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Everything posted by dawneykids

  1. I know. I love watching House Hunters International just to hear Americans moving abroad for whatever reason, moaning and complaining that 'this is just too small'. I keep tuning in hoping that I will see a realtor take them to task and say , 'Hey, this isn't America, cut your whining'. Why do 2 people need a 5000 sq ft house in the heart of Cambodia? I'm serious, I've seen it. Dumbheads!
  2. $100,000.00 check to be presented at the East Paulding high school football game Friday, February 1. The Felix family will present it to Cliff Cole. I'm still interested as to how it will be divided up, if at all. http://dallas-hiram.patch.com/events/100k-check-presentation-7fbc965a
  3. OMG!!! I'm sitting here weeping because you summed up in that one sentence something I've been trying to figure out my whole life. I am not kidding you, I'm totally serious. Therapists, friends or relatives have never been able to explain to me why me and my sister were so different from our mother, talk about hitting the nail squarely on the head?! THANK YOU! I feel like I should send you a check, but instead, I'll just send you a big hug! :wub: I'm so glad I reopened this topic.
  4. I second, third, fourth and fifth this recommendation. Vinny and Fran rock.
  5. I've always reserved my compassion for people who can't help their circumstances and maybe that's harsh, but I have no sympathy for anyone who makes excuses for their own bad behavior. And having said that, I'm one of the most compassionate, generous, helpful, kind people you'd ever want to meet and I realize that everyone doesn't have my backbone, but knowing what I went through as a little kid, I don't buy the excuses.
  6. I've had lots of bad stuff to deal with in my life, a really bad childhood for one. Alcoholics, drug addicts, abusers, and a mom that didn't make the best decisions, etc. What I learned from that is that I KNEW HOW I DIDN'T WANT TO BE when I grew up. My sister and I both made the deliberate decision to turn away from that life and try to be as normal and stable as we could be. And we both succeeded for the most part. That's why it makes me SICK when I hear people use the excuse of, 'well, I had it rough as a kid, that's why I'm in prison for murder and drug dealing'. HORSE PUCKEY! If that's
  7. You and me both. He shot a kid IN a car, IN the driveway. He was not even remotely in harms way.
  8. Drinking and smoking aren't necessary. Using gas to drive a car to work to support yourself and your family, is. They could tax cigarettes and alcohol at 1000% because I don't do either. And you'd still have people who do one or both regardless of how much it was taxed.
  9. Is this the same Aleene that makes all the craft and fabric glue that I use?
  10. How secluded was this house? Why would you randomly fire a 'warning shot' for someone turning around in your driveway? Or maybe he just missed with the first shot and is trying to get his a$$ out of the sling it's in by saying that he fired a 'warning shot' before he murdered a fleeing, lost, innocent young man.
  11. The one in Kennesaw on 41 across from Due West rd. has a lot too. Pieces that I would bring home, clean up and use.
  12. Will we all think twice now before we turn around in someones driveway? There is no excuse for what this crazy a$$ man did.
  13. Have they said who this child is? Does he have some issue with the parents? This is one crazy SOB.
  14. Just got the automated call saying they were dismissing late, but we got our out at 1:45 so we're good to go.
  15. We just got ours from Abney at 1:45.
  16. That is too cool, Hubby could totally make that. HHHMMMMMM, maybe for Valentines day?!
  17. I didn't start getting calls until 2 months ago and he has NEVER ridden a bus except for a field trip. It's weird that I get them and people with kids I can see waiting on the bus, have NEVER gotten one. And I've never listened to the end of the message because as soon as I hear what the computer is saying, I hang up.
  18. I see no reason for alcohol sales not to be legal on Sunday, it's ridiculous. However, since we all KNOW it's illegal in Paulding county to sell/buy alcohol on Sunday, why just buy it on Saturday?
  19. I read that more than once as 'FBI page'. :blink:
  20. Heck, I looked it up and I still have no clue what sparked the fit pitching I was reading, talk about having a bee in your bonnet!!
  21. I'm going with this........'People like you' actually means, 'People I want to be like or liked by'.
  22. .......I got another call about 'my childs' bus split at 6:28am today!
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