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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. lol, looks like it is going to be an early night for me...
  2. It sure is dead around here tonight. Is this the calm before the storm?
  3. Thanks Mr. Stout for dragging us through your mud... I guess you have learned to sign on anonymously since I haven't seen you back.
  4. Some are horribly worse than others. Google paxil withdrawals for the results. The results will scare you. Even if you go through a doctors suggestions on how to wean off you will still experience terrifying withdrawals depending on your dose and the length of time on the medication. With a new medication the doctor may tell you they are not addictive but the truth is they don't really know. The medicine has not been around long enough to confirm the claim, hence all the class action suits against the paxil manufacturers...
  5. Me, what a joke!!! :rofl: :rofl:
  6. Someone post this for me, I obviously don't know how, lol...
  7. Before you begin taking ANY kind of anti-anxiety medicine, you should google the withdrawals...
  8. That show needs an equal amount of white housewives...
  9. You obviously don't know much about the medical profession. It is very uncommon for a doctor to treat a family member... :wacko:
  10. MeWhoElse


    If she posts here, tell her to pay up or you will out her on the board...
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