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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. For me it would be my maternal grandfather. He died when I was 8. He had his first heart attack when I was only 6 weeks old so I never knew him when he was a big strong healthy man. He was the first fire chief in Dallas. That old old fire engine in the Christmas parade every year; well he drove that fire engine down from up north to be dallas's first fire truck. So many people have told me he was a great man. I have his Fire Chief badge and am still not clear on why I was the one chosen to have it. :huh:


    Anyway, it would have to be him so I could talk to him about all the things I wonder now when all I remember was a sick, frail old man. :mellow:

  2. I heard it was the school in douglas county that caused all the ruckus.


    It was. My oldest is in the Riader Brigade. It was pretty bad. I just wanted to see is anything was posted. The kids had things thrown at them and then at their busses as they left. One bus was spraypainted; a couple of folks were whacked in the noggin. What a bunch of turds!


    what happened SG?


    About 8 (presumably) gang members started by throwing red slushies onto our band kids while they waited to take the field. Got worse from there. It wasn't pretty.

  3. Amen...he does love to talk...Adam is such a special little boy, and never meets a stranger. He is doing great in pre-k, and my Macee is still trying to keep and eye on him, and they are in different classes. Macee and Adam are like brother and sister. (there is a 6 months age difference, and everyone thinks they are twins when we go off, sometimes it is just too funny.)







    Macee is just like a mom to him, which is so funny considering the 6 months that separate their age.



    He's precious!!



    He is something else!


    What a special little guy Adam must be!


    He has quite a bit more to talk about than most kids. :)


    I'm not sure if he knows his reason, but he sure does talk a lot!



    What a strong little man, he comes from good stock after all look at his mom and Grand parents!


    Thank you SG for sharing that with us, Your son is one in a million, and I know you often look back on that day and wonder what your life would have been without your son:


    But because you have been so Blessed your son will probaly out live us all:


    Oh, I love my little boy! I look back on it all the time; had I never known of his spirit at at all I probably woud have been the same as I am now. But in hindsight; it all worked out for the best. He is happy and smart; his mom is a better person. ;)



    :wub: Very sweet.


    My oldest baby (almost 6 now) had open heart surgery at Egleston in January of '01. She was just shy of 3 months old at the time. Dr. Vincent Tam did the surgery (to this day I am so grateful for talented surgeons like he and Dr. Kanter). Turning her over that morning was the single worst moment of my life. Except for a pesky little leaky valve, she is just perfect right now. Happy and healthy!


    I'm really not sure how anyone can do that without knowing there is no alternative.



    Super G he is a very handsome youngman!!!! :wub:


    He takes after his mommy. ;)

  4. I agree! I adore the fall. This is my time of the year.



    I do too! My birthday is actually in the spring, although everyone considers it summer. I do love the fall of the year though. It is the best time for cuddling and fertility as far as I know. :o My oldest and youngest were conceived on the same day: October 18!

  5. It was good --- & then you told me you found a danged Baby Baalzebub in your yard.


    More than one!


    Honey get a grip. Snakes are all over the place from the time it cools down until the frost when they hibernate.


    The little bitty snake(s) didn't scare me. Don't worry dear, they will go to sleep soon enough!

  6. I just don't know if I believe in Heaven or Hell anymore.


    BUT if Heaven does exist; it must look like today for me.


    The temp was perfect. There was not a cloud in the sky. The sky was the most blue, blue, blue one could see.


    How I love September and October. :)

  7. There must be something in the air today for snakes! I walked out my front door this afternoon to see the kids getting off the bus, and there was about a 2 foot long black snake going across my front yard!


    He was just easing along, until I started walking down our porch steps and then he took off. I could not find him again, but did not want to go looking for a hole anywhere!


    Ohh, be nice to the black snakes! :o They eat rats and are harmless!


    So now, back to my baby copperheads. No, I didn't see the mother. :huh: You know, my adrenaline never kicked in at all. :unsure: I didn't kill any snakes today, although I wouldn't sleep less well if I had. :mellow:


    Since I was on a riding mower I was much more emboldened than I would have been otherwise. Had I been pushing a mower I may have had to call 911!


    As a southern freck specking from experience I will tell you this: I have seen 2 kinds of venemous snakes with my own 2 eyes a copperhead and a water moccasin (cotton mouth). I've never seen a rattler. NEVER! Although some will tell you that Water Moccasins aren't this far North; let me tell you that they are! Copperheads are by far the more angry of the 2 venemous snakes I've seen. <_<

  8. Yep, there was a baby copperhead in my back yard; most likely more than one! I noticed it quickly going into a hole and I thought to myself, "that's a funny looking worm and it sure is long". Then I noticed the pattern. :blink: So I waited a few seconds, and went back; still something was slithering into the hole. So I figure either it was an EXTREMELY long baby copperhead or more than one of them was headed into that hole.


