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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. He is a cutie. He will be fighting off the girls soon.


    He does love the ladies. :p


    Awwwww what a handsome cutie pie.


    So glad he made it (and you!)...when he's older he can tell the girls the scar is from a shark bite ;)


    Strangely enough, he looks just like me when I was a youngster. :huh:


    My mom says that he can tell the girls that his scar is where the Dr had to put his extra "love". :lol:





    I know, me too! :wub:



    Gosh has it been that long. Boy was that a long couple of weeks. One of those days being a very dark day, wondering what was going to happen. Me as a friend, not knowing what to do or say but just be there.


    He is one awesome little boy! Even with his colorful language!!


    It seems like yesterday and yet a lifetime ago at the same time. ;)

  2. While it is still 9-12 I wanted to give a shout out to The Chancester and also to Dr. Kirk Kanter, the anestheology team, and everyone else at Egleston Children's Hospital.


    His surgery started at 10:00 AM on 9-12-02. The surgeon came to tell me he was finished and that we should be able to see him soon at 2:30 PM that day. I thought about my little boy at both those times today. I also remembered being trapped inside that hospital, not able to leave; and my heart went out to all the parents who have walked in my shoes.


    It was a rough road for almost 2 years after that, but now he is so normal that no one would ever know (save for the fact that he likes to yank his shirt up and show his scar for shock value :lol: ).


    I guess this is just my own little memorial of September 12, 2002 when I turned my baby over and waited to see what would become of his life.

  3. Not sure, but I had a virus once that caused stuff like that. Every time I tried to scan with Norton it would reboot. It would not let me remove it by deleting the files or anything. Had to wipe the drive and reload. Hope that is not your problem.


    I have deleted some programs, but still adaware won't run. GRRRRR! :angry:

  4. When I open my browser I am constantly getting pop ups for free anti spyware software, which is quite aggravating. After declining the free anti spyware software a few times, my browser closes. :blink:


    I have adaware, but when I try to run a scan; my PC restarts. :huh:


    What is going on?

  5. My little boy (youngest) has only been using the potty since the very end of May; he was 4 on July 5th. He never pooped in the floor though.


    My middle child liked to undress herself just for the sake of being naked I guess. I had to start putting her diapers on backwards and using a little duct tape to "secure" it.


    I don't have any answers for you, but believe me; I feel your pain!

  6. He is precious! And, looks very happy to be there! (Mom looks very proud too!)


    Oh, I do love that little boy! I love him no more than my girls whatsoever. I know my son has his own purpose in life, but his struggle just to live at all changed me and made me a better person. :wub:

  7. Scorpions scare the $hit out of me!


    No, I have never been stung; but when I see one I run away crying and screaming. Those are some scary bad a$$ little beasts. No fear in those little things at all; none whatsoever.


    Sometimes when we lived in New Georgia, there would be one in the bathtub or the sink and I would almost have a heart attack from just seeing them. :blink:


    So, anyway write this down: Super Girl is afraid of sharks, swinging bridges, and scorpions. :o

  8. I so feel you on this! My baby (the third and final son) started 4 Yr PreK yesterday. I cried after I dropped him off. Had to remind myself to get a grip-it's PreK. But man, this is my BABY!


    I didn't cry at all. He is just such a happy little guy that it wasn't possible for me to be sad.


    I am just so happy he got potty trained in time to start school!


    Way to go Adam!


    I was kind of sweating the potty training thing, he pulled it off not a moment too soon; in his own classic way. ;)


    How was the first day? :)


    He loved it! Keep your eyes open for my boy to be a politician in the years to come. ;)


    How did it go????


    It went great. He didn't use any off color words that I know of, so right away we're off to a good start.

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