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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. Hmmm. I think I would call back and try speaking with someone else...
  2. If you have been a patient in the past they should see you. My mom was able to make an appt with Dr. Vaughn's partner. I've seen her once and she is very good. I can't think of her name...
  3. It just amazes me how stupid people can be...
  4. None here, y'all don't jinx me...
  5. They never called me to return it. I was too embarrassed. It sat on a stud in my basement for years...
  6. Subby, I googled I'm so broke and your thread is there...
  7. I be broke but things could be worse...
  8. Sure hope you are okay and the damage to your car is minimal...
  9. Nah it is all in good fun. I nominate you to start it, lol...
  10. Now someone needs to start a spin-off thread titled: I think _____ is married to_______. This thread has been so funny we ought to keep it going...
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