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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/232115-rest-in-peace-maw-maw/page__pid__3019445__st__40entry3019445
  2. That is quite an accusation right there. If your attorney approves of you posting this information on a message board, I strongly suggest you find another attorney...
  3. Well thanks for your flippant and way overdue acknowledgement... I could have sworn I saw him in there too...
  4. Don't you think this is an inappropriate time to call out Beachbum in your post? I am appalled... Edited double post.
  5. Great question. If I were the reporter here, I would not be waiting around on them to bring me the story. I would be going to them to get it...
  6. Call your doctor's office and they will call you back. Tell them everything. This sounds like it could be MRSA and can be serious.
  7. You can google for Cracker Barrels hashbrown casserole recipe. I use it and love it...
  8. I am just dying to know what it is. Somebody PM me, LOL... And for the record I haven't lost anything...
  9. Good luck Subby! I sure hope this works out for you. If anyone deserves it you do!!!!!
  10. My grandmother did the same thing before she passed. They just seem to want to hang on. Prayers for peace and comfort for BB and her family and strength for you LR to help them get through this...
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