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Everything posted by melnsid

  1. Our garbage company has not picked up our (the entire street) trash for the last two weeks. They seem to miss one week every month. I called yesterday and got a very rude customer service lady. When I asked to be credited for those 2 weeks she stated they don't credit since she would send someone out tomorrow (today) to pick it up. She stated that since they would picking up all my trash on one day it is the same as if they picked it up every week If I pay for the service to have it picked up once a week and they decide twice a month is fine, would you think they needed to credit those w
  2. EP just intercepted the ball!
  3. EP 27 NG 21 EP missed the extra point. less then 1:50 left
  4. EP 21 NG 21 8:33 left to go
  5. NG just scored. EP 21 NG 14 3rd quarter
  6. But aren't you supposed to stop and leave a car length or two between you and the next car??
  7. Yeah and funny thing is, a police officer was one of them lined up in the gore! I understand why people use that gore because if not EP drive would be backed up FOREVER, but still a gore is a gore and they shouldn't be allowed to line up in it.
  8. They need to sit in front of East Paulding high school then. That gore is FILLED with cars and BUSES every morning! They could make a ton of money there. And I agree driving through the gore should get you a ticket. But because you entered the turn lane a split second to soon (with no cars around) and get a ticket because officer stated that your front tire crossed the yellow line is insane.
  9. My husband got one too at 92 and east Paulding. His front tire went over the line too soon. He fought it in court and they dismissed it. Had he rode in the gore to get around a lot of people then he deserved the ticket but that wasn't the case at all.
  10. Anybody BUT Southern Towing!!! S&S has always been quick and very reasonable.
  11. Great- another day to beat my head against my desk at work I don't think I can take another day like Monday and today.
  12. We have ATT at work in Marietta and OMG IT WAS SLOW AS CRAP today!!
  13. Oh and yes Maks is HOT!!
  14. I don't watch the show that much either but the penguin thing cracked me up because my coworker has said from day one he looks like a penguin dancing She tries to show me what he looks like and it is hysterical.
  15. It was scary having her mouth wired shut. She had to carry pliers with her at all times just in case she were to choke or whatever. Again, this was 22 years ago and the surgery may be totally different now. I do know, she was in pain all the time so the surgery was a success for her. My older sister has it but a minor case and she just takes ibprofen for the pain when need be.
  16. My twin sister had it and my parents opted to have the surgery for her when we were 16 years old. I think hers was a severe case though. It was a rough surgery where they had to cut part of her lower jaw out and then wired her mouth shut for like 8 weeks. Once recovered from the surgery she never had pain again. This was 22 years ago so I am sure the surgery is done alot better now.
  17. I think they are filming at that old bank as the sign doesn't say "Hiram" police. And they have big trucks (like lighting trucks) there right now. Could be wrong but it looks like they are filming something there tonight.
  18. That is so cool!! I will have to ask my neighbor about what they said.
  19. We have had a man that has walked through our subdivision for 3 days in row and he has only walked up to 2 houses and wrote down information. He was back yesterday and spoke with the homeowners. It was very strange and I heard they are looking for somewhere to film (I don't know what though or even if that is true). I haven't been able to speak with my neighbors yet to confirm.
  20. She and her family live in Ft. Lauderdale. She has done very well for herself and a few years ago needed to buy another home for tax reasons (must be nice). So they go up whenever possible and they stay all summer long. It is a beautiful area and home.
  21. My sister went up to her house in Blowing Rock, NC to check out the fall leaves. This is the view from her mountain home. Would love to be there right now!
  22. Is it a front loading machine? If so your lint filter is most likely clogged. It is usually behind the bottom panel. Unscrew panel and pull out filter slowly.
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