. You are NOT a philosopher and your posts do not have a positive impact on people. You are a legend in your own mind. No where else.
  14. Like all the bussinesses and Industry that were supposed to be built along I-20? I see this Toll Road as yet another, "Build it and they MIGHT come".
  15. In other words, you are the Miss Jessie of the forums. Moderators just look the other way whenever you post. Especially the Political topics as no one goes into those forums. You stir up the same old Passive Aggressive topics over and over.
  16. Wow, you used the same old graph in 2 threads.
  17. You are absent for a while and when you come back all you can do is re-dredge up some over used graph from 4 years ago and the same song and dance? Too funny. Shouldn't this be in the Political Forum? Now THAT is funny (and sad), you used the same old graph in 2 threads. Shame on you regulars for getting sucked into this old bullcheeze, yet again.
  18. I hope they don't close the one in Dallas.
  19. You are asking about BLAME for both party's and for each of the past two Presidents. How can you say that one or the other is to Blame, and not have it be Political? You didn't ask about a specific age. You asked about a group of Political people as a whole and then asked for nothing to back up how you feel, as it may be Political. I didn't bother answering the Poll and I will wait for the "Crib" sheet to read Pubby's long response.
  20. Neal Boortz is a one sided horses posterior. This thread is too funny. The Poll questions are POLITICAL, but you are requested NOT to make any Political comments. Sorry, We haven't had a good President for a LONG time, almost a generation.
  21. Matt was voted off TWICE. He did not deserve anything. He blew it when he congratulated the other team in front of everyone. Rob played a great game and deserved to win. I only hope this years Big Brother has some really bitchy people in it.
  22. I didn't join this board, yesterday. It would be one thing if you actually meant anything you stated above.
  23. Trump won't run. This is all a publicity platform for him. How many Bankruptsy's has the "Donald" filed for?
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