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Everything posted by birdmom

  1. there will be a jail cell with his name on it!!
  2. I could not marry my stepfather much less my step grandfather .......ewww!
  3. their jail cell should not have a toilet and they should have to lay in THEIR urine and feces. I cannot stand cruelty to animals or children. My one question is where they homeless? Why were the animals in a vehicle? (ahh, that was 2 questions)
  4. Thanks we are working on 12years at it. I love what I do
  5. I always round my bill up to the nearest $50. For example if its $178 I pay $200 or $134 is rounded to $150. That way I accumulate a credit to cushion the blow in the summer. Same with the gas bill helps with winter.
  6. I saw the traffic and decided to not go that way but I could not see anything
  7. Thanks MsGaStorn! Its us. We are the clothes closet and drop off point for Shepherds Rest battered women's shelter. We also help needy with clothing vouchers!
  8. we are located behind Regions bank in the Paulding Plaza shopping center. not the INGLES plaza but the one next to it hours are mon,wed fri 10-7 and tues, thurs sat 10-6
  9. yes we are open Sat 10-6 Thanks
  10. NEW SUMMER HOURS!! Monday, Wednesday and Friday until 7pm
  11. Our vouchers load has increased due to more people needing help this year. Therefore we need more clothing donations. We also like to put out at least two to three rolling racks full of clothes daily to keep a large variety. We REALLY REALLY need adult clothing both men's and women's!! We will be glad to get kids clothes but really need adult items! also household items and furniture needed too! Thanks! Birdmom NOW OPEN MON, WED & FRI until 7pm for the summer!!!
  12. I am sorry to hear about Dick Trickle's passing. by the way I used to like a local Atlanta band in the 80s and 90s call The Swinging Richards
  13. I hate those ball sack ornamentals
  14. birdmom


    I have hot flashes so the cooler the better
  15. what is the cash price if no insurance?
  16. yes, books too! I really appreciate it
  17. Thank you! love the boston terrier you used on your avatar
  18. Everything Thank you
  19. We need donations of all kinds Thanks to the people who donated yesterday it was a good day but still need more for spring There have been a lot of people using vouchers and we need to keep the store full Thank you
  20. is there a way to fax without the home phone?
  21. one of the light poles fell down in my parking lot in front of The Thrift Store and Dallas Billiards. almost fell on Kristy's van (not me but my employee Kristy)
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