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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. The prices are dropping because of a glut of oil now. The natural catastrophes (hurricanes) did not occur as projected by those in the know . So no interuption on supply. American public changed their driving habits, so less gas consumed. "supply and Demand"

    but I will project the prices will increase in late Oct. or Nov.. This because of the projected severe winter conditions and the crude will be diverted to making of heating oil.

  2. Is there any way that one could look up what type of commercial services are provided by by p.com members.

    Foir instance, this evening my daughter needs some work done on her house before she moves back. By being on P. com for a period of time, I am aware of several members who do this type of work and have pm'd them.

    Is there any way you can search or look at a index or something to see if there may be others who provide this


  3. Exactly. This is war. These people probably saw unmentionable horror. Let's treat them like we did the Vietnam Vets and have them come home to beat their spouse or murder someone thinking they are still in the rice fields.....
    Thats funny, i was in vietnam twice. 1965-1966 and 1969-1970. So far I havent't beat my wife or murdered any one. I have been married to the same person for 40 yrs. Please don't paint everybody with the same brush. Thanks
  4. I wonder if your green truck is the same one who was tailgating my wife on 61 between scoggins and paulding high last evening. He was sitting on her butt and making motions with his hand to speed up. Because of the amount of accidents on 61, my wife will not speed and at times she keeps it a little under 55.

  5. what kind of quantity are you hunting for . My neighbor has a pile of limbs waiting for the burn season. I could go up and pull out some the size you need and take my little chain saw and cut them to length if you think you would use them.

    what kind of wood do you need put together, I have been known to bend a nail or two.

    I will send my phone number by pm if you think I can help you.

  6. Boy, after reading the input on this , the marines have sure changed since my time. 1961-1981

    Back then you enlisted for six years. So many active and rest in the Fleet Marine reserve. You were required to maintain your basic issue and was sent a letter as to what command you were part of. You were to contact this command yearly. You were subject to recall at any time.

    After Viet Nam, we mostly got back to our pre-viet size through attrition and very selective recruiting. A lot of temporary Officers were let go. These were officers who were enlisted and temporarily commissioned for the duration and did not apply for a regular commission during this time period.

    Yes ; if i thought I could be of some use right now, I would go see the local recruiter to re-enlist .

  7. Another question? have they recently replaced your meter with one of those new ones that all they have to do is drive by and read it electronically like they did me. I am keeping 1 year of bills just in case that thing goes wacky.

  8. I wish you could read exactly what was wrong. Low scores can be deceptive when the violations are minor and not related to food or the handling of food.

    If you notice it was various cat 1 violations (immenent health hazard) on the first inspection. as lesley stated the recheck had Temp violations. which could have either been in storage or preperation. Either way, i would not want to consume the food .

  9. I am seeing ads from the Governor about how he took this state from a deficit to a surplus in funds. Could may some of this excess be attributed to the 4 % sales tax on gasoline. This tax is along with the 7.5cents

    collected on each gallon.

    if you figure out the price per gallon when he came into office and what it is today, this 4% sales tax would really add up.

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