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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. Believe it or not , there is still areas of Paulding county where you can leave vehicles unlocked and even doors unlocked. I have lived in PC since 1980 and to this day I still have not locked my vehicles doors and about 90% of the time , one of of my garage doors are unlocked. Also if my spouse is out late I go to bed and leave the door unlocked for them.

    I also have a big dog accompanied by a big gun!

  2. Article Link here... http://www.11alive.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=82840


    Here's one of the paragraphs...


    Another precaution coaches in Paulding County take is to weigh each player before and after every practice, keeping careful records of any weight loss, to make sure each player is drinking enough water during practice to avoid dehydration.

    My son has NEVER been weighed before practice and after?!?!?... Any other Paulding Teams do this?


    That is fine for heat exhaustion but how about heat stroke, where you stop sweating and your body retains the heat .

  3. Today I received another advertisement about how much I can "save" when I purchase some type of gutter guard. I have yet to see what the cost is for these things in any advertisement from any of these outfits.

    Has any one had this done and approximate cost per foot . thanks for any input.

  4. Go to Edmunds.com and see what the true cost of the car is to the dealer. Don't forget about the hold-backs from the manufacturer to the dealer. This is money the dealer will get when the car moves off his lot.

    After getting the cost and offering a small profit, do all your negotiations over the phone. Do not go to the lion's den. Ask them to fax you the invoice on what ever car. If they want to sell, they will do it over the phone. After reaching an agreement and you go to the dealership to close, if it is mentioned about a forgotten fee that must be added. Walk out

  5. Call the sheriff's office and get the local Drug enforcement's phone #. I called them about a year ago about a local resident.

    When I talked to them, they sounded rather indifferent. The residents of that house are now guests of the state. May take awhile, but they git r done.

  6. No matter who or where you buy it , have it checked out by a independent mechanic. It runs about $75 to $100, but it is money well spent. Some of these people will come to the vehicle. If you have a mechanic you really trust, have them look it over. If the seller refuses you this option, take your money elsewhere.

  7. until "everyone" starts driving smarter. Passing up those little trips 2 or 3 times a week to the nearest convenience store, combining needed trips, warming up your car in 90 degree weather, etc, it will continue to climb. Supply and Demand rules.

  8. lot of good advice already. Here is my input. Change your eating habits. if you are going to eat 3 meals a day, have your bigger meal in midday and eat light in the evening. also do not eat anything 3 hrs before you go to bed. if you feel hungry, drink water. I get rather tired of just water so at times i will put a few drops of real lemon juice in a glassto add a little flavor.

  9. Where were you at 26 years ago when we moved to piddling county. I had just retired from the USMC and was used to when we were transferred to a new base, every body and their brother was greeting you, bringing food, offering assistance, offering to watch the kids until you were moved in.

    When I moved here, approximately 15 to 20 people stopped by to say hello and asked us to attend their church. Not one asked us to their house for a cup of coffee or anything.

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