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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. Call Brown's Foods and they can give you a estimate...
  2. I need to think on this more hence my edit....
  3. How many dogs will you be needing?
  4. Now it is beginning to sound like she is just looking for a reason to sue...
  5. You should start a new topic named that...
  6. BMB is not so bad. Can you imagine PMS or LSD? lol
  7. If the initials are not BM for the first and last name I don't see a problem with it. What is the first letter of your last name?
  8. :lol: I wish I had thought fast enough. It just caught me so off guard!
  9. I once had an officer ask me to move. Evidently, I was in his way. When I did not move fast enough to his liking, he said to me, "Are you deaf or just dumb?" His attitude pissed me off royally but it was not worth arguing with him... Edited to add this was a Paulding officer...
  10. I agree with you. Bristol Marie, beautiful name...
  11. Brown's Foods near West Metro Meats...
  12. Where is Syms located? I've never heard of them...
  13. MeWhoElse


    Hopefully you were able to keep your benefits. Good luck in your search!
  14. There are bad apples in EVERY profession. Why must you always focus on LE? Makes me wonder what is in your closet you aren't sharing...
  15. I'm not sure that he will make it to the end but he is awesome. Looks fine, too...
  16. Yayyyy, Casey my favorite of all of them made it!
  17. Like you though, I can't remember the names yet but all my favs seem to have made it through so far...
  18. So far so good! If I am remembering correctly who is in these rooms, I think room 3 is the weakest link...
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