    TBAR's gonna love this! Te he he. :p

  9. Wow! I didn't realize you could hear a mechanical valve click. My son is lacking a Pulmonary valve, but as is customary with his condition, the deformed valve was removed and not replaced at all. From what I am told he could reach elderly age before the "missing" valve becomes an issue.

    yes a mechanical valve you can hear. if he had got a valve from a cadiver(sp) or a pig valve it would not click but when the metal valve opens and closes you can hear it.

    i have a pic of the valve in place ill scan it and try to post it its kinda neat.


    That would be cool! My son may need to have a valve put in one day and from what I know, a mechanical valve will last much lnger than a biological valve. He is on medicine now indefinately, until the valve replacement and at that time it will be the same meds or an anti coagulative.


    He asked me last night why I was always giving him medicine and I just told him that it was because Dr. Jim told me to!!!!


    My mom had porcine (pig) valves as well, the 2nd time they replaced it...but her body rejected them. Guess we just hear her clicking now....better than NOT hearing her! :D



    You bet!

  10. It was 38 yrs ago this month (right before my 4th b'day) that I had my open hear surgery. My mom STILL recalls the day like it was yesterday....and on the anniversary, she calls me to remind me. I guess all moms are the same...everywhere!! :)

    So glad everything worked out ok. If I get to meet him, we can compare scars (I am sure mine is MUCH bigger than his though....they've gotten better over the years!)


    BTW, it was 5 yrs ago on 9/10 that my mom had her 4th open heart surgery......and my scar is bigger than hers, too!! :lol:

    I noticed your scar, but didn't ask. :) Yes, I guess all mom's are like that! :D It just goes against everything you have in you to hand your child over and be like "yes, cut through their sternum, stop their heart and lungs, do what you can and I'll talk to you in a few hours." :blush: A mom will never forget that.




    itsaj2u, Ellen, Supergirl,


    As co chair of the Paulding County Heartwalk this year, I would like to peronnally invite y'all to become invovled with Heartwalk.


    We generally "adopt" a child for our annual HeartWalk who is a survivor. Please contact me if you have any interest.


    Best wishes to all,




    I would love to be involved. My oldest is in the EPHS raider Brigade and keeps me hopping until well, November. :unsure: When is the Heart Walk this year?



    My sons biggest scar is where the chest tubes were also. my son has Aortic Valve Stenosis, Aortic Valve insuffiencency (sp?) and bicuspid valve. he had his Aortic valve replaced with a Mechanical one. Which in turn he has to be on Coumadin the rest of his life with monthly blood draws for PT and INR numbers.

    the first night he was out of CICU he was asleep and i was trying to sleep and i kept hearing a clock ticking well we didnt have a clock in the room so i called the nurse and said " i keep hearing this clock tick and we dont have a clock" she just smiled and said "it's your son tlicking" with a mechanical valve you will hear a clicking noise from him sometimes louder than other times.


    Wow! I didn't realize you could hear a mechanical valve click. My son is lacking a Pulmonary valve, but as is customary with his condition, the deformed valve was removed and not replaced at all. From what I am told he could reach elderly age before the "missing" valve becomes an issue.

  11. What would we do without our little Adam.


    I can't imagine our lives without his constant and unceasing chatter :wacko:


    Love you LittleBuddy :wub:


    He sure can talk, can't he? :blink:



    Dr. Kirk Kanter did open heart surgery on my son November 21, 2003 he's a great doctor and the nurses and staff in the CICU and the Step Down unit are wonderful. We were stuck there Thanksgiving. So i guess i can say i have walked in your shoes, its very scary handing your child over to someone not knowing what will become of it. we were lucky everything turned out good. (and he will still show his scar as well but Dr. Kanter did such a wonderful job that after a month you just about had to LOOK for the scar)



    The Chancester's scar is very faint. The worst scar he has is where the biggest chest tube was just above his navel. It looks like he has 2 belly buttons. :rolleyes: My son has Tetralogy of Fallot, what was your son's condition?


    I love the staff (save for one :angry: ) at Egleston. :wub:

  12. He is a handsome little man, and I am sure you still cry many tears of happiness because the surgery made him whole again. God bless you and I pray you and yours much health and happiness always... :wub:


    Thank you so much. As he ages, he may require more "work" (he only has 3 heart valves), but that work should be needed when he is much older. For now and the next few years to come, he can click along like the rest of us. ;)



    :) Do you have a page on Care Pages.com? I keep up with several little ones that have had heart surgery through them. I would like to do the same for yours and pray for his continued good health.


    No, lemme check that out.

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