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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. It doesn't work if you are invisible. I have tried to give stars and I am always invisible. So it doesn't work. I wouldn't let it bother you one bit...
  2. You can tell from the people of visited your profile. Childish, huh...
  3. I wonder how long it will take some idiot to come in here and declare the murderer murdered...
  4. Your husband should be the one to nip that one in the bud...
  5. Go Dawgs!!!!!! 24-10 now, heehee
  6. I agree, but the penalty amount is staggering. I just think there is more to this story...
  7. In the threads at the bottom of each post on the right side. There is a red and green plus or minus sign... The ratings have changed since I was in here last...
  8. Laundry, it multiplies faster than rabbits...
  9. That was my initial thought. There has got to be a whole lot more to this story...
  10. Someone is coming in here and giving bad ratings to perfectly factual posts, odd. Hmmmm....
  11. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, you get to pull Guarddads finger after his dinner...
  12. Just deviled eggs, going to my brothers and eating at 2, also...
  13. No kidding, lol, I saw your menu! You might need to put and extra leaf in your table...
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