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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. My Daughter, son in law and family are going to England to spend Christmas with his family. They had their passport photos taken about and month and a half ago. All pictures taken at same place. Friday they receive a letter that my granddaughters picture is unacceptable. They are due to fly out on the 20th.


    Does any one know if there is a place in the Atlanta area that they maybe can drive too and get the passport

    expedited, like in a day. Sure would appreciate it if any body can help. Thanks

  2. Tell him if he loves you and your family, he will gets his butt to a Dr.


    I don't know how old he is, but it seems like once you hit 45 your susceptible to everything. I went to a Dr. for a cyst on my back when i was about fifty. Had not been to a Dr. in 4 or 5 years. He ran some tests on me. Keep in mind I felt fine and maybe in 30 years I was to sick to work for the most 7 days. The tests returned.

    I had prostrate cancer(grannyma is a fellar), high blood pressure, typeII diabetes and a melanoma. All caught early enough and here I am 14 years later.


    Get to a Doctor!

  3. After listening to Ms. Roper's statements, I realized she did not understand why the people said no. I would gladly vote yes if the BOE told me that the money was to be used for educational purposes and to use it as stated. I do not want my money to be spent on theaters, tennis courts and schools that look like the Taj Mahal.

    Use the money to build a nice safe and secure school and put the money into the classroom and equipment.

  4. Auto Insurance Rates will depend on a number of things like age,sex,area you live.

    (These Are Just a few) :)


    Some insurance companies also use your credit history, which could make a couple of hundred dollars difference in the quote. But most of the companies will not inform you of this factor.

  5. You might want to read the Farmers Bulletin if you can get a copy. I see ads in there all the time hunting for a little stable help. The Bulletin is put out free from the state agriculture department. You may want to call 404-656-3722 and get a subscription. NO COST

  6. Jeez, is that all she has to worry about. You ought to be thankful he has grandparents that are proud of him and want to share their love for him with their friends also. He could have grandparents like my grandson-in-law. They came to his wedding and stayed long enough just for the vows and then left. Until the day of the wedding, his grandfather did not even acknowledge my granddaughter, all he would do is lay on the couch and watch tv.

  7. Slimbrowser. has tabs at the top so you can have mutiple windows going with tabs to flop back and forth with



    FYI: Mozilla also has this capability of multiple tabs
  8. I posted Friday that there was 3 special young men going to Perry, Ga this weekend to participate in the statewide Equistrian Special Olympics and was representing Paulding county. Below is part of an E-mail I received fron the local coordinator for Special Olympics



    As some of you know, this weekend was Special Olympics/Paulding Counties First State Competition. Three Athletes, Michael Tankard, Austin Beal and Cody Gienapp competeted in the Equestrian Competition in Perry Georgia Nov. 10th, 11th and 12th. Between the 3 of them, they came home with 4 Gold Medals, 4 Silver Medals, 1- 4th place and 1- 5th place ribbon!!!! IT WAS AWESOME!!!!! PAULDING COUNTY TOOK THE HOUSE DOWN!!!!!



    Needless to say I am sure proud of these 3 special young fellows.


    .Now for my bragging. These 3 young people were coached by my daughter and granddaughter.

  9. This is just to wish 3 special olympians a good weekend. Cody Gienapp, Austin Beal and Michael Tankard will be representing Paulding County at the state-wide Equestrian special Olymics this weekend in Perry, Ga. These three young fellas will participate in several classes over the next three days.

  10. You can take 278 out of Cedartown over to Gadsen. Usually not much traffic. Then take either 278 or 431 out of Gadsen . You can save miles but it seems like every little town between Gadsen and Huntsville has a dozen lights, So time wise I don't think you gain anything.

  11. if it seems like a on going thing, do what i did. After my mailbox got banged up twice in two weeks. I done the following> I filled two ziplock sandwich bags with black enamel paint. tied them to gether with string so they would straddle the top of my mailbox and hang on both sides. I would go out at dark and hang them over my mail box. About a week later, I went out one morning and there was black paint all over. My new mailbox has never suffered a blow since.

  12. I have always wanted an Ionic Breeze from Sharper Image.. I would love to hear if they really work as well as they say they do!
    Per Consumer reports: "But even if it reduces ozone, you'd still have an air cleaner that does little to clean the air"
  13. Go to the library or if you know some one who takes consumer reports read magazine for OCT 2005 They tested air cleaners. shows what to look for and what to look out for. If you can't find a copy, pm me and I can scan and e-mail them if you want.

  14. I initially thought here was a man who can think for himself and had good possibilities. Lately though it seems what I hear is the same rhetoric I hear from kennedy, pelosi and clinton.

  15. Went Thursday evening. Spouse had soup & salad, I had turkey sandwich and salad and two ice teas. Salad very good, soup (cheese/broccali) tasteless, turkey sandwich dry ( stuck to my partial plate). Service very good. Will probably not go back for a period of time.

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