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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. One scoop Biz and one scoop Oxyclean in a bucket of water. Let it soak...
  2. LOL, should I Google Youtube for that?
  3. I prolly couldn't hit an elephant...
  4. Me neither. I think the post we make have to spew of syrup and sunshine in order to receive one. I'd rather be real...
  5. The Swanson's chicken broth commercial cracks me up. The one with the plucked headless chickens running through the store away from the MSG..
  6. Yes please, those don 't suit you!
  7. or the gift tags, YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! I do waste so much paper cutting it too short...
  8. It sure would be nice to get one without asking...
  9. I love to fold laundry and read Pcom! I don't even realize I'm folding, lol...
  10. I hope to be sitting indian style in the floor soon wrapping presents. If I don't return anytime soon, will someone come throw me a rope to get up?
  11. The Old Navy Christmas commercials have been driving me nuts this year. Those mannequins are so strange looking. They have them dressed up all festive looking and they all fall over like dominoes. WEIRD...
  12. The way I took SOLO's post is that Surepip lost all credibility in her eyes due to his disrespect of BB. I feel the same way. He came across and still does as very self centered...
  13. One more item and stocking stuff, then I will be done. Oh, except ALL the wrapping still has to be done...
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