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Everything posted by melnsid

  1. I see you still have trouble spelling correctly. And you are an educator?? I am sure there are professors who offer recovery but I would think that is few and far between. I have made sure my kids understand that passing the first time is the only thing acceptable in my household. They are not in college yet, but isn't that what we are suppose to prepare them for? Nah, just give them the easy road to take and worry about the rest later. I have a son in college and he has pretty strict professors who won't offer any recovery. So it is a good thing he has learned to pass it t
  2. It is a joke! What happened to pass the first time or fail and repeat the grade? You don't get a re-do in College so this is only hurting the kids who think it is easier to just fail and take the recovery part and be done.
  3. But on the other hand, if one is not making the grades he/she would not be eligible to receive a scholarship.
  4. With my boys if you didn't make A's and B's you did not play...period. And homework must be done before practice or games. To me school is way more important then sports (no matter how good one may be). If your goal is to try and play at a higher level (high school/college) then you must make the grades to do it. So far with my youngest (12) I have never ever had to ask him or remind him to do his homework or study for a test. He just knows if he doesn't he won't play baseball...period.
  5. I wouldn't think it is needed for a student loan but is needed when you fill out a FASA application in order to determine the amount of EFC. Unless the student is independent- like being married. Or if you are co-signing for a private loan.
  6. This morning he woke up with NO HEADACHE!!! The first time ever!
  7. It is amazing what they can do. We are hopeful that this will put an end to his severe headaches once a day and not being able to eat with out getting sick..He is 8 1/2 and weighs 35 lbs and still wears a size 3-4 T. His twin sister is normal size. He says that now he will be able to grow bigger and get stronger!
  8. My 8 year old nephew had heart surgery today and it was a HUGE SUCCESS. His first heart operation was when he was 2 days old and weighed 2 lbs! His O2 levels have always been low (87-90) and as soon as they fixed the problem his levels shot up to 99-100.
  9. Really?? Did you read Post #73??? For her to say that to me is very unfair. Most of her posts to people are negative...it isn't just me.
  10. Really?? You and NC-17 are on a roll today. Now that you have put another person done, do you feel better?
  11. Yeah right..lunch. I met you once. That was enough for me.
  12. So let me get this right. You jumped on my a$$ first (see post #73) because you are this know it all of everything and pass judgment on others to make your miserable self feel better, and when someone defends themselves against comments you made you actually feel the need to send a pm with your phone number looking for a "fight". Get a life.
  13. I believe she was asking about a letter she received and if it were really a lawsuit of some sort. There was a reason she didn't feel like she should pay Dell. I believe the computer didn't work from the get go. I don't think she ever said she wouldn't pay them. She was asking advice on what to do about the letter.
  14. I don't believe that is what this thread was really about. You only made it that way when you assumed way to many pcommers didn't believe in paying their debts off.
  15. Not really. I would just expect a school teacher to spell a little better. Apparently it isn't just me who took your comment the same way as I did.
  16. I have no guilty CONSCIENCE. I believe your comment was directed at everyone who posted in this thread.
  17. Backtracking alittle?? You said way to many pcommers in this thread...not if you owe the debt or not blah blah blah. You made the assumption that MOST people in this thread don't feel the need to pay off their debts and therefore are lowlives?? What makes you come to that conclusion?? Because some know the laws or had to fight in court?
  18. Because you originally stated that the people posting in this thread must be lowlives because they know too much about the debt collection laws. That was an unfair statement when in fact you have no clue of the situations as to why people had to fight those debts. You just automatically assumed that since someone fought a debt that they were just trying to get out of paying it. See post #53 in case you forgot.
  19. But I didn't owe $11K- HE did. And the reason they came after me was because I am in GA where they legally can. He was in FL (or the last anyone can tell) and in FL they can't touch you legally. You really think you know more about my situation then me?? Don't think so.
  20. Yep- again you are right- not. When served with papers for something you know nothing about, I called the people filing the lawsuit. I never admitted to owing them crap- just trying to clear my name and have the lawsuit dropped. Since I couldn't prove I didn't know about it, I asked if we could work a deal so they wouldn't go through with the lawsuit and buy me some time to find the EX-SOB and bring him to court. You are one of those people who think you freaking know it all. You just love putting people down. You must be one miserable person.
  21. Excuse me...re-read the posts. I didn't have knowledge of the debt UNTIL the sheriff knocked on my door and I never admitted to owing it. Yeah I am really bragging about it. You are the lowlife..always thinking you are better then others and always making your negative comments.
  22. I tried to work a deal with them...said I would give them $6000 of the $11000 that was owed...they laughed, so I went to court and asked them for the original contract and they couldn't "find" it. Case and debt dismissed. But I suppose I am still a lowlife because I actually have some knowledge on this subject??
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