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Everything posted by melnsid

  1. Now the hard part- finding out if a specific person works there (without calling)
  2. Just because I knew they wouldn't say Long story It worked!! THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Trying to find the owner of a specific business in Dallas. How would you find that out other then calling the place and asking?
  4. It makes your tongue black!!
  5. I saw gas in Acworth today for $3.56. Still to high but atleast it is going down!
  6. melnsid


    Twelve Oaks is across the street from me. Life Flight is has been circling for a few minutes. Praying for all involved.
  7. I didn't mind the yelling and screaming but hate that some people think they can just stand in front of the first row of the bleachers and block everyone else's view. Even when asked to move they wouldn't. That is rude in my opinion. I got there early enough to get a good seat but others thought it was their right to just stand in front of everyone. Frustrating!!!
  8. My son graduates tonight also. I am so proud of him yet so sad that the time has gone by so fast and in a few months will be leaving for college. Congratulations to all the 2011 Graduates!!!
  9. Mt Tabor Church Road near Due West Road
  10. OMG- this is the same guy that was staring at my sons friend while he was playing basketball in his driveway (guy was standing at the edge of the driveway). Asked him what he wanted and the guy wouldn't say anything. So the kid walked into his garage and got a baseball bat and went back and asked him again and the guy finally left. SOOO glad they got him!!
  11. I am grateful for the information- the more I know the less scared I might be!! I have been to Paulding also for minor things, stitches and such and they were great.
  12. Wow I can't believe you are still having problems! That is scary and I will go get a second opinion now. I will go get my records from them and give my doctor a call and see what he wants me to do. They gave me Ibuprofen 800mg and I just read that is a big NO NO if you have a concussion. I should have told them to bring me to Kennestone but at that moment I wanted to get anywhere fast! I also feel like my tailbone is broken so I need to have that checked too. I will let you know what I find out.
  13. Too late- that is who checked me over. Now I am concerned they missed something else.
  14. Thanks for the info. I was hit pretty hard from behind. I was stopped and the guy hit me doing 60mph. I remember an odd sensation in my head after he hit me (I can't describe it). The ambulance took me to Paulding Wellstar and they never even gave my head a thought- even after telling them I didn't feel right. I can remember looking at the time and thought I had only been in there for 5 minutes and it was actually 4 hours. I even said something to the nurse but she didn't seem to concerned. I will definitely call my doctor in the morning.
  15. Thanks. The sensitivity to light and staying focused are bad. I can't sleep it seems for more then 20 minutes at a time. Never had one before. Guess I will go back to the doc tomorrow or at least call.
  16. I am having a hard time thinking, focusing, reading, massive headaches, very sensitive to light and memory loss. After the accident they never scanned my head, but since it has been 36 hours since the accident, does it sound more like a concussion then something serious? Starting to panic a bit but my husband just says "you are fine, go to sleep". I can't.
  17. I was sitting at a red light and some guy came around the corner doing at least 60mph (according to witnesses) and slammed into the back of me. Never saw it coming... Glad you are ok.
  18. I am so sorry you have to deal with this too. The driver that hit me yesterday wasn't insured but the truck was. State Farm is still giving me the run around about whether he is responsible. They told me since I have uninsured motorists to just claim it through my insurance. Are you freaking kidding me?? Meanwhile, I lay on the couch can barely move and I really think my head might explode. Hope you can get yours resolved quickly.
  19. I know I don't have all the answers. And when I am wrong I will be the first one to apologize and say I was wrong. I have no problem admitting my mistakes. I can only hope I will learn from them and not make them again. But some people think you (not you specifically) are not listening and yet I don't think you are understand the reasoning behind the problem. It is a no win situation. Just frustrating. Oh well, life is good.
  20. Don't you know you are ALWAYS wrong and I am ALWAYS right?? I have my facts down but some people just don't want to see the truth, even if given to them on paper, in black and white. Oh well, life shall go on. And from here, it will only get BETTER!!
  21. really think they have ALL the answers? They seem to think that someone doesn't "get" what they are saying, but yet they can't seem to "get" what the other person is saying. I don't have all the answers. All I have is the facts that were presented to me...
  22. My family used to vacation in Boone every winter to ski. My sister now owns a second home there (well in Blowing Rock). The swinging bridge is a MUST!! I am scared of heights but I made it. And Grandfather Mountain is pretty neat too. Enjoy your vacation!!!
  23. State Farm just called and said they verified with the owner of the truck this morning (she didn't know there was a wreck) that the driver had permission to drive the truck. Now they said they are trying to get a hold of the driver (neither State Farm or the owner has had any luck) to verify with him he was responsible. I am leaving my car where it is and they can deal with it. I am sure it is totaled.
  24. It is not with them. I went yesterday to get some of my stuff out (like my glasses that were thrown from my face and under the passenger seat along with my stereo that came out of the dash and ended up under the seat ). They told me I couldn't take the stereo since it belonged with the car. I just don't get why they are charging me more then the cost to tow it. And a storage fee on top of it? It was an accident- it was impounded. Trying to get some answers now, so far no luck.
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