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Super Girl

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Everything posted by Super Girl

  1. I've been on it since October of last year, my husband's been on it since July of last year. Last week his deposit didn't go in as expected, but mine did. He called the office and they told him to keep certifying and wait for a letter. A few days later the deposit was made, but we still don't have a letter.
  2. I actually ate a chili dog about 8 hours after my surgery! I very rarely eat a hot dog, but when I do it has to be a certain way. I guess after weeks of eating nothing but Zantac 75, I was ready for a chili dog!
  3. I've been losing weight gradually since 2005. I did have problems with my gallbladder in 2004-2005, then it got better until last year; but no I didn't lose weight because of my gallbladder. My gallbladder problems came back all of a sudden in July of last year. I didn't have stones, so it was a struggle to get it removed even though my docs and surgeon could see that was the problem. I've just been eating well and working hard (even started running ) to lose the weight. Another thing about the lettuce. For a lot of folks that have problem eating iceburg, they also have to go #2 a
  4. Big boy (doing fine) and Bush Goliath (doing great with lots of blooms). I also planted one of each of those in the ground and one's dead and the other will be soon. My ground garden sucks this year! I hope mine do well. So far they look great. Much better than the ones in the actual ground!
  5. I had mine out in August and felt immediate relief from my symptoms the same day. I was sore and tired, but it was well worth it. I've lost about 65 lbs in the last 5 years so my weight loss has been slow and that's good. I did struggle a little (continuing to lose weight) in the couple of months following having the surgery, but the weight started coming off again after maybe 5 months. Another thing I've noticed since the surgery is that I cannot eat iceburg lettuce without suffering greatly. Not sure why, but from what I've read and heard, iceburg lettuce is a problem for a lot of folks
  6. Wrap aluminum foil around the base of the plant so horn worms can't climb up. That is IF you can make it to the horn worm problem.......my tomatoes have not done well lately. The topsy turvys are looking good though (first year for them).
  7. I get more and more white as time goes by. Once when I was a kid, a hairstylist asked me if I was Spanish. That never happens anymore. Anyway, yes 7-1 for the tax. Good news is the actual sun is still free.......for now!
  8. There is a pervy factor there, for sure.
  9. I'm not sure about annoying, but I do think it sounds silly.
  10. Is anyone on here doing the PRR this year? I've done a few 5ks recently, but need to step up my training so I will be ready for this race. Anyway, just thought I'd ask if anyone is interested in getting together a few times a week for some runs.
  11. I couldn't tell you the last time I ironed. And, just for fun, here is a list of the top 10 reasons I procrastinate: 10.
  12. I had to have a steak for dinner myself. I guess running a 5k in the rain will do that!
  13. I lived in Ladson, SC for a short time after I graduated high school. Small world.
  14. My mom's parents grew up in Trion. I still have some family up there. I graduated from PCHS in 1989
  15. Carrots dipped in hummus are pretty good.
  16. My link That's the one I'm doing tomorrow. Last month I did the Atlanta Women's 5k in Candler Park. I haven't picked out my runs for May and June yet, but I'll be doing the Peachtree Road Race on 7-4 for the first time ever this year.
  17. I'm not sure exactly how long the trail is, but it feels like less than 1/2 mile to me. Lost Mountain Park in west Cobb has a track that goes in a sort of figure 8 and it is about 1/2 mile each side of the trail. When is your 5k? I have my second one in less than a month tomorrow morning.
  18. I've met them both and am better for it. Oh, and Tabby is a very personal friend. And JohnnyJ, well he made my kid's toilet seat the best ever!
  19. Oh, Mr. Veal still looked just the same as he did back in my days at PCJHS. He was a favorite teacher of mine and cared a lot about all of us. He was my math teacher in 7th grade and my science teacher in 8th grade. RIP, Mr. Veal.
  20. Bless the family. My heart hurts so much for his mother in particular.
  21. Rest in peace, Rianna. You are loved and will be missed so much.
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