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Everything posted by pcshopper

  1. For myself and hubby, we pay $207 year for "insurance". You pay $10 copays (cleaning, xray, floride) and then $xx.xx based on schedule for cavities root canal, etc. It has DEFINITLY been worth the money. It is CompDent taht we use~
  2. Yes, unless you can prove that you paid the first time, and they never arrived. If you still have the Mo #, check and see if it has cashed (it will cost $ to do that as well)
  3. I'm sorry "bump" for a good cause
  4. Set them on the counter and let them thaw a little, then put them in the microwave for 10-15 sec.
  5. Great to hear that! Scottish Rite is awesome~ And hey, at least he'll never need a colonoscopy again
  6. Oh man, I can't imagine~ I had the "bottle" of crap to drink when I was @ 15! Thank GOD, I got so sick (Strep/Mono) a few days before the "prep" that we had to cancel and when they did blood tests they figured out my "issues" were not really colon/stomach related, but lactose intolerance. ~~SHEW~~
  7. NOT looking forward to the day that I get "that age"
  8. This is LONG, but GOOD ~ hope ya'll enjoy~ I called my friend Andy Sable, a gastroenterologist, to make an appointment for a colonoscopy. A few days later, in his office, Andy showed me a color diagram of the colon, a lengthy organ that appears to go all over the place, at one point passing briefly through Minneapolis . Then Andy explained the colonoscopy procedure to me in a thorough, reassuring and patient manner. I nodded thoughtfully, but I didn't really hear anything he said, because my brain was shrieking, quote, 'HE'S GOING TO STICK A TUBE
  9. I hate that for ya~ I think that The Shipping Center, in Hiram, accepts FedEx?
  10. Well, my kids have never had the same teachers (probally cause my daughter is in the "EIP/IEP" class)....however, most of the teachers my son had, know that my "middle" daughter has some severe issues going on. So, I was unable to answer the poll. My 2 youngest just started kindergarten, but, the teacher they have wasn't there when my younger 2 were in kindergarten.
  11. Personally, cremation creeps me out...just the thought of "burning" gives me chills. However, my parents have chosen cremation. They have planned and paid for their funerals, the way they WANT them...this way there is not questions for my sister or I to "wonder" about. My husband talks about wanting to be cremated too (shiver). My son has told me that he does not want to be cremated. Cremation is not that much cheaper than a burial, if you will be buried (in a urn)...you still will need a plot (however, it can hold several urns). As long as you go straight to the crematory, you
  12. Won't you be surprised, if out pop 2 Maybe they missed one on ultrasound?
  13. on the news now...they were 9 YO. Both expected to be OK ~ One hit head on, one side swiped...driver will not be charged. This is the same place that child was killed!
  14. Well, the face only view it looks like a man (which is what I voted). BUT, the full body picture looks like a woman (no "package" )
  15. What storm...blue skies here, and no more thunder (New Hope)
  16. Haven't heard that, but, they need to put me on the payroll for all hte phone calls I get looking for the "DA"
  17. I really don't want to paint, lol! I'm glad to hear that Bailey is doing good. When I pull my Christmas box down, I have some stuff in there for her (that I got her last Christmas)
  18. Yeah, I don't "believe" in that either. However, if your playing with fire, in the end everyone will get burned. So a) don't play with fire (having that many implanted or be prepared to be responsible and protect those involved ("weeding it out"). Why would anyone realistically put 12 children in danger? You know that all 12 will, in likelihood, NOT survive. The ones that do survive, what kind of life will they have? CP, Vision issues (John and Kate have a few with the vision problems), mental issues? This is NOT an "act of God"....why would you put it in "God's hands"?
  19. If that be the case, I will go and by paint for my son's room and you can paint it for me? That'll give you an excuse **HYJACK** hows my bailey-boo doing? You need to come visit me one weekend~
  20. and, when you have more than one in utero, they are constantly doing ultra sounds and non-stress tests...I had 2 tests done every week in the final stages...one by the perinatologist, the other by the Ob. I am thankful that the issues that I/we had during pregnancy were caught and monitored regulary. I would have NEVER allow that many implants, and, if I had, I would have made sure they "terminated" down to a healthy number! (mine were natural)
  21. Stupid~just plain stupid! Why would anyone put thier lives, or their kids lives in jeopardy! They not only risk loosing one, but, all when they are born so premature! Selfish~very selfish! Did I mentions STUPID????
  22. I hope it all works out for you. I am a parent of a child in the "special class". Some have education issues, some have behavioral issues, some are normal and are "stuck" for the ride. Thankfully, my daughters medicines help her behavioral issue (SEVERE ADHD), but, she still has behavioral (Asperger's) and learning disabilities. It sucks for all involved, truly, it does.
  23. Please, keep in mind that these are the first few days of school. The teachers have to be given time to "lay down the law", per say. These children will learn (some, anyway) that they can NOT walk over the teachers, it is just a "see how far you can get" time. Plus, lunch isn't a time to accuratly guage the problems, as it isn't as structured.
  24. Unfortunatly, sometime throughout his Elem. school, he will probably be put in the class with "behaviour problems". I feel that they probably rotate the children with "non problems" through so that they aren't always held up. (Did that make sense)? It's not "fair" to the children to have to be kept behind, however, it's not fair to "push" the children forward who have disabilities...so, there really is not fair solution, except to "rotate" the kids through. Good luck~
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