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Everything posted by melnsid

  1. But the car is in both our names? Even the EMT guys told him to stay behind to take care of the car instead of riding with me. Why are they charging me a impound fee. The towing was $175 and now it is $300 to get it out and a fee of 25 per day. I am definitely asking around tomorrow. Better yet why isn't the at fault drivers insurance responsible for it. They flat out told me they don't pay for towing or the lot fee...just frustrating
  2. The towing company didn't say there was a hold on it because they said we could come get it tonight. I didn't get a ticket for anything. Could he have not drove it to the parking lot, called the company we use and they come get it? Their rates are crazy!! Do the police agencies get a kick back somehow from this? Makes one wonder.
  3. Thanks again. Hopefully it will all work out. The State Farm guy asked if I had to miss work today because of it. Of course since I spent the day in the ER getting 1000 X-Rays. He asked if I would miss work tomorrow because of it. I said most likely 1) I will be in pain (which I can deal with) and 2) I don't have a car to get me there. He said "Oh are you really hurting that bad". He was rude and I hung up upset. But Geico walked me through somethings, and atleast I feel alittle better that I will get reimbursed for the damages, one way or another. I can't say enough about Geico.
  4. The longest I will leave it is until Friday when I get paid. Plus I am in no condition to drive and my husband would need someone to take him.
  5. Thanks. I would think the owner is still responsible since he let him drive it. I am not signing anything and will ride it out a few days. I can't focus to well at the moment and with every hour that goes by another part of my body hurts. I am SHOCKED my foot wasn't broken. I could have sworn by the pain it was.
  6. I know- they said $25 a day starting tomorrow. I wanted to wait until tomorrow atleast so I can call around again and try and get more answers. I don't have the $300 right now so $25.00 or so ain't going to kill me until tomorrow- LOL.
  7. State Farm said they don't pay for towing and won't pay to get it out of the lot...yeah bull. Anyways, the driver of the truck was not a "valid" driver of the truck. The truck was owned by someone else. My husband went up to him to ask him if he was alright and if that was his work truck (there was a logo on the side) and he wouldn't say a word other then I "was" going to buy it. Never even asked if I was ok, which would have went a long way with my husband. And to think I was so worried about him. As they wheeled me by him, my husband said he just looked the other way and said nothing.
  8. I will call tomorrow and ask to see where/if something like that exists law wise.. The GSP worked mine. I wasn't there so didn't hear everything said as I was long gone before the GSP arrived. The ambulance was ticked because they had no idea why it was taking them so long to get there.
  9. He thought it sounded fishy. State Farm is the pits! I have Geico and they have always been great. They will cover it under uninsured motorists and I will just have to file my medical bills under my health insurance. That stinks too because I have a $400 deductible. Oh well, at least no one was seriously injury.
  10. My husband was there and said he would call to have it tow but they wouldn't let him, even though he is the owner too. Who knows, I will let it sit- LOL.
  11. Thanks. I will live and I can only imagine the soreness tomorrow. Thing is the owner of the truck was not the one driving. State Farm is giving me the run around. I do carry uninsured motorist and will file through that if need be. I just don't get the must be towed by who we say thing.
  12. So I was in a pretty bad accident this morning- all is fine just really sore, hard to walk since my knees are in pain and my head feels as if it could explode. I was taken by ambulance long before the police got there. The officer told my husband that even though it was drivable we had to have it towed by a certain company and to their lot. He questioned them about it but was told that is the law. Anyhow, turns out the other persons insurance isn't paying for the towing (even though other driver was ticketed for being at fault) and told us we had to go remove it from the lot it was at. So
  13. That is a friend (client) of mine. The lab I work for did the testing. Completely forgot it was suppose to air last night. Scary to think how many homes are on that list!
  14. My son is graduating Friday night!! A lot of family will be here for that weekend.
  15. I have a son (who is 18 now). I was never married but his name was on the birth certificate. I never had to worry about him taking him because he never wanted to really see him. But when my husband wanted to adopt him (when he was 6), I had to have his rights terminated because he was legally the father because his name was on the certificate. They told me he did have rights because of that and could take him without it being considered kidnapping. Best thing is to talk to an attorney ASAP.
  16. OMG, I am seriously in love with him. You can't get any more perfect then him.
  17. Maybe we should complain...I hate that thing- it needs to go. They actually live on the dirt road behind me.
  18. They said it was his choice not to wear one.
  19. I hope he is ok. My twin sister had to tip (first joint and up) of her middle finger cut off when we were 8. She opened the front door to the house, the wind was so strong it slammed it shut. Put finger on ice and they still were not able to reattach it. But somehow another finger nail grew back. It doesn't look completely normal but you wouldn't know it unless you knew about it. 2 weeks after that happened my mom cut off one of her fingers in the car door.
  20. He pitches and is going to college as a pitcher only. My youngest started playing travel last year at 10. We only did that with him because he wanted the better competition and got bored with rec ball. All I can say is for you to search out colleges that would be a good fit for your sons and talk with the coaches. It takes time and work and most coaches won't do it for the kids so you must.
  21. Actually this summer will be his first "travel team". He was suppose to play last fall but broke his collar bone in September.
  22. I will pm you his info tonight. He also preaches about grades and how important they are. School first then sports!! The high school does nothing for the kids but take your money. This coach works his butt of for his players. Also might add that he got a call about my son from a Philadelphia Philles scout who had seen him pitch. It has been fun the last month of so!
  23. I also have to say that we found a awesome coach who is truly committed in helping his players get college scholarships. He puts more time in talking with college coaches and setting up workouts then high school coaches. So no you don't have to play high school ball to play at the next level.
  24. We came up to Kentucky State yesterday to tour the campus and just had a nice long breakfast with the coach this morning. We will have the letter of intent Monday. The coach will come down last week of May to do a signing at the park my son plays for. I can't say enough good things about this head coach and I how lucky I feel to have my son play for him. Not only will he have a great time playing baseball but he will get a great education too.
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