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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. Shambo? I think most people thought Russell would win the million so most didn't vote for him... Major rip off. It is all about the game play in my book and he aced it...
  2. I agree, that is exactly why. Who won the audiences vote for favorite player? I missed that part...
  3. P.S. to all....when she ^ died her blood pressure took her out after reading a post on pcom about Martins biscuits. In lieu of flowers, please buy Martin's gift certificates for all her friends. Get a grip and chill out woman!!!
  4. Anyone else think Russell got screwed out of a million dollars?
  5. Through the white and drifted snow... <IwasbeginningtothinkIwastheonlyonethatknewthisone>
  6. To grandmother's house we go...
  7. Over the river and through the woods...
  8. Here ya go: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/232034-what-to-make-for-christmas-breakfast/page__p__3016897__hl__breakfast__fromsearch__1entry3016897
  9. uh huh, LOL... I didn't go either, Merry Christmas NatureGirl!!!
  10. lmao I absolutely love that commercial...
  11. Do you have your hospital bag packed yet? Please have LadyRaider keep us informed of your progress!!! Merry Christmas Cardie!!!
  12. No offense intended but I think there are several threads on this topic. Oh Holy Night is my favorite, though...
  13. Me too, I now wish I had spanked one of 'um a lil harder. Boys are so hard... <sigh>
  14. My craving was olives. There is no telling how many jars of olives I emptied. (and I stayed "fiesty" the through both pregnancies)...
  15. Way to go Charlie's Angels!!!
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