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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. Grab him by an ear and pull him over to the screen.
  2. I'll never understand it either. Is it the younger girls that like her?
  3. If Lowrider's Santa is reading, she needs a lap top for the hospital!
  4. YES! Thanks that would have drove me nuts trying to remember the name...
  5. What was the name of the game that had all these round dials with grooved edges. You would put a colored pen in the hole in the dial and make designs on paper. I remember doing this for hours making designs. For some reason I think it started with an S...
  6. Some people just try TOO hard to be different, lol. You are right though, it has made her rich...
  7. OK, I thought maybe it was the nut unstucker...
  8. Trying to think of something odd, LOL...
  9. Will the replacement be for life or will you have to do it again in a few years?
  10. When I receive a PM and it just pops up, that is the only time it is under the banner ad. I know you are asking Lowrider but I have mine set on the third one...
  11. Nope but I do remember that...
  12. I'm not sure if this was my most favorite but I remember getting a Barbie doll that had three wigs, red, blond and brunette...
  13. That's what you get for duhing me... :rofl:
  14. When you go to your messenger, do you not have a "compose new" button?
  15. He was talking about in your control panel... I saw someone post the other day that they use the little wheel on the mouse to move it. I think it was NG...
  16. The drug stores are notorias for this...
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